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Gienna Albright, Carter Allen, Arianna Arena, Lymeir Beatty, Jennel Birth, Evelyn Bortner, Faith Bowers, Gavin Burfield, Gwyneth Campbell, Amylah Carter, Dylan Champiney, Logan Christman, Kitt Comstock, Ella Cook, Gavin Coons, Armanda Cruz, Gianna Dattilo, Alan Eckenrode, Nickolas Farrell, Janiyah Febres, Gabriel Fleishman, Chase Freese, Nicholas Fritzen, Samuel Funk, Neenah Garcia, Stephen Girard, Arianna Gonzalez, Nayalis Gonzalez, Maylee Greenawalt, Gavin Groff, Tallan Harper, Keegan Hartzell, Luke Henzes, Kendra Howell, Maura Hysore, Jeremiah Ingram, Vivian Jamison, Wassim Jelbaoui, Rahmere Jenkins, Promise Johnson, Zohara Kakar, Levi Keeling, Carter Keeney, Brooke LaBombard, Jacob Larroy, Zaninab Latimer, Nathan Linsinbigler, Rayna Maguire, Eliana Marosek, Samirah Martin, Henry McConnell, Addisyn McHugh, Mylie Merchant, Hailee Mills, Colton Milone, Ashton Murphy, Saniya Newton, Keira O'Brien, Maddox O'Shields, Kennedi Peterson, Evan Pettine, Kennedy Roeder, Caydin Romain, Jeremy Rush, Lillian Saing-Hauck, Ella Seasholtz, Lathan Sharpe, Sophia Singleton, Ronan Somma, Kasin Steinmetz, Lucas Stetler, Abigail Stetler, Nyla'H Stubbs, Nakayla Sumner, Brianna Thornton, Dylan Toner, Olivia Unger, Kitana Velarde, Madelyn Wages, Alvin Washington, Samaya Weightman, John Wiese, McKenna Wilson, Ariella Young, Andrew Zuniga-Castro. Westland Middle School: What is the Honor Roll. To paraphrase Captain Jack Sparrow, Arithmetics, algebra, calculus those are tools a mathematician needs. Her articles have appeared in "Lamorinda Weekly." Prizes include having bi-weekly raffles and an exclusive party. for (i=0; i
Academic Awards / 2020-2021 Academic Awards Alali, Samer. Alali, Sami. else {
Middle School/High School 131 Central Street Foxborough, MA 02035 Phone: 508-543-2508 Fax: 508-543-7982 [email protected] How to Access Study Island for PSSA Review Assignments, Padres Latinos del distrito escolar del rea de West Chester, WCASD K-12 Counseling and Mental Health Professional Services Guide, Excuse Notes/Justificacion de inasistencia escolar, How to Address Educational Questions and Concerns, 4 Ways Parents & Families Can Get Involved, Calendar Sync - Adding WCASD Events to Yours, CHECK! Distinguished Honor Roll. - must have satisfactory attendance (have not received letter). Distinguished Honor Roll: Evan Burgess, Liam Burton, Benjamin Czech, Maci Earp, Hallie Heims, Cameron Hilton, Addyson Hines, Kannon Hoover, Makayla Kendall, . No grade lower than letter grade B (3.0). Nestled beyond the Oakland Hills in Lafayette, Calif., Jill McTaggart has been a middle school teacher since 2005. %%EOF
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Show All News. AMC-8 is a 25-question, 40-minute, multiple choice examination in middle school mathematics designed to promote the d=+k*O$c`iT{'o]X Wn|G yr>Z?ny{l--t,b>?lUc2KW^}g__fm;q%(g<3R4tL`\R[%@X/ $AzAXg$x"cqZB~&dW^#Q$=c*faxU>g=3,JMyn:1[Ke%$nu*P2
I\( Y,9*I BlE]s'ts:qk;uy8_.LW`0klf$7G"MKBfi`0AOv Q=s`R3XZ The middle school honor roll recognizes those students who have consistently performed in an outstanding manner. The Distinguished Honor Roll represents students that have a GPA of 3.8 to 4.0 and above. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Regular Honor Roll is obtained by maintaining a 3.25 average. 0000009007 00000 n
A GPA of 3.8 would usually be in the distinguished honor roll. Winamac Community Middle School Honor Roll - Second quarter 2021-22. AMC 8 publishes a number of Rolls for top students. Honor Roll - Jersey Shore Area School District 1st Quarter Honor Roll and Distinguished Honor Roll. Jan 24, 2022 Jan 24, 2022; Sixth Grade. Har-Bur Middle School third-quarter honor roll, 2016-17 Grade 8 High Honors: Ali Akhtar, Brynn Allen . Second Quarter Grading Peiod. * Averages are calculated by a formula that takes into consideration the length of the course (year/semester/quarter), as well as the grade . Distinguished Honor Roll Lamberton Middle School Second Marking Period 2020-2021 6th Grade Distinguished Honor Roll Zoe Burnett, Reagan Cardin, Evelyn Daniels, Hailey Denton, Brianna Kretzing, Alyvia McBride, Mary . Our STAR Program is meant to recognize and reward students who are academically or behaviorally achieving. Brett Batuello Award 6th grade - Presented to students with outstanding citizenship and who are good role models for their peers as determined by a team of teachers. Fall 2020 Middle School Distinguished Honor Roll Successful, lifelong learners set aside a time and a space every day to do their homework. High academic achievement or extraordinary accomplishments in the subject area.2. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. Distinguished Honor Roll- AMC 8 2022 Location: Overall Total Students: 1010 Score First Initial Last Name Grade School Name Institution City 25.0 A Agarwal 8 Competitive Kids STEM Projects Brampton, ON 25.0 A AGRAWAL 8 Odle middle school Bellevue, WA 25.0 A Akella 8 University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX At the left you will find links to the listings of students that have satisfied the given criteria. The following criteria shall be used in determining eligibility for the honor rolls: 1. Recognition / High School Honor Rolls - Naperville Community Unit // Email obfuscator script 2.1 by Tim Williams, University of Arizona
64 19
950 Sing Sing RoadHorseheads, NY 14845Phone: 607-739-6357Fax: 607-795-2525Grades: 7-8Hours: 7:45am - 3:05pm,
Students may not have "U's" in citizenship during the first 3 quarters of the current school year, and no "N's" in citizenship during the first 3 quarters of the current school year. Academic Planning / Honor Roll and Distinguished Honor Roll Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). This is not an easy achievement! HONOR/MERIT ROLL . 8th Grade Distinguished Honor Roll Lennox Brown, Erin Brown, Lucius Fischer, John Forrester, Madison Gotschall, Lillian Kaden, Ethan It is a great way to practice and track your improvement in a very challenging test. Anika Bou, Jodi Butler, Elise Clement, Leah Coppa, Drake Dale, Allison Filak, Ella Hawthorne, Melanie Kehl, Han Kim, Madelyn Kinzel, Vivian Kyler, Angel Lin, Jordin Longaker, Dominic Magazino, Alyssa Matarese, Fintan McKiernan, Joshua Migdal, Bryan Nihart, Cayden Ohler, Anya Olock, Sophia Reinhart, Gianna Rytel, Zoe Showers, Lucille Sicher-McGinley, Leighton Spinozzi-D'Andrea, Grace Weikel. Top Student in ELA/Math/ Science/History/Arts, Recognition for outstanding achievement in the Science Curriculum. Visit our Subscription Center to see what subscription options we offer! link += (ltr);
Get in the habit of studying for a set amount of time, such as 45 minutes, followed by a 15-minute break. Albrecht, Maya Elizabeth. Ahern Middle School announces second term honor roll hb```,@(\jmx6r}{9XY~bjPa@!-UPHYj^800G@Et:LsCGG}( @1!>R|y>Yf1fIff-:X@ cT
Dover Area Middle School 46 West Canal Street Dover, PA 17315 717-292-8067 717-292-4721. x |T7{dMl$$$2V1 KB db1 Zk]BpAk-.jEkRZT)s$xo_>w @( 6 bR:3SFgN3{p#2wp&MH0 u3zC/eed~]
Orx? The middle school honor roll is determined for each nine weeks by the calculations of grades received in all classes according to quality point scale value. 0000005158 00000 n
News These honors often vary from high school to high school. Math is a not-for-profit after-school math program based on the premise that kids are born with the talent for math, but that talent is often lost in the boring minutia of mathematical techniques. Even though AMC 8 assumes knowledge middle school curriculum, there is no age restriction on participation. . 0000000676 00000 n
Keep these appointments faithfully. High Honor Roll average = 90 to 94%. Adventures with Mr. ltr = coded.charAt(i);
Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Grade 7 Ifeoluwa Adesola, Azaan Ahamed, Armin Ahmetovic, Shams Ajaj, Lily Akbas, Caroline Barto, Evan Bestor, Leon Borz-Baba, Emily Bowman, Lily Brown, Jack Burton, Brooke Cannavaro, Bryce Chavez, Liesl Cruz, Kyle Davison, Piper DeCicco, Gianna DeFelice, Enzo Del Mastro, Aisling Doherty, Joseph Doroghazi, Hayden Dyer, Kassidy Endriss, James Fan, June Galecki, Liam Galvin, Anthony Giuliano, Corinne Gleason, Olivia Hall, Jack Harma, Levi Haskes, Amelia Hawkins, Quinn Hays, Jalen Hotaling, Jovan Hotaling, Lucas Hu-Voong, Taewoo Kim, Tane Kim, Alayna King, Maria Koroli, Riley LaMadeleine, Christopher Larson, Zaia Lattanzio, Maureen Lee, Tyler Lentini, Caitlin Leska, Brandon Li, Peter Liapakis, Alana Little, Sylvia Liu, Ema Lopes, Charles Lucarelli, Camilla Marenholz, Sofia Martinez, Adalyn McAuliffe, Cody Meyerjack, Brendan Middendorf, Brett Miller, Robina Millner, Jack Mooney, Nicolina Moroniti, Adam Noam, Lynda Nyaberi, Luciana Ocone, Dhilan