Are Crab Apples Poisonous To Pigs? - Sweetish Hill Uf=function(a,c,d){switch(typeof c){case "string":Sf(c,d);break;case "number":d.push((0,window.isFinite)(c)&&! "+a):_.Ae(a,c)};_.of=function(a,c){var d;d=c instanceof _.Rb?;a.href=_.Oe(d)}; var xe;_.we=function(a,c,d,e,f){if(! _.qj("gb_5a"); Poisonous Foods and Plants for Potbellied Pigs Prohibited foods that may not be consumed in any form include all animalsand the products of animalsthat do not chew the cud and do not have cloven hoofs (e.g., pigs and horses); fish without fins and scales; the blood of any animal; shellfish (e.g., clams, oysters, shrimp, crabs) and all other living creatures that Avocado skin and pit. "),e=_.m;d[0]in e||!e.execScript||e.execScript("var "+d[0]);for(var f;d.length&&(f=d.shift());)!d.length&&_.n(c)?e[f]=c:e[f]?e=e[f]:e=e[f]={}};_.x=function(a,c){function d(){}d.prototype=c.prototype;a.G=c.prototype;a.prototype=new d;a.prototype.constructor=a;a.oi=function(a,d,g){for(var h=Array(arguments.length-2),l=2;lWhat foods are toxic to pigs? - Pettitudes }catch(e){_._DumpException(e)} }catch(e){_._DumpException(e)} for(var Xc="addExtraLink addLink aomc asmc close cp.c cp.l cp.rc cp.rel ela elc elh gpca gpcr lGC lPWF ldb mls noam paa pc pca pcm pw.clk pw.hvr qfaae qfaas qfaau qfae qfas qfau qfhi qm qs qsi rtl sa setContinueCb snaw sncw som sp spd spn spp sps tsl tst up.aeh up.aop up.dpc up.iic up.nap up.r up.spd upel upes upet".split(" ").concat(Vc),Yc=(0,_.u)(Wc.w,Wc),Zc=0;ZcWhat Is Poisonous To Pigs - Learn About Plants That Are Toxic For Pigs
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