KFMH Airport Info (Airnav.com), ZBW Cape Sector (Archives)Falmouth, Massachusetts, United States, Feed Status: UP An ARTCC map meanwhile is about the size of a queen sized bed and frightens us mere mortals. AirMethods have XTL5000s with 8 TAC/7 TACs and programming on metro Atlanta trunking systems including NFRRSA, Cobb and Fulton. (in browser, HTML5) Here is a list of the HF aviation frequency bands: 2850- 3155 kHz 3400- 3500 kHz 4650- 4750 kHz 5450- 5730 kHz 6525- 6765 kHz 8815- 9040 kHz 10005-10100 kHz 11175-11400 kHz 13200-13360 kHz 15010-15100 kHz 17900-18030 kHz 20005-21000 kHz 21850-22000 kHz 22720-24890 kHz MWARA maps with frequency lists by HFunderground (in browser, HTML5) KCMH 040651Z 29020KT 6SM -DZ FEW012 BKN016 OVC021 02/01 A2955 RMK AO2 PK WND 29028/0626 DZB22RAB41E48 SLP009 P0000 T00220011 (launches your MP3 player) Student pilots use it . A facility established to provide air traffic control service to aircraft operating on IFR flight plans within controlled airspace and principally during the en route phase of flight. KBDL 040651Z 06012KT 1 1/2SM -SN BR SCT007 BKN013 OVC036 01/M01 A2966 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 3 PRESFR SLP045 P0005 T00061011 KDEN Airport Info (Airnav.com), Denver Center (Sector 06 Low): 128.650Denver Center (Sector 11 North Low): 120.475Denver Center (Sector 12 Low): 125.350Denver Center (Sector 13 Low): 126.500Denver Center (Sector 15 Low): 118.475Denver Center (Sector 21 Low): 125.900Denver Center (Sector 26 Low): 119.850Denver Center (Sector 36 Low): 118.575, ZDV Denver Center (High North) (Archives)Denver, Colorado, United States, Denver Center (Sector 03 High): 126.725Denver Center (Sector 05 High): 132.850Denver Center (Sector 08 High): 127.025Denver Center (Sector 09 High): 126.325Denver Center (Sector 14 High): 128.325Denver Center (Sector 16 High): 120.575Denver Center (Sector 61 High): 126.875Denver Center (Sector 67 High): 124.225Emergency/Guard: 121.500, ZDV Denver Center (High South) (Archives)Denver, Colorado, United States, Denver Center (Sector 17 High): 127.650Denver Center (Sector 18 Ultra-High): 132.175Denver Center (Sector 29 High): 132.225Denver Center (Sector 39 High): 127.525Denver Center (Sector 46 Ultra-High): 124.775Denver Center (Sector 65 Ultra-High): 127.075Emergency/Guard: 121.500, ZMP Sector 25/DLH ANG (Archives)Duluth, Minnesota, United States, Feed Status: UP Sectional Chart Airspace LegendThread starter dfb; Start date Jun 18, 2019; dfb Well-Known Member.
Resources - Library Contents - FAA - FAASTeam - FAASafety.gov
Whether you are a student pilot, retired pilot or just want to know what's going on in the friendly skies, you can listen to air traffic controllers at work any time. (launches your MP3 player) (in browser, HTML5) (in browser, HTML5) KSAV Airport Info (Airnav.com), Jacksonville Center (Sector 67 Hunter Ultra High): 132.425Jacksonville Center (Sector 67 Hunter Ultra High): 290.350Jacksonville Center (Sector 68 States High): 126.125Jacksonville Center (Sector 68 States High): 285.650Jacksonville Center (Sector 73 Allendale Low): 132.925Jacksonville Center (Sector 73 Allendale Low): 363.200, ZLA Sector 15 (SBP) (Archives)San Luis Obispo, California, United States, Feed Status: UP Sector 11 Monroeville High (UHF paired at Uniontown), Sector 11 Monroeville High (VHF Paired at Prattville), Workload for ZTL 15/16/17/28/31/32/33/34/44/50, Workload for ZTL 15/16/17/28/31/32/33/34/44/51, Atlanta (ZTL) Air Route Traffic Control Center. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. Washington, DC 20591
