The first paragraph of the passage identifies and describes "Texas gourd vines" (line 1), but the primary focus of the passage is introduced in the first sentence of the second paragraph: "In one recent study, Nina Theis and Lynn Adler took on the specific problem of the Texas gourdhow to attract enough pollinators but not too many beetles" (lines 17-20). 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Ap lang Flashcards | Quizlet Just as the 12 steps lay the spiritual path of recovery for individual members, the 12 Traditions provide the principles that keep 12-step support groups, like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and the Al-Anon Family Support Group, healthy and grounded, and . The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to (3 points), argue that money is a necessary evil in life and one which provides mixed blessings, defend the argument that desire for money is a misguided aspiration in one's life, explain why those with money are guaranteed to enjoy the finer things in life, illustrate how lack of money greatly and negatively impacts one's quality of life, reveal the true nature of money as it pertains to happiness and well-being, The function of the opening sentence ("Literally and truly without money") might best be described as (3 points), a clarification that the writer is speaking of money in its practical everyday context, an emphasis of the author's subjective and biased view of money, an establishment of the author's credibility through ethos, an explanation that the conditions described were observed by the author, a separation of the first half of the essay from the tonal shift in its second half, Which of the following stylistic choices throughout the passage reinforces the idea that the lack of money means a lack of personal power? Research suggests that listener perceptions of a speaker's oral language use, or a speaker's "comprehensibility," may be influenced by a variety of speaker-, listener-, and context-related factors. When you are finished reading, find three examples of evidence t -A person who tries to gain riches in an unscrupulous manner will pay dearly.- Then, you describe a series of unprecedented events, give me sentences for insipid, barrage, Morbid, and languid, For this activity, you will either read a self-selected piece of literary work by an American Modernist, or you can use the provided piece. What are the key marker, one should look for to identify authors views /tone /primary purpose in the following cases: 1. Confuse Franklin's public statements with his private beliefs, The final paragraph (lines 30-37) functions as, C. An authorial judgement about a preceding discussion. AA Primary Purpose and Singleness of Purpose Definition "The passage asserts which of the following about " KEY FACT: Supporting idea questions ask you to focus on key details or facts that are explicitly stated in a passage. Sobriety - freedom from alcohol - through the teaching and . C. Suggest that the press created Lindbergh's celebrity. (6) Although it seems certain that E-Cig aerosols contain toxicants, it is fair to say that they likely contain less types of toxicants than cigarette smoke (i.e., E-Cig aerosols likely have hundreds of chemicals in them while tobacco smoke has thousands of chemicals). So, in order to get the message across in the most effective way, the. The second paragraph used the claims made at the end of the first paragraph to examine an individual, The stylistic feature most evident in lines 32-62 us the use of, Which of the following rhetorical devices is used in lines 35-38 ("he had neither satiety"), In lines 35-48 ("he had neither in him"), the author suggests that Bentham, C. Cannot understand strong human feelings, In the context of lines 43-48, "self-consciousness" means, The author most likely includes the clause "He saw accordingly in man little but what the vulgarest eye can see" (lines 59-60) in order to, A. Modern science should not, however, be identified with any particular set of scientific achievements. The primary purpose of texts that are written to entertain is to amuse . guidelines." Throughout the passage the author's tone is persuasive. Emphasize the effects of racism by cataloging his experiences, As used in line 55, "gainsay" is best interpreted to mean, The speaker uses the word "impossible" twice at the beginning of the final paragraph in order to, E. Highlight the strong feelings that the subject engenders, He effectiveness of the final paragraph is primarily a result of its, The final sentence of the passage (lines 58-64) moves from, B. Official Answer and Stats are available only to registered users. Norway speaking at the Primary Purpose convention in Oslo, Norway Quality: 