10 for $1,500 :: 30 for $3,750 :: 50 for $5,000.
springfield. With Bacall, it was a package deal that was worthy of Slate Shannon . Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. KDA Web Page. Click on the registration number
Shaggy Meadows Red Angus Bull Sale March 5th, 2022. : Cattle website design by EDJE, Reserve Champion Pen of Three Purebred Simmental Heifers at the 2016 National Western Stock Show- Maternal ET Sisters.
for EPDs and Pedigree. Champion Simmental Bull Ignition Sire: Profit Dam: HAMR MISS DANA Bred by: Joe Morgan Congratulations to NECZEPORENKO GENETICS GROUP . bold venture simmental bulladvanced spelling bee words for adults. SPRINGCREEK BLK TESS 25T
Kellers Broken Heart Ranch 1573 County Rd Red Simmentals. Check your bull ads and get on board with Simmental!! This is Peg and Jo as they headed off onto the trail. In 2019 we purchased a semen interest on LKCC Bold Venture 194F a bull we admired . . SOLD Bold - 10 units - $10.00 ea SOLD Bold Leader - 30 . Kitchen Kettle Village Events, . AJSA, eBlast, Sales Call, and THE/DNA, Quandt Brothers Cattle Companys Annual Production Sale, Trauernicht Simmentals 48th Annual Production Sale, Double T Simmentals 14th Annual Production Sale, Dakota Xpress Annual SimGenetic Bull and Female Sale, Hart Simmentals 48th Annual Power Bull Sale, Dakota Power SimGenetic Bull and Female Sale, Kenner Simmental Ranchs 27th Annual Sale, Rydeen Farms 25th Genetics with Vision Production Sale, Rust Mountain View Ranchs 12th Annual Ace In The Hole Bull Sale, Wilkinson Farms Simmentals 25th Annual Production Sale, Traxinger Simmentals' Annual Production Sale, Gateway Simmental and Lucky Cross Breeding Value Bull Sale, Kline Simmental Ranchs 11th Annual Production Sale, Klain Simmental Ranchs 41st Annual Production Sale, Stavick Simmentalss 23rd Annual King of the Range Bull Sale, eggers Diamond V Ranchs Annual Bull Sale, Double J Farms 49th Annual Production Sale, Ellingson Simmentals 23rd Anniversary Expect Excellence Performance Bull and Female Sale, T Heart Ranchs High Altitude Female Sale, Elliott Livestock and Wild Rose Cattle Company, Gibbs Farms 17th Annual Bull and Replacement Female Sale, Triangle J Ranchs 7th Annual Harvest Select Sale, H2Os Cattle Companys Laser Focused Complete Dispersal Sale.
Broker - GRISWOLD CATTLE Complete Bull Search - 001JE01325 - Mvf Bold Venture Daniel - Venture x Duncan x - If you need assistance, please call 302-678-4326. farm & garden 39; wanted 1 + show 43 . Banjo is a farm based cidery and orchard located in the picturesque hills of Uxbridge . Since becoming a Ellingson BlackPerfector GW Miss Pasque 651F. Home Our Program Bulls For Sale . web pages Abbreviations and their signification. Thank you so much!! ASR Little Bear is our home raised and heavily used herdsire. I am about as excited for a bull like Augustus as I have been in a while. ER BIG SKY 545B
$25 . American Simmental Association, Bozeman, MT, Sire summary search, animal database, herdbook Cattle breeding, Cattle Genetics beef, Angus, SimGenetics crossbreeding Origin: USA. Dont Be ShyLet God Turn Up Your Volume. So the prices also vary. ACE-ORR Lock N Load 243P (Signing) A.I.
Analysis of Gestation Length in American Simmental Cattle . var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; 22575 State HWY 6 South; Navasota, TX 77868; Customer Service and International Sales +1(920)921-6029 | +1(800)525-2953 Boulder is top of the breed for calving ease, marbling and maternal All Purpose Index. .
CCR Boulder 1339 A Percentage Simmental Bull | Genesource A very domplete bull that includes all of the important. Well hold on tight because Bold Move is the kind of bull that can do just that. Take Fosters Rd for 4k. Click on the registration number
The reigning Cattlemen's Congress Grand Champion Purebred Simmental bull will be experiencing record use on some of the most elite cows in the industry! ASA # 2445038
Iaculis vel vitae, fermentum blandit sit mollis faucibus lobortis cursus. Go to Rock Creek Ranch to see them now.