Home | ZTL ARTCC (launches your MP3 player) ATC doesn't deal with any of that. KMFD 040652Z 28011G20KT 3SM -SN BR OVC006 01/00 A2942 RMK AO2 CIG 005V010 PRESRR SLP972 P0000 T00110000 (in browser, HTML5) (in browser, HTML5)
KRIL Airport Info (Airnav.com), Denver Center (Low/Approach): 134.950Emergency/Guard: 121.500Rifle CTAF: 122.800, KRNO Del/Gnd/Twr/App/ZOA (Archives)Reno, Nevada, United States, Feed Status: UP (in browser, HTML5) (launches your MP3 player) KFWA Airport Info (Airnav.com), Chicago Center (Sector 37 Wolf Lake Low SFC to FL230): 119.850, ZAU Sector 36 (Archives)Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States, Chicago Center (Sector 36 Fort Wayne Hi FL240-340): 124.825, ZAU Sector 33 (Archives)Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States, Chicago Center (Sector 33 BURBN Super Hi FL350/above): 126.325, KFYV Gnd/Twr/App/ZME (Archives)Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States, Feed Status: UP KSUX Airport Info (Airnav.com), Emergency/Guard: 121.500Sioux City Approach/Departure: 124.600Sioux City Tower: 118.700ZMP Minneapolis Center (Low): 125.025, ZOA Oakland Center (44) (Archives)Truckee, California, United States, Feed Status: UP KSGF Airport Info (Airnav.com), Kansas City Center (Sector 28 Springfield High): 133.475, ZMA Miami Center (07/08/25) (Archives)Sarasota/Bradenton, Florida, United States, Feed Status: UP HF Oceanic Feeds
(launches your MP3 player) (launches your MP3 player) We are home to the smallest en-route facility by area, but effectively work a wealth of traffic from our variety of different fields in our airspace ranging from our more popular airports: Detroit (DTW), Cleveland (CLE), and Pittsburgh (PIT); to smaller fields such as Clarksburg (CKB .
Cleveland ARTCC KCHO Airport Info (Airnav.com), Washington Center (Sector 02 Casanova Low): 133.200, KCIC Tower/ZOA42 (Archives)Chico, California, United States, Feed Status: UP (in browser, HTML5) PHOG Airport Info (Airnav.com), HCF Center (Big Island Sector): 126.000HCF Center (East): 127.600HCF Center (Lanai Sector): 119.300HCF Center (Molokai Sector): 124.100, HCF Center (Lanai/Molokai/PHKO) (Archives)Kahului, Hawaii, United States, HCF Center (Lanai Sector): 119.300HCF Center (Molokai Sector): 124.100HCF Center (PHKO): 118.450, HCF Center (Big Island/Maui) (Archives)Kahului, Hawaii, United States, HCF Center (127.6) (Archives)Kahului, Hawaii, United States, TJSJ Gnd/Twr/App/CenterSan Juan, Puerto Rico, United States, Feed Status: DOWNOffline since: 2023-03-01 11:57:40 UTCTJSJ 040656Z 09008KT 10SM CLR 24/21 A2999 RMK AO2 SLP154 T02390206, Emergency/Guard: 121.500San Juan App/Dep (North/East): 120.900San Juan Approach/Departure (West/Southwest): 119.400San Juan Ground: 121.900San Juan Tower: 132.050, ZAB Sector 46 (Tucson Low) (Archives)Casa Grande, Arizona, United States, Albuquerque Center Sector 46 (Tucson Low): 125.400, ZAB Sector 46 (Tucson Low) (Archives)Tucson, Arizona, United States, ZAN Anchorage Center (Misc) (Archives)Anchorage, Alaska, United States, Anchorage Center (Anchorage High/Low): 132.300Anchorage Center (Big Lake RCAG High/Low): 133.700Anchorage Center (Johnstone Point RCAG High/Low): 119.300Anchorage Center (Kenai RCAG High/Low): 119.700Anchorage Center (Kenai RCAG High/Low): 123.900Anchorage Center (Kenai RCAG High/Low): 125.700Anchorage Center (Middleton Island RCAG Low): 133.600Anchorage Center (Sparrevohn RCAG High): 134.300Anchorage Center (Talkeetna RCAG High/Low): 125.550, ZAU Sector 63 #2 (Archives)Dubuque, Iowa, United States, ZAU Sector 75 #2 (Archives)Dubuque, Iowa, United States, Chicago Center (Sector 75 COTON Hi FL240-320): 118.425Chicago Center (Sector 75 COTON Hi FL240-320): 127.775, ZAU Sector 75/76 (Archives)Dubuque, Iowa, United States, Chicago Center (Sector 75 COTON Hi FL240-320): 127.775Chicago Center (Sector 75 COTON Hi FL240-320): 118.425Chicago Center (Sector 76 Arlington Hi FL330-360): 125.225, ZAU Sector 76 #2 (Archives)Dubuque, Iowa, United States, ZAU Chicago Center (Lone Rock, Low) (Archives)Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States, Chicago Center (Lone Rock, Low): 132.100Chicago Center (Lone Rock, Low): 133.300, ZBW Boston Center (PWL06) (Archives)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, Boston Center (Sector 06 Pawling Low): 128.100, ZBW Boston Center (DXR19) (Archives)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, Boston Center (Sector 19 Danbury High): 134.000, ZBW Boston Center (IGN20) (Archives)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, Boston Center (Sector 20 Kingston High): 125.575, ZBW Boston Center (BOS46 High) #1 (Archives)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, ZBW Boston Center (ALB22/ATH38/CAM39) (Archives)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, AWACS/Backup: 133.625Boston Center (ALB 22 sector): 121.350Boston Center (ATHENS 38 sector): 135.325Boston Center (CAM 39 sector): 128.325, ZBW Boston Center (CANAN21/BOS46) (Archives)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, Emergency/Guard: 121.500ZBW Boston Center (CANAN21 Low): 132.650ZBW Boston Center (CANAN21 Low): 371.900, ZBW Boston Center (CLIPR32) (Archives)New York, New York, United States, Boston Center (CLIPR32 Sector): 135.800Emergency/Guard: 121.500, ZBW Boston Center (HTO31) (Archives)New York, New York, United States, Boston Center (HTO31 Sector): 124.525Boston Center (SOUTHIE49 Sector): 132.300, ZBW Boston Center (CON37)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, Feed Status: DOWNOffline since: 2023-03-04 06:56:23 UTC, Boston Center (CON37 Sector UHF): 269.475Boston Center (CON37 sector): 134.700, ZBW Boston Center (GDM36)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, ZBW Boston Center (GDM36/CON37) #1Boston, Massachusetts, United States, Feed Status: DOWNOffline since: 2023-03-04 06:56:06 UTC, Boston Center (CON37 Sector UHF): 269.475Boston Center (CON37 Sector): 134.700Boston Center (GDM36 Sector): 123.750, ZBW Boston Center (MPV52/PLB53) (Archives)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, ZBW Sector 52 (Low West): 342.250ZBW Sector 52 (Low/West): 120.350ZBW52 Montpelier (Low/High): 282.200ZBW52 Montpelier (Low/High): 135.700ZBW53 Plattsburgh (High): 251.075ZBW53 Plattsburgh (High): 118.825, ZBW Boston Center (GDM36/CON37) #2 (Archives)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, Boston Center (CON37 Sector): 134.700Boston Center (GDM36 Sector): 123.750, ZBW Boston Center (GDM36/CON37) #3 (Archives)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, ZBW Boston Center (PARSO16) (Archives)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, Boston Center (PARSO Sector, Low): 128.200, ZBW Boston Center (RKA10) (Archives)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, Boston Center (Rockdale 10 Sector High FL280-600): 124.125, ZBW/ZNY/ZDC (JFK Area) #1 (Archives)New York, New York, United States, Boston Center (IGN20 Sector 20 Kingston High): 125.575New York Center (Sector 42 East Texas High): 127.175New York Center (Sector 56 Kennedy High backup): 134.375New York Center (Sector 56 Kennedy High backup): 128.675New York Center (Sector 56 Kennedy High): 125.325Washington Center (Sector 10 BAY High): 132.275Washington Center (Sector 12 High): 126.875Washington Center (Sector 18 DUPONT High): 132.525Washington Center (Sector 19 Woodstown High): 125.450, ZBW/ZNY/ZDC (JFK Area) #2 (Archives)New York, New York, United States, New York