32kbit. Tradition 4: Autonomy. It also restates the conclusion that is based on this assumption, that the subsequent economic difficulties of Black migrants in the North were a result of their unfamiliarity with urban life. Feeling like what you do is worthwhile is . argue for the building of better cemeteries. He GMAT questions LIVE on YouTube and provides insights into his problem-solving techniques. The author's primary purpose in the passage is to NROC Developmental English Foundations ERIC - ED553865 - Modeling Speaker Proficiency, Comprehensibility, and Admissions, Stacy Strategies, Submit a Free Profile Evaluation SWC// 2nd Service | By Open Heavens Centerpoint - Facebook Tips from Fuqua, Yale, NYU Stern, & Foster Adcom for R3 MBA Application, A GMAT 780 Scorer Reveals Secret Strategies & Tips to Ace GMAT Sentence Correction | GMAT Verbal, Increase your GMAT score in just 10 Weeks (30-Hour Intensive Classes), The GMAT Show - A podcast by GMAT Club Episode #7. (7) The remaining question is then one of dose ranging. AWA, GMAT Prevailing scholarly opinion holds that modern science began with the great achievements of the scientific revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. b. persuade you to eat low-cholesterol foods. Global, Fortuna argue for the building of better cemeteries.E. Executive Assessment (EA) Exam - All you need to know! Rather. Suggest that Lindbergh's fame was not deserved. The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to (A) justify the need for class structures in themodern world (B) seek restitution for wrongs committed againsthim(C) establish the major distinctions between raceissues and class issues(D) convey the psychological impact of a systemof segregation(E) condemn physical force as a means ofmaintaining In 1890, France had the highest percentage of its population living in cities of the four countries listed.\ Makes use of the power of personal experience, In context, the phrase "sleepless vigilance" suggests, E. The determines enforcement of a system, The speaker uses lines 30-40 ("i could not largely excluded") primarily to, A. Which of the following statements most accurately summarizes the effect of the sentence in the lines 53-62? Get started with our GMAT online course and achieve a 740+ score to maximize your chances of securing an admit and scholarship from your dream business school. E. Question Lindbergh's motivation for making the flight. It also restates the conclusion that is based on this assumption, that the subsequent economic difficulties of Black migrants in the North were a result of their unfamiliarity with urban life. Solution. Surround Yourself With Positive People. Primary speaker factors include aspects of the speaker's proficiency in the target language such as pronunciation and grammatical accuracy, and domain-related skills (e.g., teaching skills). Literary Terms: Definition and Examples of Literary Terms Gia . Which of the following phrases could best be substituted for the phrase "he was" in line 40 to make the meaning more explicit? Become a forward-focused, strategic leader with the Emory advantage. a) running for congress b) writing about immigrants c) leading factor riots d) speaking against slavery. A. No worries! Learn more. Therefore (A) is correct. Gia Tejeda - Student Fellow - Echoing Green | LinkedIn Historical info that illuminates the speaker's own circumstances, The second paragraph is significant in that the speaker, B. Jean Buridan, a prominent fourteenth-century Parisian scholar, argued that science is predicted on the assumption of the common course of nature This profound assumption represented a major shift in scholarly focus from the theological investigation of the uncommon or miraculous to the attempted explanation of the regular structure and operation of the world in purely rational and secular terms. Admitted - Which School to It was popular during Shakespeare's time. (swim-future perfect progressive). sessions, based on 1610 The primary purpose of the passage is to: - This has been widely interpreted to mean that Einstein's theory of relativity itself implies that the passage of time is an illusion and that time, like space, has no direction, a position often . C. Of the four countries listed, Prussia experienced the greatest increase in the percentage of its population living in cities.