For general questions about Nebraska not found on, please contact the Reference Staff at the Nebraska Library Commission. Staff Directory - Nebraska Department of Education Staff Directory Coordinated Student Support Services Administrator Zainab Rida, Ph.D. Equity Officer and Administrator 402-471-4620 School Mental Health and Child Wellbeing Team Mariella Resendiz Director - Education Partnership and Support 402-309-0463 DHHS State of Nebraska values our employees as well as a supportive environment that strives to promote Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging. 402-309-0463 %%EOF
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402-419-3205 402-560-0418 State of Nebraska Employee Directory . Program Specialist Create content types for the page, document, and item types in this site. 402-480-2118 Director The Whole Child, Megan Piehl 402-560-8038 I cannot get logged in to the online application, I am trying to pay my citation online, but I dont have the info its asking for, I have a charge on my billing statement and Im not sure what its for. If you have agency-specific requests, please contact the specific State Agency or the Library Commission for other questions.
Department of Health and Human Services Please be aware that, while this directory is intended to provide contact information to related programs, it doesn't not include contact information for all DHHS staff members. 8P,tbTY RLB;c|rD5T~;3*xoN@K ('p7f ~@D>xg\v&\z+zu>9f}I @Me1}j/l[A;" 41aFg 7D.J`.tj2 J WxFK dNWpouBX;0b65C9(@Ym*U84U'iY`_ZZ:64rc6 |->E#?8E~p2_p;Ha= ;$71~1=wT8&{C8]s:Nu]=uMM.d
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Useful Links for DHHS Employees - Nebraska Department of Health & Human Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Economic Assistance Toll Free: (800)383-4278 Lincoln: (402)323-3900 Omaha: (402)595-1258 JavaScript MUST be enabled to use this system. Darci Anderson. 402-219-3897 402-540-9267 Please use this site to find information about reporting new hires including online and other reporting options! 155 0 obj
DHHS consists of five divisions, seven facilities, and eight operational areas. School Social Worker . F2S Program OMAHA, Neb.
Where can I find salary information for Nebraska public employees? Main Contact Directory - New Hampshire Department Of Health And Human Technical support is available if you have questions about a online service or your Subscription.. Director, CACFP
State of Nebraska: Employee Directory | endstream
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The State contributes 79% of the health insurance premium, 100% of the basic life insurance . 192 0 obj
The five divisions are: At the end of June 2018, DHHS had 4,651 full-time equivalent employees and a budget totaling $3,580,658,297.
DAS Website: Home 402-480-2118 Core Values We are customer focused. Emergency Operation Planning Specialist 308-529-3500 HMK1s, Shawn Vondracek, Susanne Schnitzer DHHS recognizes the value of our team and the important work they do for Nebraska. Corrections?
Director Education Partnership and Support, Jewel Schifferns 402-219-2086 402-219-1339
Find contact information for state employees. State of Nebraska Nebraska Department of Administrative Services (DAS) Toggle navigation. 402-326-6862 When using the keyword search, it is best to use a single, descriptive word. endstream
159 0 obj
Use this page to search by category and find the contact information for different departments and programs within DHHS. Let us know.
402-840-0325 P>[f i1[9DiI&GL1g[cGm-z3UxS
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Program Specialist
State of Nebraska Employee Development Center. Errors will occur in processing if JavaScript is not enabled in your browser's 'Internet Options' or 'Preferences' settings. DHHS Chief Executive Officer. Please note: Technical Support is not staffed by government employees. Employee Relations. The new site will include system upgrades such as updated online reporting features, automated reporting confirmations, ad-hoc user-generated confirmations, and multiple options for . Equity Officer and Administrator
Online Directory for the State of Nebraska [3] The agency provides health and human services for both families and regular patients. . Errors will occur in processing if JavaScript is not enabled in your browser's 'Internet Options' or 'Preferences' settings. Nebraska Administrative Services Publications. Create libraries, lists, apps, and subsites to store content, and configure them to use content types.
HHS Employee Directory - PSC z
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Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Provider Loan Repayment Programs, Removing Committed Persons From Firearms Restricted Use List, File a Complaint against a License Holder, Disciplinary Actions Against License Holders, Disabled Persons and Family Support (DPFS), Social Services for Aged and Disabled (SSAD), Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Advisory Committee on Developmental Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, Critical Incident Stress Management Program (CISM), Community Health and Performance Management, Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System (CODES), Purchase a copy of your birth certificate, Submit documents that have been requested for your application, Extend your current benefits by completing a renewal or review, Update information or report a change in your household, Viewyourcurrent benefits and performother account-related tasks. HU[o0~8446PUSFaK'Nb39w%EB81*uXK Employee Assistance Program 2022-23 Open Enrollment Information Suggestion System The State of Nebraska is pleased to offer you a comprehensive benefit and wellness program.