Center (Sector 67 DIXIE Low): 118.975Washington Center (Sector 34 Yorktown High): 120.750Washington Center (Sector 54 Salisbury High): 120.975Washington Center (Sector 54 Snow Hill High): 121.375Washington Center (Sector 59 Sea Isle High): 133.125, ZBW/ZNY/ZDC (JFK Area) #3 (Archives)New York, New York, United States, Emergency/Guard: 121.500New York Center (Sector 66 MANTA Low): 128.300New York Center (Sector 82 Kathy High): 126.025New York Center (Sector 86 Atlantic Oceanic High): 133.500Washington Center (Sector 51 Casino Low): 127.700, ZBW/ZNY/ZDC (JFK Area) #4 (Archives)New York, New York, United States, New York Center (Sector 55 Yardley Low): 134.600New York Center (Sector 56 Kennedy High backup): 128.675New York Center (Sector 9 Westminster High): 134.325Washington Center (Sector 4 Pinion High): 133.975Washington Center (Sector 58 Coyle High): 121.025, ZBW Boston Center (SWF05)Newburgh, New York, United States, Feed Status: DOWNOffline since: 2022-10-05 07:00:40 UTC, Boston Center (Stewart 05 Sector): 134.300, ZBW Boston Center (UCA09/ART08) (Archives)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, Boston Center (Utica 09 Sector): 123.875Boston Center (Watertown 08 Sector): 135.250, ZNY ATL86/ZDC SIE54 (Archives)Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States, New York Center (Sector 86 Atlantic): 133.500Washington Center (Sector 59 Sea Isle Hi): 133.125, ZDC Sector 35 Wilmington (Archives)Wilmington, North Carolina, United States, Emergency/Guard (UHF): 243.000Washington Center (Sector 35 Wilmington High): 124.025Washington Center (Sector 35 Wilmington High): 269.150, ZDC Washington Center (SWANN) (Archives)Baltimore, Maryland, United States, ZHU Houston Center (Sector 96)Austin, Texas, United States, Feed Status: DOWNOffline since: 2023-03-04 05:11:39 UTC, Houston Center (Sector 96 Bergstrom Low): 125.650, ZHU Houston Center (Sector 78)Austin, Texas, United States, Houston Center (Sector 78 Austin High): 126.425, ZHU Houston Center (Sector 80)Austin, Texas, United States, Houston Center (Sector 80 Industry Low): 132.150, ZHU San Antonio (Archives)San Antonio, Texas, United States, Houston Center: 125.625Houston Center: 127.025Houston Center (Sector 56 Three Rivers Low): 134.600Houston Center (Sector 74 Llano High): 128.650Houston Center (Sector 92 Randolph Low): 132.800, ZJX Daytona Beach (Archives)Daytona Beach, Florida, United States, Emergency/Guard: 121.500Jacksonville Center (Sector 35 Torry Low/High): 134.850Jacksonville Center (Sector 57 St. Johns Low): 134.000Jacksonville Center (Sector 58 St. Augustine Low/High): 126.350, ZJX Jax Center (Valdosta GA) (Archives)Valdosta, Georgia, United States, Jacksonville Center (Live Oak MOA): 254.275Jacksonville Center (Moody 1 MOA): 375.825Jacksonville Center (Moody MOA): 281.400Jacksonville Center (Sector 17 Perry High): 135.625Jacksonville Center (Sector 17 Perry High): 317.525Jacksonville Center (Sector 79 Baxly Low): 133.700Jacksonville Center (Sector 79 Baxly Low): 322.550Jacksonville Center (Sector 79 Baxly Low): 323.300, ZKC72 VINTA Low (Archives)Joplin, Missouri, United States, Kansas City Center (Sector 72 VINTA Low): 128.600, ZKC Kansas City Center (26) (Archives)Kansas City, Missouri, United States, Emergency/Guard: 121.500Kansas City Center (Sector 26 Kansas City High): 133.800, ZKC Sectors 28/77 (Archives)Springfield, Missouri, United States, Kansas City Center (Sector 28 Springfield High): 133.475Kansas City Center (Sector 77 VINTA Low): 127.500, ZKC KC Center (Salina Low/High) (Archives)Salina, Kansas, United States, Kansas City Center (Sector 24 Salina High): 125.175Kansas City Center (Sector 66 Salina Low): 134.900, ZLA