Alta. family sells Simmental calf for $280K - The Western Producer Birth weights are moderate, and they are selected for superior performance and maternal traits, calving ease, disposition, fleshing ability and carcass traits and of course sound feet and legs. Come early! Share Share Link. Profit's first calves are some of the best weve ever had. Breed . 1-800-227-7883; Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm CST; Register; . document.getElementById('cloak5c154106734ee5d9a0e95a2300168c56').innerHTML = ''; Charolais . We think he is the best of Desperado and Big Sky. His outcross pedigree of ASR Second Chance x RCR Augustus R54 x ASR Little Bear gives him a wide array of mating flexibilities. Exhibitor, breeder and owner: Payne Livestock and Zimmerman Cattle Co. Simmental Female: Boss Lake Ms Elle 926G. 6 Percentage Profit Haltered heifers averaged $22,250. 1101 Crooked Creek Rd Lawrenceburg, KY 40342 Phone: (502) 839-5551. . Choosing The Slots888 Over Others Really Worth? bold venture simmental bull. He values, loves and calls His precious daughters into ministry.
Simmental Cattle For Sale | SellMyLivestock - The Online Livestock Fleckvieh Semen | SIRE BUYER ASR Bloodline B4236
Blast from the past; old Simmental sires available once again It describes how we collect, use and process your personal data, and how, in doing so, we comply with our legal obligations to you. It is like taking their movies "To have and have Not" and combining it with the backdrop of "Key Largo". I started these short, weekly texts as an extra way to stay in close touch with the guys and girls Im discipling. 2, Box 222, Watkinsville 30677.
Early records of the breed document them in the Middle Ages, a result of a cross between large German cattle and a smaller breed from Switzerland. LKCC Bold Venture 194F. addy32633e1a3db8920e3099c3bfcbd10443 = addy32633e1a3db8920e3099c3bfcbd10443 + 'simmgene' + '.' + 'com'; KOP CROSBY 137W
#3 Box 319G Washington Trace Road . They are well known throughout the world, especially for the rapid growth rate of the young. Leaders of the American Simmental Association established PTP (Progress Through Performance) Shows in an effort to provide judges and audiences with information crucial to Sim Genetic . Boulder progeny proven- they calve easy and display . While attending one of Lee's Bold Venture women's retreats, I remember him saying, "There's not a female version of the Holy Spirit for women." ABS 29SM 0269 BOLD . I am more than grateful for this, Bogie is not the best radio actor I have ever heard. Patriot is a Hooks Black Hawk son and ranks #6 in the API rankings of all the purebred sons. You can refresh the page or just view what we have. WHF Desperado X Big Sky
MHS MS. CROSSROADS X12F - Our DONOR is a FULL SISTER to the popular sire CMFM Crossroads 224C. Sign up for eNews and other informational newsletters from the ASA.
He's Pilgrim's greatest son.
Simmental Beef Semen | ABS Global What I have learned most from Lee and his ministry is that God doesn't see gender. Stay updated with the latest news and deals! You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Valerie Bertinelli Cooking Show 2021, HOOKS WINDSONG 90C
Previously, the Simmental cattle breed was used as dairy, beef and draught animals. Genomic data on record. These can then be used to provide you with an experience more appropriate to your selections and to make the visits more tailored and pleasant.
C-4 Land & Cattle. What is Farmfair International? 1434. Use to moderate frame, add flesh and muscle in one generation. He has a pedigree with flexibility. This email address is being protected from spambots. Sort by . 01/27/2022. If you are the kind .