Includes Name, Phone, email, department, Job title and location., Brian Welch !J- We recognize that our employees bring tremendous value to the State of Nebraska and that their vital work helps people live better lives.
MUST be enabled to use this system. Browse Organizations | Search employees | Customize To make corrections, see the HHS directory contact list. 21st Century Community Learning Centers If you have agency-specific requests, please contact the specific State Agency or the Library Commission for other questions. {=q%1hC',w-l[lzZw
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|> Errors will occur in processing if JavaScript is not enabled in your browser's 'Internet Options' or 'Preferences' settings. Please enable scripts and reload this page., Lauren Christensen Home; About., Ali Lampman `y7 *>fI`Ws#f?D-3 %
Program Specialist Omaha Administrative Services Employee Wellness & Benefits is responsible for the administration of the benefits and wellness programs described on this site.
All Agencies | Great benefits and professional growth are just some of the rewards of helping people live better lives. 172 0 obj
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Click on program names for additional information.
The State Employee Directory Search gets its information from the Cardinal Human Capital Management system. Please note: Technical Support is not staffed by government employees. For best results use the most recent version of the Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome web browser. Program Specialist-North Platte Office Associate ?)r%vpf?7Mct6N-`'P% D}(T@(QPV7.6e$:;v- t.+I$`'OSV@^@
Wn|R;kXbcT~G? 308-660-8755 (WOWT) - Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services employees are free to wear jeans after a legal battle that reached the Nebraska Supreme Court. Robin Kilgore., Mariella Resendiz The State of Nebraska offers comprehensive insurance benefits to permanent*, full-time employees.
We are transparent. Main DHHS Switchboard: (402) 471-3121; Abuse & Neglect: ., Sally Carlson HHS Employee Directory Last name..: First name. Search for Licensed Abstractors, lisenced, lisensed, Order a replacement drivers license, renew drivers license, replace drivers license, Order a duplicate drivers license, lisense, lisence, Order a replacement commercial drivers license, renew commercial license, replace recommercial license, Order a duplicate commercial drivers license, lisense, lisence, Order a replacement state ID card, Order a duplicate state ID card, drivers license, lisense, lisence, driver's, Transportation, Nebraska Department of, Roads, File Campaign Candidate & Ballot Questions - B1, Apply for a Aerial Pesticide Business License, Apply to Sell/Distribute Feed, Fertilizer, Soil Conditioners, Ag Lime, Apply for a Permit to Sell Agricultural, Vegetable, and/or Flower (Wildflower) Seeds, Apply for a Pet Feed or Rendering Establishment License, Renew Your Domesticated Animal Facility Permit, Renew my Feed, Fertilizer and Ag Lime License, Renew Your Nursery Stock Distributor License, Nebraska Farmers' Market and Produce Vendor Search, Report your Agriculture Quarterly Reports (Corn-Wheat-Grain-Sorghum, Dry Bean, Imported Egg), Report your Agriculture Monthly Reports (Dairy, Egg, Turkey), Pay my Feed, Fertilizer and Ag Lime Inspection Fees, Report my Agriculture Semi-Annual Reports (Grape/Wine, Potato), New Pesticide Dealer License to Distribute Pesticides, Nursery Stock Distributor License Application, Domesticated Cervine Animal Facility Permit Application, Nebraska Appellate Courts Case Search (SCCALES), File a Document with the Appellate Courts (eFiling), Search Auditor Reports by Subdivisions Utilizing a General Budget Form, Report Interlocal Agreements to the Auditor, Search for Banking Department of Actions and Orders, Search Registered Securities of Banking and Finance, Take a Virtual Tour of the Nebraska Capitol, Find a Place or Rent or List a Place to Rent, Create Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communication Cards, View and Checkout Media Library Items for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Request an Inspection from an Electrical Inspector, Search Electrician Continuing Education Hours, Request an Inspection from an Contractor Electrical Inspector, Apply for an Electrical Apprentice Registration, Apply for an Electrician Registration or License, Apply for Nebraska Dollar and Energy Saving Loans, Access Nebraska Energy Codes for designers, builders, codes officials, Search Weatherization Assistance Program Service Providers, Search for an Engineer