Los Angeles Center (25/28) (Archives)Santa Barbara, California, United States, Los Angeles Center (Sector 25 High): 126.525Los Angeles Center (Sector 28 Oceanic): 132.150, ZLC Salt Lake Center (Sector 15) (Archives)Billings, Montana, United States, Salt Lake Center (Sector 15 Low/Hi/Ultra Hi): 127.750, ZMA Miami Center (Sector 7/8 Both) (Archives)Fort Myers, Florida, United States, Miami Center (Sector 07 Sarasota Low): 132.350Miami Center (Sector 08 CIGAR Low/High): 133.900Miami Center (Sector 08 CIGAR Low/High): 124.825, ZMA Miami Center (Sector 24 Both) (Archives)Fort Myers, Florida, United States, Miami Center (Sector 24 Fort Meyers Low): 132.400Miami Center (Sector 24 Fort Myers Low): 134.750, ZMA Miami Center (Sector 25 Both) (Archives)Fort Myers, Florida, United States, Miami Center (Sector 25 backup): 133.275Miami Center (Sector 25 Fort Meyers High): 128.225, ZMA26 Miami Center (Homestead) (Archives)Miami, Florida, United States, Miami Center (Sector 26 Homestead Low/High): 124.700, ZMA40 Miami Center (Bimini) (Archives)Miami, Florida, United States, Miami Center (Sector 40 Bimini High): 126.325, ZMA41 Miami Center (Junar) (Archives)Miami, Florida, United States, Miami Center (Sector 41 Junar Low): 135.600, ZMA60 Miami Center (Georgetown) (Archives)Miami, Florida, United States, Miami Center (Sector 60 Georgetown High/Low): 127.225, ZMA Miami Center (Sector 25/128.225) (Archives)Fort Myers, Florida, United States, Miami Center (Sector 25 Fort Meyers High): 128.225, ZMA Miami Center (Sector 24/132.4) (Archives)Fort Myers, Florida, United States, Miami Center (Sector 24 Fort Meyers Low): 132.400, ZMA Miami Center (Sector 25/133.275) (Archives)Fort Myers, Florida, United States, ZMA Miami Center (Sector 08) (Archives)Fort Myers, Florida, United States, Miami Center (Sector 08 CIGAR Low/High): 133.900, ZMA Miami Center (Sector 24/134.75) (Archives)Fort Myers, Florida, United States, Miami Center (Sector 24 Fort Myers Low): 134.750, ZME Memphis Center (Hamilton) (Archives)Huntsville, Alabama, United States, Memphis Center (Sector 13 Hamilton Low): 120.800, ZNY Sector 67 (Dixie) (Archives)New York, New York, United States, New York Center (Sector 67/Dixie Low): 118.975, ZNY Sector 56 (Kennedy) (Archives)New York, New York, United States, New York Center (Sector 56/Kennedy High): 125.325, ZNY NY Center (HUO)Newburgh, New York, United States, New York Center (Huguenot Sector): 132.600, ZNY Sector 83 HANRI (Archives)Wilmington, North Carolina, United States, New York Center (Sector 82 KATHY Oceanic): 126.025New York Center (Sector 83 HANRI Oceanic): 133.525, ZNY Sector 72 (Archives)Williamsport, Pennsylvania, United States, New York Center Sector 72 BURNI Hi [FL180-260]: 127.725, ZNY Sector 74 (Archives)Williamsport, Pennsylvania, United States, New York Center (Sector 74 Broadway Low): 132.150New York Center (Sector 92 Pottstown Low): 124.625, ZNY Sector 75 (Archives)Williamsport, Pennsylvania, United States, New York Center (Sector 75 Milton High): 128.575, ZNY Sector 91 (Archives)Williamsport, Pennsylvania, United States, New York Center (Sector 91 Williamsport Low): 124.900, ZOA Oakland Center (35) (Archives)San Francisco, California, United States, ARINC San Francisco Radio: 131.950Beaver Control Discrete: 362.950Beaver Control Discrete: 362.550Beaver Control Discrete: 250.650Beaver Control W-260: 120.825Beaver Control W-260: 290.150Beaver Control W-260: 353.450Beaver Control W-283/W-285: 282.050Beaver Control W-283/W-285: 328.450Beaver Control W-283/W-285: 124.125Oakland Center (Sector 35 UHF): 355.600Oakland Center (Sector 35): 134.150, ZOA Oakland Center (35/40/41) (Archives)San Francisco, California, United