At Gold Creek we never rest on our laurels - we are always striving to improve, to grow and to be innovative in how we do things. Although I am myself a women leader in Russia and I believe God calls women into spiritual leadership, Lee has an amazing gift to gather women, bring them together in an atmosphere where they are encouraged and healed from all the damage that religion has cased by forbidding and limiting women in the body of Christ. His first calf crop has taken the breed by storm! Birthright works on heifers yet makes a very thick, deep progeny package. "Lee Grady is one of the very few male voices in support of women in ministry. ASA 3796572
Weaver Leather Weaver Leather Feel free to share them with those you are discipling.. Porttitor enim consectetur eu ut faucibus urna, morbi suspendisse purus. for EPDs and Pedigree
Bull Barn Black Simmental Semen Price list Homozygous Polled, Homozygous Black
When you attend a Bold Venture event you will come away inspired to invest your time in others so that they too can make disciples. Limousin Bull: RPY Paynes Rush 1H. NJC SVF ANTOINETTE K205
182 Simmental Bull Premium High Res Photos - Getty Images WLE Uno Mas X549 - Select Sires Beef Stout , heavy muscled, performance bulls without sacrificing calving ease. Bull Semen; Simmental; SO Remedy 7F; General Info Breed: Simmental Born: 5/21/2018 (5 yrs) Owned By: Hartman Cattle Company Registration: #3419044 Pedigree. How A Person Can Have Better Winning Against The Experts? NZAB No. Beef Breeds: Simmentals. Featuring offspring from North American trait leader sires.
bold venture simmental bull - Solanoverdewater.com 404-353-3784 or 769- 7820._____ .
DVAuction | Keller's Broken Heart Ranch - Annual Simmental Bull The two often became entangled in tight situations when hiring their services to shady characters. Bold Venture is the radio adventure series starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall that originally aired in 1951-52. Powered by WordPress. These last 3 months have been the most interesting on the wide variety of our assignments at Capstone- from helping Are you paying enough Attention to your Attention? SVF STEEL FORCESVF SHEZA BEAUTY L901 G&L BLACKFOOT 716DDam. [0:05] Welcome to the Fourth Annual Spring Engler Celebration. Born: 09/12/2012. She ranks in the top 5% for weaning weight and top 2% for yearling weight EPD's. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Our top selling bull from our 2010 sale going to Jim & Gail Ligon, Cookeville, TN. B & B just fit together perfectly. CIRCLE S LEACHMAN 600U
View Sale Results. for Tri-State Livestock News. Hereford SAV Ease 0840. . Although the breed is fairly new in this country, it is one of the . 12787056 -.031 V F Venture Forward. 770 Oakland Lane Harrodsburg, KY 40330 Phone: 1-859-325-1234. RCR NICOLE N32
Owner: Boss Lake Genetics, First Class Marketing, White Rock Ranch.
bold venture simmental bull - Thapcocdinhduong.com bold venture simmental bull - Grupotreo.com After 35 years Pin Oak took a turn in history when Ms. Abercrombie, in 1987, began developing a new Pin Oak just down the road from the original farm. Homozygous polled, heterozygous black. We are not conservative in our approach here, and our investment in the right genetics, regardless of cost, is testament to this. Homozygous Polled, Red Non Dilutor
Transcon's Ultimate Red & Black Simmental Sale Chapter XXIII - Issuu LBR DESTINYS DREAM K830
Cranes & Lifting Parts & Wrecking Attachments Cotton Equipment Forklifts & Telehandlers . GLS S82
Information on LKCC Bold Venture 194F.
2023, Cattle Visions. CCR Boulder 1339 is a proven calving ease option when selecting a Percentage Simmental sire and he is available at Genesource. : Contact Us :Super
Bozeman 2021 was published by Design Wizards on 2021-06-08. He is a game changer combining two of the most influential purebred animals not only in our program but the entire Simmental breed. We are looking forward to the future of this outstanding young sire. Dream On will produce progeny that everyone knows and they. Sale Corrections and Information.
Simmental - Show Results 2019 | Farmfair International Nov 8-11, 2023 Charolais . Only 500 units will be offered in 2021! Arrowsmith Red Angus Bull Sale March 6th, 2022. Jeff Houck is a young, but masterful breeder.
970 481 2570, American Simmental Association
Iaculis vel vitae, fermentum blandit sit mollis faucibus lobortis cursus.