Patel, Sophia Peng, Audrey Reeve, Aditya Regmi, Matthew Rinaldi, Eli Rocklin, Katarina Rutka, Paige Samela, Minahal Sana, Alana Sapelli, Levin Scassellati, Preston Shepherd, Kyle Shutts, John Sicignano, Atreyu Signore, Olivia Slowikowski, Bella Solimine, Kristof Somogyi, Abhiram Somuri, Anthony Spinelli, Dalton Spyros, Ella Stratton, Leah Stuckal, Kathryn Suarez, Owen Sun, Joy Tannous, Mira Tatikonda, Emma Turner, Paige Turski, Leah Waitkus, Elaia Wilson, Livia Xhihani, Justin Xu, Olivia Xu. Achievement roll. Viroqua Middle School announces term 2 honor roll Feb 16, 2023 0 Viroqua Middle School has released its term 2 honor roll for the 2022-23 school year. The AMC 8 mock test consists of 25 multiple-choice questions for exam practice. Sorry, you need Javascript on to email me. Hn0F~v8yv X8gpr|2cj~OQ__MYo2]:om`=Y %8FR]& Given in memory of West Chester Area School District teacher Karen Best. The Judy Roy/Connie Alvarez chapter for the National Honor Society has been established at Dwyer Students in 7th and 8th grade who have a cumulative GPA of 3.75 or higher (qualification comes from prior year's GPA)and have completed a minimum 18 hours of community service. *qznB(nZg9G{\*!2@F0CBy-e[mBX-[g%/-(+$JJ`E+wzLs
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Please note that a letter grade of A- does not meet this criterion. The result for this student would be a cumulative GPA of 3.75 if all the classes were weighted equally. HAn0Dz@dO},^u?Ib`O?7AH3e_+1Oe3}1fb$74 HS6wAmK.qjSfmv;rd0X#r;ep!*%82D7rYB~0$OQjjgkFL\ws &0eJ~#xgK:%}?$dObr=[|5fLc'RP.tR4XO6:`{Pti}k}&b*9lCRl1cR6&'f>M>>+Q67g};m4 _LT[&w*#[l0[ l/k.nU5Y? CORDOVA Cordova Middle School has named their A and A/B Honor Roll for the second nine weeks of the 2022-23 academic year. Grade 8 - Distinguished Honor Roll Charlotte Adams Gabriella Baker Tessa Baker Steven Ball Ivy Barr Emma Berkovich Evanna Bradley Braelyn Brozovic Maria Buhian Jaxson Burchard . 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Recognition for an extremely rare, perfect 4.0 cumulative Grade Point Average for all 3 years at Dwyer. 02/22/2023 - Derry Township School District is proud to announce the distinguished and regular honor roll for the second marking period of the 2022-23 school year for Hershey High School and Hershey Middle School. What Does it Mean to Have High Honors? - NSHSS | National Society of The contest is held in January every year. Additional archived statistics will be added later. The high school has two methods to recognize superior student achievement; the Honor Roll and the Distinguished Honor Roll. South Vermillion Middle School Honor Roll - Fourth Nine Weeks Phoenixville Area Middle School 1000 Purple Pride Parkway, Phoenixville, PA 19460 P: 484-927-5200 | Play/Pause Reporting Safety Concern WPHX Daily Announcements Canvas Skyward Athletics Office 365 School Communication Reporting Safety Concern WPHX Daily Announcements Canvas Skyward Athletics Office 365 School Communication Reporting Safety Concern Alexander Aimone, Joshua Blauvelt, Luna Brett, Matthew Capinski, Anthony Ciccone, Joie-Marie Cobbold, Addyson Federoff, Nicole Filak, Brandon Haring, Cara Harner, Abigail Hawthorne, Zachary Hebert, Luke Kerlin, Elizabeth Kuehler, Emmaline Kushner, Jackson Latimer, Jason Lelina, Chaeli Mathias, Lexanne Miller, Grant Moyer, Grace Palmer, Chelsea Reisman, Alexander Robles, Nathan Torrens, Isabella Tucci, Elliot Varga, Landon Wallace-Sutton, Sophia Wallace-Sutton, Lucan Wiley, Joshua Yeboah. Three honor rolls are posted for each high school. This award is selected through the guidance and social studies departments. Willingness to help other and show leadership. Fall 2020 Middle School Distinguished Honor Roll, Secondary Academic and Counseling Support, Fall 2020 Elementary School Distinguished Honor Roll, Fall 2020 High School Distinguished Honor Roll, 8773 S Ridgeline Blvd. |pgJ2I*1NnT~U:G5vIf\?z>]dvdm-BO&m6g5"c%FQ+ !y2*eL5%xEw@lc%E83@VdU3]+,*9foe}1tQ 'N%bXp}RW4q{s}~_oOd:0G"nKLRyebqHy{vK\]0F_: O3hTwl83z=57j:5R%@Wm_Vt,"3?? #nA$XP(! Middle School Honor Roll If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. 1# t@5|
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Eighth . End of Year Awards Listed below are the awards and the criteria that qualify students for recognition at the end of the year. //-->
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