States, Oakland Center Sector 35: 134.150Oakland Center Sector 40: 127.800Oakland Center Sector 41: 125.850, ZOB Sector 20 Dresden LowMount Clemens, Michigan, United States, Feed Status: DOWNOffline since: 2023-03-04 03:30:39 UTC, Cleveland Center (Sector 20 Dresden Low): 132.250, ZOB Sector 19 Gamble HiMount Clemens, Michigan, United States, Cleveland Center (Sector 19 Gamble Super High): 126.525, ZOB Sector 27 Hudson HiMount Clemens, Michigan, United States, Cleveland Center (Sector 27 Hudson High): 134.775, ZOB Sector 26 Lake HiMount Clemens, Michigan, United States, Cleveland Center (Sector 26 Lake High): 120.075, ZOB Sector 61 Morgantown Low (Archives)Clarksburg, West Virginia, United States, Cleveland Center (Sector 61 Morgantown Low): 126.950, Seattle Center (Sector 30/36) (Archives)Medford, Oregon, United States, Seattle Center (Sector 30 Low): 124.850Seattle Center (Sector 36 Low): 121.400Seattle Center (Sector 36 Low): 127.550, Seattle Center (Sector 30) (Archives)Medford, Oregon, United States, Seattle Center (Sector 36) (Archives)Medford, Oregon, United States, Seattle Center (Sector 14) (Archives)Medford, Oregon, United States, Seattle Center (Sector 15) (Archives)Medford, Oregon, United States, Seattle Center (Sector 14/15) (Archives)Medford, Oregon, United States, Seattle Center (Sector 14 High): 134.900Seattle Center (Sector 15 High): 135.150. (in browser, HTML5) KOTM 040653Z AUTO 00000KT 8SM CLR M02/M03 A2981 RMK AO2 SLP099 T10221033 Atlanta traffic - Atlanta Media Freqs.txt (0/1), 4. 0 Replies 74994 Views November 04, 2011, 11:56:25 AM by Blanding: KLAX and KMIA TRACON maps. Is there an app to listen to air traffic control? 126.6750 Atlanta Center ARTCC Chattanooga => NNW . (in browser, HTML5) RF/Microwave Circuit Design.
KTVC 040653Z AUTO 34003KT 10SM CLR 00/M04 A2965 RMK AO2 SLP046 T00001039 KDOV Airport Info (Airnav.com), Washington Center (ZDC19 Woodstown Sector): 125.450Washington Center (ZDC53 Kenton Sector): 132.050, ZDV/ZMP Kearney NE (Archives)Kearney, Nebraska, United States, Feed Status: UP Very Hot Topic (More than 25 replies). (in browser, HTML5) No coverage in your area? (in browser, HTML5) KZZV 040653Z AUTO 26025G31KT 9SM FEW008 BKN014 OVC028 04/01 A2946 RMK AO2 PK WND 25039/0639 RAB06E39 PRESRR SLP980 P0000 T00390011 and local airports. (launches your MP3 player) (launches your MP3 player) Albuquerque Clearance Delivery: 119.200 Albuquerque Tower: 120.300 Albuquerque Tower (South): 123.775 Albuquerque UNICOM: 122.950 ZAB Albuquerque Center Sector 16 SAN-L: 132.800 ZAB Albuquerque Center Sector 17 LAVA-L: 124.325 ZAB Albuquerque Center Sector 94 CNX-LH: 133.650 ZAB Sector 17 Lava (Low) (Archives) Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States KLFK Airport Info (Airnav.com), Houston Center: 125.175Houston Center (Sector 86): 134.800, ZNY Sector 86 (121.125) (Archives)New York, New York, United States, Feed Status: UP Retrieved from, Jacksonville Air Route Traffic Control Center, Washington Air Route Traffic Control Center, Indianapolis Air Route Traffic Control Center, https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/air_traffic_services/artcc/, http://www.stuckmic.com/atc-facility-directory/georgia-centerenroute-facilities-80/, http://aspm.faa.gov/opsnet/sys/Center.asp, Atlanta Center Weather Service Unit (CWSU), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Atlanta_Air_Route_Traffic_Control_Center&oldid=1084751456, This page was last edited on 26 April 2022, at 10:57. KLGA 040651Z 08018G31KT 3SM +RA OVC013 06/03 A2942 RMK AO2 PK WND 10036/0609 TSE30 SLP962 P0025 T00610033 Instruments in the cockpit detect radio signals from the runway that help guide them as they land. List of area control centers. They are dealing with the aircraft right now as they fly through the air. KPKB 040653Z AUTO 27015G33KT 10SM -RA BKN027 OVC033 06/01 A2950 RMK AO2 PK WND 23036/0601 RAB27E37B45 PRESRR SLP992 P0000 T00610011 KDLH Airport Info (Airnav.com), ANG Command Post: 139.900Minneapolis Center Sector 25 (Low/High): 127.900Minneapolis Center Sector 25 (Low/High): 134.550Minneapolis Center Sector 25 (Low/High): 281.450Minneapolis Center Sector 25 (Low/High): 290.500PTD/ANG Command Post