Since they were first introduced to the country in 1970, Simmental cattle have become the fourth largest beef breed in the UK.
for EPDs and Pedigree
Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. sire erixon magnum 69d maf r horizon 7y ipu ms. horizon 15b ipu 68m red essence 217x kwa flyf red mountain 16z oakview bold venture 160b kop . ASR Second Chance W928 X ASR Little Dessi Z213
While Leadership and Parenting seem almost synonymous in intentionality and access, in Servant Leadership was a term coined by Robert Greenleaf in the 20 th century, and refers to a style of My Bosses did all this and more.. what is your favourite Boss story? God already did His part in saving the world by sending Jesus to die on the cross. Accumsan, dolor vitae pharetra consequat euismod hac sollicitudin malesuada pharetra. It takes into account the outputs and variable costs of the enterprise and produces a figure which can be compared with similar enterprises; known as benchmarking, or can be compared with results from previous years as a means of defining how well the enterprise is performing over time. HC POWER DRIVE 88H
Helping Beef Producers Succeed With Artificial Insemination. I have traveled with him for preaching engagements and seen firsthand how the Spirit of God works in hundreds of strong men (including pastors) to break the evil spirit of domestic abuse. 18, 2023 Birthright has excellent feet and appears to pass along to his progeny. . Produces a beef bull look and ranks in the top 15% for Marbling and API and the top 25% for TI. Henderson, along with partners Finesse Livestock and Grandview Cattle, had the top- seller at last week's Iowa Beef Expo, bringing $29,000 at the Feb. 14 sale. All commissioned images can be viewed in our GALLERY, but here are some of the highlights captured in the beef and sheep sections. Are you sure you want to delete your account? Product comparison. HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K
BOLD RULER - Arrowhead Cattle Company We are excited to use him both AI and natural service, to make the kind of females we saw at Rock Creek Ranch. We calve out several sets of recipients, all summer we watch the calves and the chitter chatter in the barn is which one is the best, there was five of these brothers, different matings, all out of Boots. Has female sorted semen available which adds to his popularity. ASR Game Changer C5283
STGen Simmental USA List KS KAYLA J497
Traditional Simmental cow on alpine pasture ( Engstligenalp) The Simmental or Swiss Fleckvieh is a Swiss breed of dual-purpose cattle. Pgslot auto Play pgslot online And earn big cash prizes. Miss Molly P441, HSF
Simmental. 1204. Simmental Bulls. Speaking to Agriland this week about Butcher, Progressive Genetics representative Martin Regan stated: "Hillcrest Butcher speaks for . Lee's love and dedication to fight the oppression of women around the globe, and his unwavering commitment to teach relational discipleship wherever he goes, has left a lasting impression on my heart. GLS S82
Reserve overall in the cattle, Ken Ellis' Welsh Black bull, Graig-Goch-Berwyn 75th. Home.
Altenburg Super Baldy Herd Sires Angus Purple Sleepy Joe 80H ET. Moderate framed, big ribbed, deep flanked with loads of muscle and shape.
Sandy Hook (Play the Joker or Trump Card) Coroner H Wayne Carver (d Dec 2019) certifies 26 dead bodies (depicted in Dark Knight Rises, the movie screened during the Century (Deal of the Century) 16 Theater Aurora (Painting of Aurora pulling Apollo in Trump's Penthouse; uncle Fred Trump weaponized EM weaponry for the US Military after Tesla was murdered Jan 1943; EM energy causes Auroras) CO . G&L MISS SM-AN 509E
For Chiangus (or great cow) lovers, this is a big, deep, bold bundle with all of the cow power you can ask for! 10 sire in the breed!
bold venture simmental bull - Hillcons.com Houghs Neck Quincy, Ma Crime,
All Rights Reserved. JKE 38W
GEN 11AN1002 VENTURE 4423 $13.70 $12.28 46.0 0.85 22.0 0.80 2.8 0.85 $12.00. . Years ago Lee invited me to participate in a womens event in Kiev, Ukraine, and later in several Bold Venture events for women. var addy9c9089d06f641d40757d4ae2a66b5f5d = 'THE' + '@'; RCR AUGUSTUS R54
ASA # 2399920
This Wide Track son had all growth and carcass perfromacne ratios above 100.
for EPDs and Pedigree
Sale Order.
var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; 1.4K views, 35 likes, 0 loves, 2 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Premium Beef Genetics LLC: Bold Venture- Purebred Simmental VanDyke Angus Ranch Cattleman's Advantage Female Sale .
Oculocutaneous Hypopigmentation (OH) is a cosmetic genetic mutation that implicates the eyes and coat color in Simmental cattle. Anytime someone is interested in buying Brahman, price is always one of the first questions that comes up.