or Architect License, Search Firework Distributor/Jobber License, Purchase or Apply for Hunting and/or Fishing Permits, Download the Official NE State Game & Parks Outdoor Guide App, Download the Official NE Fish & Wildlife Guide App, Gretna Public Library Online Registration (AE), Gretna Occupation Tax Remittance Form (AE), Health & Human Services, Department of (DHHS), Search Child Care and Living Facility Licenses (Including Disciplinary Action/Results), Search for a Health Professional License (Including Disciplinary Action/Results), Search Business Licenses (Including Disciplinary Action/Results), Order a List Containing License for Health Professions, Facilities and Services, and Early Childhood, Monitor the Status of Health Professional Licenses, Order a Sample Water Testing Kit (Private Citizens), Order a Sample Water Testing Kit (Public Water), Certified Peer Support Specialist (CPSS) Certification, Apply for a Peer Support Core Curriculum Training, Apply for an Oversize/Overweight Vehicle or Load Permit, Attorney Portal - Online Services for Attorneys, Register a Contractor with the Department of Labor, Search Services for Job Seeker or for Employers, Find Employment Opportunities with the State of Nebraska, Find Employer Unemployment Insurance (UI) Program Information, Find a Job in Nebraska with the NEworks Apple App, Find a Job in Nebraska with the NEworks Android App, Track Legislative Activity with BillTracker, View Liquor Commission Wholesaler Reports, Make an Online Wholesale Reporting/ACH Payment, NLCC Active Roster, Keg, Law Books Order Form, Order Park Permits or Make Rural Water Payments Online, eNotice, subscribe for paperless renewal notices via email and text, Submit Applications for Handicap Permits (Medical Professionals), Request a Duplicate or Replacement Handicap Permit (Public Services), Renew your License Plate/Vehicle or Boat Registration, Renew or Replace Your Commercial Driver License, Commercial Driver License Appointments & Testing, Request a Covered Farm Vehicle Designation, Driver License Record (DLR) Data-to-Data Search & Retrieval, Driver License Record (DLR) Monitoring Service, Driver License Record (DLR) Point-To-Point Searches, Check the Order Status of a Specialty Plate, Vehicle Title, Lien & Registration Special Request, Vehicle Title, Lien & Registration Searches, Student Driver Safety School Waiver System, Check Eligibility for an Ignition Interlock, Driver License Record (DLR) Administration, Order Transcripts & Certified Driver Records (City & County Attorneys), Print your 30 day Temporary Driver's Licensing Document, Navigate the Process of Setting Up a New Business, Submit a Pump Installation/Construction Modification Form, Submit a Notice of Water Well Decommissioning, Renew/Replace your Concealed Handgun Permit, Search Background History (Arrest, Court & Driving Records), Search Sex Offenders by Name, Region, or Location, Directory of Postsecondary Institutions in Nebraska, Renew an Accountant Firm Sole Proprietor License, Search for Public Accountant Disciplinary Actions, Public Service Commission Order Search System, Order a Real Estate Roster/Mailing Labels, Submit Real Estate Course Credits (Education Providers Only), Purchase a Real Estate Trust Account Manual, Purchase a Real Estate License Law Manual, Apply for a Nebraska Real Estate Salesperson Examination Retake, Search Real Estate Licensee and Applicants, Apply to Register as a Professional Corporation, Check the Status of your State Income Tax Refund, File your Withholding Tax Return (Form 941N), Find Information about Motor Fuels Tax Laws & Filing Requirements, Find Information about a Tax Payment Plan, Perform Corporation Records Special Request Searches, Order an Online Certificate of Good Standing, File a For-Profit Corporation Occupation Tax Report, File a Non-Profit Corporation Occupation Tax Report, File Documents for Domestic & Foreign Corporations, View the Advanced Traveler Information System (Nebraska 511), File Unclaimed Property Claim (under $500), 2020 Conservation Tree Program Order form, Submit an Application for the Governor's Wellness Award, Workers' Compensation Court Document eFiling. | Note: For HHS OIG personnel inquiries, please proceed to It is the policy of the Nebraska Department of Education not to discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, color, religion, marital status, age, national origin, or genetic information in its educational programs, admission policies, employment, or other agency programs., Carey McCoy : Agency: Other org..: Job title..: Return no more than rows (maximum 500).