Frequencies Grouped All New/Updated Show Repeater Inputs Alabama RCAG Sites Anniston, AL - RCAG Birmingham, AL - RCAG Gadsden, AL - RCAG Huntsville, AL - RCAG KLAS Airport Info (Airnav.com), Los Angeles Center (Sector 16 High/Low): 124.625, ZLA Sector 34 (High) (Archives)Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, Los Angeles Center (Sector 34 High): 132.625, ZLA LA Center Sector 30 #2 (Archives)Los Angeles, California, United States, Feed Status: UP What is the purpose of Okta? (in browser, HTML5)
A scanner from one of the aforementioned brands will outperform a no-name brand that claims airline coverage. KHUF 040653Z A2982 RMK AO2 SLPNO $ (launches your MP3 player) Once you take off you will get told to contact a Centre if online, if not you get told to monitor unicom on 122.800. ATC and the FSS are two different entities with two very different jobs. KHRO Airport Info (Airnav.com), Boone County CTAF: 123.000Jonesboro FSS: 122.450Jonesboro FSS: 255.400KBBG Tower (aircraft only): 128.150Memphis Center (Low): 126.850Memphis Center (Low): 281.550Memphis Center (Ultra-High): 133.025Memphis Center (Ultra-High): 284.750Springfield Approach (aircraft only): 126.350, KHUF Gnd/Twr/App (Archives)Terre Haute, Indiana, United States, Feed Status: UP KABE Airport Info (Airnav.com), New York Center (Sector 39 Parke Low Sector): 132.100New York Center (Sector 55 Yardley Low Sector): 134.600, ZNY Sector 92 (Pottstown Low) (Archives)Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States, New York Center (Sector 92 Pottstown Low Sector): 124.625, KABQ Twr/App/ZAB (Archives)Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States, Feed Status: UP KBGR Airport Info (Airnav.com), Bangor Approach: 118.925Bangor Approach: 124.500Bangor Approach: 133.600Bangor Approach: 239.300, ZBW Sector 15 (BGR Area)Bangor, Maine, United States, ZBW Sector 15 Surry Low : 124.250ZBW Sector 15 Surry Low : 120.250, KBJI CTAF/ZMP (Archives)Bemidji, Minnesota, United States, Feed Status: UP KIAD 040652Z 27005KT 10SM FEW009 OVC020 05/04 A2931 RMK AO2 SLP925 T00500039 Don't be surprised if you can only hear one side of the conversation. (launches your MP3 player) 134.9500 Atlanta Center ARTCC Anniston => West, 306.2000 Atlanta Center ARTCC Anniston => West see 134.95, 124.4500 Atlanta Center ARTCC Athens => NE, 127.5000 Atlanta Center ARTCC Athens => NE, 127.0500 Atlanta Center ARTCC Blackjack Mtn => North, 370.9000 Atlanta Center ARTCC Blackjack Mtn => North see 127.05, 126.6750 Atlanta Center ARTCC Chattanooga => NNW, 132.0500 Atlanta Center ARTCC Chattanooga => NNW, 353.8000 Atlanta Center ARTCC Chattanooga => NNW see 132.05, 124.8750 Atlanta Center ARTCC Chattanooga - HI => NNW, 133.1750 Atlanta Center ARTCC Chattanooga - HI => NNW, 121.2750 Atlanta Center ARTCC Columbus - HI => SSW, 133.6000 Atlanta Center ARTCC Crossville => NNW+, 125.9250 Atlanta Center ARTCC Crossville - HI => NNW+, 133.8000 Atlanta Center ARTCC Gadsden => NW, 124.3250 Atlanta Center ARTCC Hampton - HI, 126.4750 Atlanta Center ARTCC Hampton - HI, 133.1000 Atlanta Center ARTCC Macon => SE, 121.3500 Atlanta Center ARTCC Mt. (launches your MP3 