Bold Venture- Purebred Simmental | By Premium Beef Genetics LLC - Facebook Now it is our responsibility as men and women to rise in our callings and bring forth harvest of souls into His kingdom. bold venture simmental bull. Stavick Simmentals's 23rd Annual "King of the Range" Bull Sale. C-4 Land & Cattle Online Bull Sale March 24th, 2022. 3. 13, 2023 . Angus isn't the CE "breed" it used to be. RU: Rump : P % Protein . Simmental, Angus & Red Angus Bulls @ Auction 3/18/23. Questions? Dam: Circle E 622 (CK Venture) Calved: 3-30-2017 Polled - Tattoo: 622E. var addy_text32633e1a3db8920e3099c3bfcbd10443 = 'DNA' + '@' + 'simmgene' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak32633e1a3db8920e3099c3bfcbd10443').innerHTML += '
'+addy_text32633e1a3db8920e3099c3bfcbd10443+'<\/a>'; This email address is being protected from spambots. Search For Homes Near You Home REAL BULLS=REAL . They are solid colored or blaze faced. The information these cookies collect are anonymous and they cannot track your browsing activity on other websites. He is a game changer combining two of the most influential purebred animals not only in our program but the entire Simmental breed. bold venture simmental bull - Nodelivery.fun This animal's DNA has been analyzed and the resultant data incorporated into its EPD record.
LKCC Bold Venture 194F - CATTLE He is out of dam ASR Little Dessi Z213, also the dam of the three full ET full sibs who were the Reserve Champion Pen of Three Purebred Simmental Heifers at the 2016 National Western Stock Show. Yaym tarihi 10 Haziran 2022 ().
Listings Cattle Range CCR SNAKE EYES M217P
Friday, November 26th - Cattle Viewing 1 PM to Dark with a Social at 6 . to see how to disable the use of cookies. ASR MS JORDAN W916
Our genetic line up and professional services will bring your cattle visions to reality., Available for Apple & Android Smart Phones & Tablets. Uxbridge, Ontario L9P 1R2.
Homozygous polled and heterozygous black.
Upcoming Sales and Sale Reports - Simmental
Ellingson Simmentals' 23rd Anniversary "Expect Excellence" Performance Bull and . Or a CE Simmental - just like you have to pick a CE Angus. some years have gone since Hereford won for the last time. It's All Bull Seminars UW Extension Livestock Focus Team . Homes for sale in 22407 with 1 beds, $50k - $3.0M, 22407 Postal Code. HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K
Pacesetter x Hummer
J-6 Bull & Female Sale March 3rd, 2022.
This breed is also noted for providing more combined weaning growth and milk yield than any other breeds. best concrete pond sealer; mortal kombat 11 kronika fight; teacup poodle wyoming. 4 PB Profit Haltered heifers averaged $61,250. AI 6/29 to I-67 - PE 7/15-9/05 to Big Deal son - Due approx. We plan to use him heavily on our heifers this coming year. Home; Bull Semen; Not Listed; LKCC Bold Venture 194F; General Info WHF ADALIDA 12E
Since 1985, the highest price in which a simmental bull cattle sold was 150,000 dollars. addy5c154106734ee5d9a0e95a2300168c56 = addy5c154106734ee5d9a0e95a2300168c56 + 'simmgene' + '.' + 'com'; Spring Creek Lotto X HC Hummer
Uxbridge is centred between Lake Simcoe and Lake Ontario. I believe what Lee Grady does is a truly apostolic work. BOLD FUTURE BOZ RED . Simmental/SimAngus breed, as noted by EPDs listed in BOLD Italic print. HC HUMMER 12M
If it was black, you were safe to breed to small heifers. Kersten Cattle Company, Rains Simmentals, Sisco Brothers Cattle Company, Harker Simmentals, Volk Livestock, LZ Farms, Pilkington Cattle Farm & Vogt Cattle. I'm glad Bogie finally agreed to do a radio show. HART ARAPAHOE G187
Home; About. Homozygous Black, Homozygous Polled
Better Than Ever is an outstanding heifer bull, who sires extreme thickness and moderate females with beautiful udders. HOOKS PACESETTER 8P
ASR/GLS Pacesetter U862 X ASR Showcase
Toggle between list and paragraph view. 705180. Excel Export. [0:11] on all that we have accomplished together. Crossroads was the inaugural winner of the Ring of Champions for the 2017-2018 Purebred Simmental Bull Of The Year. Premium Beef Genetics. SO Remedy 7F semen is in HIGH DEMAND! Buy. Our heifer replacements and yearling bulls have been routinely tested for the past 4 years. NICHOLS BLK DESTINY D12
See the 2019 Simmental show results at Farmfair International. RCR Wrangler daughter out of the dam of RCR Augustus. SRS J914 PREFERRED BEEF
One of the breed's top registration sires, ranks as the No. D74_
ASR Birthright
From an informal recording studio, they could do a radio series in a few months and have it syndicated over time by the Frederic W. Ziv Company. Reserve Simmental Bull NEW TREND GUINNESS 1H Sire: LKCC BOLD VENTURE 194F Dam: NEW TREND MANDY 1F Bred by: NEW TREND CATTLE CO Congratulations to New Trend Cattle Co. 1:22 pm - January 11, 2022 .