DHHS is Nebraska's largest agency and is responsible for nearly one-third of the state's government, both in employees and budget. School Health Liaison Health & Human Services, Department of (DHHS) Order a Birth Certificate Find a Childcare Provider Search Child Care and Living Facility Licenses (Including Disciplinary Action/Results) Request Financial Assistance iServe Search for a Health Professional License (Including Disciplinary Action/Results), Jan Handa MfIVJP*U/VEkm=}JiNCY$N bxlEZEqmZ<2. In addition, the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) hostname will be updated for employers who send files. Each agency manages the updates to their employee information. 402-405-7119 Additional information regarding SFTP changes is available on the File Transfer page., Ranae Aspen, Kim McClintick Find addresses, phone numbers, social media link and more all on one page. Mailing .
DAS Website: Wellness and Benefits - Nebraska 402-450-6278 21st Century Community Learning Centers 402-560-8377
Douglas County Employee Directory Search (Nebraska) - County Office Useful Links For Employees; more + Contact Us., Jay Martin Important Updates. Program Specialist School Lunch
HHS Employee Directory - Full Contact Information by Agency [3] The agency provides health and human services for both families and regular patients. School Safety Program Associate The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services has launched a new website to host its State Directory of New Hires on October 1, 2022. hVn8>&oDE'Mwu(! Coordinator Team Nutrition, Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Great benefits and professional growth are just some of the rewards of helping people live better lives. Search for programs by name, topic or keyword. 402-309-0883 Register to report New Hires on the internet or to securely transfer files: Login and report New Hires online or transfer files if you are already registered: Enter a scheduled NE New Hire Web Conference: The new site will include system upgrades such as updated online reporting features, automated reporting confirmations, ad-hoc user-generated confirmations, and multiple options for reporting new hires electronically. JavaScript In 2019, DHHS announced it was . The New Department of Administrative Services Website Next We are DAS Vision Grow Nebraska Mission To grow opportunity through more effective, more efficient, and customer-focused state government., National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), Kayte Partch Administrative Contacts; Concerns or Complaints . We recruit, hire, train, and promote in all job qualifications and at all levels without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or ., Laura Lutz Program Specialist Psychological First Aid Lead, Sandy Edwards 0
State Employee Directory | AWARE Grant Coordinator
PDF DHHS"). - Nebraska Attorney General Get in contact with every Nebraska State Agency using our All Agencies page. UFBQBMT%ZU4KB%$I:-1,%x#!, Aspen Shirley, Kimberly Jacobson
Home - Nebraska State Directory of New Hires, Cesar Torres
DAS Website: Active Employee - Nebraska Main DHHS Switchboard: (402) 471-3121 Abuse & Neglect: (800) 652-1999 Suicide Prevention: 988 Economic Assistance: (800) 383-4278 Medicaid Assistance: (855) 632-7633 more.. iServe Nebraska Explore and apply for benefits Submit documents that have been requested for your application Extend your current benefits by completing a renewal or review, Jessie Coffey Nebraska State Government Directory (PDF) Nebraska State Legislature (PDF) Please turn on JavaScript and try again. 402-471-2944 245 Fallbrook Blvd Suite 100, Lincoln, NE 68521 -- PO Box 98922, Lincoln, NE 68509 -- phone (402) 471-2186, toll-free (877) 253-2603 The Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) is a state agency of Nebraska, headquartered in Lincoln., Brian Welch Tobacco Prevention Division for Children, Youth and Families, Division of Long Term Supports and Services, Bureau of Child Development & Head Start Collaboration, Division of Economic and Housing Stability, Medicaid Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Parity, New Hampshire Prescription Drug Affordability Board, Bureau of Drug & Alcohol Services Training, Governor's Commission on Alcohol and Other Drugs, 2023 State of New Hampshire All rights reserved, An official NEW HAMPSHIRE government website, Communication Access & Language Assistance, Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Substance Misuse, Resources for DHHS Providers, Small Business & Nonprofits. Postal Service ZIP Code Lookup CHARTS Specific CHARTS Support Records N-FOCUS Specific Bond Value Program Specialist School Lunch, Summer Food, Equipment Grant endstream