player) KPIT Airport Info (Airnav.com), Cleveland Center (Sector 51 Palmer High): 121.075Cleveland Center (Sector 57 Brecksville High): 125.875Cleveland Center (Sector 64 Keystone Ultra High): 134.475, ZID Indy Center (Marietta RCAG) (Archives)Parkersburg, West Virginia, United States, Feed Status: UP Memphis ARTCC KZME Sector/Frequency Charts, Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies, TURKISH HI-LOW CHART (ISTANBUL and ANKARA FIR), Washington (KZDC) ARTCC Border coordinates, MOVED: FMEE/FIMP Twr/App Airport: Roland Garros Airport DOWN. KFNT 040653Z AUTO 32015G23KT 9SM -SN OVC009 00/M02 A2954 RMK AO2 SNB11 CIG 007V012 SLP009 P0000 T00001017 $ (launches your MP3 player)
Arrival Demand. 800 Independence Avenue, SW Please login with your Premium Subscriber Account, To learn more about our premium subscription program please see: RadioReference Premium Subscription. Atlantic HF Frequency Assignments Valid from March 3, 2023, 0400Z - 1200Z Air Traffic Control LDOC / Phone Patch; Primary Secondary Primary Secondary; . (in browser, HTML5) The FSS deals with flight plans, NOTAMs, weather, PIREPs, and monitoring NAVAIDs. For general aviation helicopters: 123.025 MHz. (launches your MP3 player) (launches your MP3 player) You can see which more info in this old post (Yes I know I posted the original way back in January 15, 2012 and it mentions XP10, but it's still the same file LR are using in XP11.32r2). (in browser, HTML5) Map of 5g cell phone towers and dead cell zones near you. (launches your MP3 player) (launches your MP3 player) HF-GCS stations tend to operate in the aviation bands clustered around 5, 8 and 11/12 MHz, although other frequencies are in use. KIND 040654Z 30013KT 10SM BKN012 02/00 A2976 RMK AO2 SLP082 T00220000 $ KRIL 040653Z AUTO 15005KT 10SM FEW040 BKN075 M03/M06 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP167 T10331061 400111078 Contact LiveATC.net
KMRB 040653Z AUTO 00000KT 1 1/2SM FEW055 OVC080 01/01 A2931 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 10 SLP928 T00110006
atlanta center atc frequencies Pilots pronounce it niner so it cant be easily confused with other words or numbers, like five.. PASC Airport Info (Airnav.com), Deadhorse AFIS: 118.400Deadhorse CTAF: 123.600Deadhorse UNICOM: 123.000, HCF Center (Northeast/Hamakua) (Archives)Kailua/Kona, Hawaii, United States, Feed Status: UP (in browser, HTML5) terebinth tree symbolism; hp pavilion 27xi won't turn on; the calypso resort and towers; scarlet spider identity; am i having a heart attack female quiz; upload music to radio stations; que significa dormir con las piernas flexionadas hacia arriba;
An official website of the United States government Here's how you know. 370.9000 Atlanta Center ARTCC Blackjack Mtn => North see 127.05 . KCEZ Airport Info (Airnav.com), Cortez CTAF: 122.800Denver Center (Sector 36 Farmington Low): 118.575Emergency/Guard: 121.500, ZDC Sector 2 (Archives)Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, Feed Status: UP KEAR Airport Info (Airnav.com), Denver Center (Sector 19 North Platte Low): 132.700Minneapolis Center (Sector 26 Low): 119.400, ZOA Oakland Center (Fresno) (Archives)Fresno, California, United States, Feed Status: UP KGSO Airport Info (Airnav.com), Atlanta Center (Sector 29 LEEON/Low): 128.800, ZTL Sector 29/33 (Archives)Greensboro, North Carolina, United States, Atlanta Center (Sector 29 LEEON/Low): 128.800Atlanta Center (Sector 33 Charlotte/High): 124.425, ZTL Sector 33 (Archives)Greensboro, North Carolina, United States, Atlanta Center (Sector 33 Charlotte/High): 124.425, ZTL Atlanta Ctr (Sector 38 N Dep) (Archives)Atlanta, Georgia, United States, Feed Status: UP