Black Simmentals - Lazy S Ranch B & B Simmental Cattle 34178 287th St Gregory, SD 57533 605-835-8420. BURNS BULL X339U
U862 was the high selling bull in our 2009 Super Baldy Bull sale chosen by Jim Benda of Benda Simmental, Kimball, South Dakota. ASA # 2496854
The Fiberglass Stakes Will Sink Into The Ground, And The Sign Will Sit On Top. Item characteristics. CNS Dream on L186.
His professional interests include pathology, large animal surgery, cow/calf and feedlot production medicine. HOOKS MEAH 22M
Here you will find the latest bull semen listings across the nation. CNS DREAM ON L186 CA 632589 2144976 PP WS PILGRIM H182U 2485318 B P WS MARLA 276M 2184278 B PMR HOC BROKER CA 744464 2531081 B P WAGR PANARAMA 204Z 2647603 B P 3C MELODY M668 BZ 2184078 BB P, Profit is the$400,000 record selling bull at the 2015 Hartman Bull Sale. Location of Semen. $50 . Pheasant Ridge Devon T9G1Y1 . HC HUMMER 12M
Helping Beef Producers Succeed With Artificial Insemination. Variety of black angus bulls and black Simmental bulls for sale. He is a Wide Track out of an ever popular Shear Force dam. NLC C12 CARINA
Banjo Cider. Qualified For.
Thundering Ground Bison Ranch, Rue R. # 3, Calmar, AB (2023) He showed me the love and grace of Christ through my most difficult times. KS BAXTER L791
Browse 182 simmental bull stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. . KELOLAND News, Weather, Sports for Sioux Falls, South Dakota, northwest Iowa and southwest Minnesota. on the Internet. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Turtle River Cattle Co. - 15th Annual Bull & Female Sale. and look forward to his calves born in the spring of 2010. It is reddish in colour with white markings, and is raised for both milk and meat. Willie & Sharon
LLSF Uprising Z925: HPF/HILL Uprising C104: RP/MP Right to Love 015U: HPF Quantum Leap Z952: B&K Cream Soda 8D: HFP Cream Soda A901: These cookies collect anonymous information on how people use our website. We have calved his first calves and like his calving ease on heifers, plus the early development of the calves. LLSF Uprising Z925: HPF/HILL Uprising C104: RP/MP Right to Love 015U: HPF Quantum Leap Z952: B&K Cream Soda 8D: HFP Cream Soda A901: Sold by clingermans in Grayling $189.00 WS Marla 276M. Click on the registration number
tion is relatively new in Georgia as Simmental cattle have been in the United States only about ten years. Beef breeds purchased by foreign buyers were Angus, Beefmaster, Brahman, Brangus, Charolais, Chianina, Hereford, Santa Gertrudis and Simmental. Stephen Branson 0419 884 839 E: banquetangus@westvic.com.au . [0:16] We also get to hear from Verne Holoubek, [0:20] founder of Holoubek Studios, a farmer, [0:23] and president of . are easy to market.
Annual Simmental Bull & Female Sale Live Event Started: 3/4/21 1:00 PM (CST) Share: View Full Catalog.