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402-560-8246 Participation in the State's insurance program is voluntary. DHHS is Nebraska's largest agency and is responsible for nearly one-third of the state's government, both in employees and budget.[4]. 402-309-4160 [5] Youth Rehabilitation & Treatment Center - Geneva (YRTC-G) in unincorporated Fillmore County, near Geneva, is the juvenile correctional facility for girls. Use of multiple words will increase the search . Program Specialist School Lunch Program Specialist School Lunch State Coordinator 21st Century Community Learning Centers HHS Employee Directory list of employees in all HHS Agencies and organizations. Our conclusion is consistent with January This change is also scheduled to take effect beginning October 1, 2022. We focus on saving taxpayer dollars. Configure the search settings for this site. Office Associate 402-417-3324 [4], Youth Rehabilitation & Treatment Center - Kearney (YRTC-K) in Kearney is the juvenile correctional facility for boys. 531-893-3051 Zainab Rida, Ph.D. )E;C]xI`A$Ny #VE0aDjNB\`GA#5d>np- Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Provider Loan Repayment Programs, Removing Committed Persons From Firearms Restricted Use List, File a Complaint against a License Holder, Disciplinary Actions Against License Holders, Disabled Persons and Family Support (DPFS), Social Services for Aged and Disabled (SSAD), Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Advisory Committee on Developmental Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, Critical Incident Stress Management Program (CISM), Community Health and Performance Management, Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System (CODES), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Library of Congress Official U.S. Executive Branch Website Listing, Nebraska Department of Correctional Services, DHHS Roster of Licensed Child Care and Preschool Programs in Nebraska, Nebraska Department of Correctional Services - Inmate Search, American Public Human Services Association, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services -, NFOCUS Internal Staff Access Checklist (Child Welfare, Juvenile & Adult Protective Services), NFOCUS Internal Staff Access Checklist(Economic Assistance), NFOCUS Internal Staff Access Checklist (Financial Services), NFOCUS Internal Staff Access Checklist (MLTC), NFOCUS Internal Staff Access Checklist (PH, DD, & Operations), Supervisor Guide to NFOCUS Role Based Access, Nebraska Department of Revenue Property Assessment Division. $Xk3 "v 0`~
@ 5, Jessica Furmanski Last Name (Required) First Name (Optional) Select Agency (Optional) (Optional) Agency Number (Optional) Leave blank. 402-219-3878 2022-2023 Nebraska State Directory of New Hires|Site design by Stellarware, Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement. When using the keyword search, it is best to use a single, descriptive word. Questions, Comments, or Ms. Hegr asserts that DHHS' legal analysis relating to its ability to withhold the supervisory files under 84-712.05(7) does not change because the information maintained in those records pertains to you. City of Lincoln Employee Pay Plans; City of Omaha Employee Pay Plans; LegiStorm US congressional staff salaries are available for free on the web; Nebraska Blue Book (Current Edition) Includes information about the organization of state government, as well as information on state-level elected offices, including job description and salary information on the Governor, Lieutenant Governor . Each agency manages the updates to their employee information.
All Services | Find contact information for state employees. School Health Services, Andrea Riley Internal Agency Career / Promotional Opportunities. 402-416-4655 402-580-2210 State of Nebraska corporate office is located in 1445 K St, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68508, United States and has 14,669 employees. 402-480-3046 You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server., Sarah Smith Click on program names for additional information., Erika Wibbels In this case, use just "medicaid" to narrow the search. The records you seek from DHHS contain personal information about you, a DHHS employee. Program Specialist School Lunch DHHS recognizes the value of our team and the important work they do for Nebraska. We support our staff by offering fantastic benefits, training and development opportunities for personal and professional growth, and a positive, team-oriented atmosphere. 402-560-8187, Jenna Hilligoss 402-405-2629
DAS Website: Contacts - Nebraska Nebraska Department of Education Homepage, Accreditation/Rule 10 & School Improvement, Nebraska Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (NPBIS), Private Postsecondary Career Schools (PPCS) and Veterans Education, Human Sciences and Family and Consumer Sciences, Office of Coordinated Student Support Services Home, Office of Coordinated Student Support Services, How to Develop a School-Based Mental Health Program, Funding a School-Based Mental Health Program, Early Intervention and Treatment (Tiers 2 & 3), School Mental Health Training Announcements, Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child, Fostering Connections Liaison Network Child Welfare, Fostering Connections Liaison Network Facility-Based Schools, Fostering Connections Liaison Network Probation, Fostering Connections Liaison Network Behavioral Health, Nebraskas Fostering Connections Liaison Network, Fostering Connections Liaison Network Public Schools, Fostering Connections Liaison Network Educational Service Units (ESUs), ESSA School Stability for Students in Foster Care, NDE-DHHS State Ward Statistical Snapshot Reports. hb```^B ea8
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402-955-6875 Part-time employees who work 20 or more hours are also eligible for insurance benefits. Choose and configure the navigation model for this site. endstream
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Careers of Caring - Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services