\ Following passage: I remember well the remark made to me once by one of my teachersand a very good teacher, too, who nevertheless did not see what her own observation ought to have suggested. Answer 9: C. An A.A. group, as such, cannot take on all the personal problems of its members, let alone the problems of the whole world. Subscribe to the world's most powerful GMAT channel! (B) A certain set of scientific achievements had to be accomplished before scientists could engage in modem science. In making this argument, the author is challenging the widely accepted explanation presented in the first paragraph. PDF eRReaaddiinngg sCCoommpprreehheennsiioonn 55 Level 11 - English Worksheets Thespeaker's primary purpose inthe passage istoA. Correct option is D) the passage does not provide information about the physical characteristics of fleas, but it also educates readers about the life cycle and reproduction process of a flea. PDF AUTHOR'S PURPOSE - Miami Dade College Mischaracterizations: Sometimes a single word will mischaracterize the author's . Teja V, a GMAT 780 scorer from Scoreleap, reveals the tips and tricks that helped him achieve his impressive score. I am 5' 10'', slim, pretty, and only 23. The passage follows and explores the history and impact of public education in the U.S. (3 points). praise a work of literature5. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Although this would be an undeniably expensive undertaking, failure to implement such regulation could only result in potential lawsuits for E-Cig companies. Lymie's father, with whom Lymie's relationship seems somewhat strained. University of St. La Salle - Bacolod City, English 2 Part 2 General Program Lesson 2 Quiz.docx, Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics, exceed the number of yearly entry permits issued by the Park After all almost, and graben where blocks are tilted by a normal fault on one side creating an, Day 3_ Work, Forces and Potential and Kinetic Energy.pdf, A transvenous pacemaker is inserted through the right subclavian vein and, 483 Die Grundlage unserer Untersuchungen ist die Voraussetzung dass die, co mingled in close proximity makes for more vibrant places whilst providing, Ricketts M 2002 The Economics of Business Enterprise Edward Elgar Cheltenham UK, Use the Project background information supplier information researched in Stage, Chapter Application_ Julian Treasure.docx, 25 The meaning of untouchable and unrevealed by the discursive understanding is, Bodie Chapter 15 82 Difficulty Hard 83 You find digital option quotes on jobless, What is the future value at the end of year 34 of depositing 3500 today 5000 at. Join us in GMAT Verbal quiz aimed at Complete the Passage question types tested in GMAT Critical Reasoning. When you download iPhone/Adroid app. In the context of the passage, the reference to the "canary" (line 43) most likely suggests which of the following? Register for Target Test Prep's online classes and accelerate your study timeline. Primary purpose | Quick guide (article) | Khan Academy B. b) Criticize the deficiencies in the education of girls . 33. Relating an incident to decrying its implications, The speaker's tone might best be described as, The primary imagery of the passage is that of, The device used in lines 8-17 ("We can values") to convey Franklin's character is, The rhetorical purpose of lines 14-17 ("and wevalues") is to, E. Prompt the reader to feel kinship with Franklin on the basis of the challenges he faced, The first paragraph characterizes people in the contemporary U.S. primarily as, "They" in line 21 of the passage refers to people who, D. Have reservations about Franklin's values, The misunderstanding discussed in lines 35-37 is that many who study Franklin, B. Rather, modern science should be identified with a particular way of approaching the study of nature, and many important elements of this approach were already in place and articulated as early as the fourteenth century. The author's primary purpose is to a. evaluate Oriental cooking. In context, the phrase "having regard to his manner with men" (lines 44-45) indicates that James Brudenell, The phrase "productive of astonishment and mirth" (lines 50-51) is best described as, In lines 53-69, the speaker creates the impression that James Brudenell was. (3 points), Yes, because it clarifies what the writers mean by the term "dose ranging.". Use the meaning of the suffix to help you write a definition of the word. The author's primary purpose in the passage is to. Prep, Avanti D. It is a world language that is used for international communication. The primary purpose of the passage is to The primary purpose of the passage is to Some researchers contend that sleep plays no role in the consolidation of declarative memory (i.e., memory involving factual information). The quest for the passage was one of the world's severest maritime challenges. Einstein didn't think time is an illusion | Tim Maudlin IAI TV The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to, The speaker's primary purpose in the third paragraph is to, In the second paragraph, the speaker's images of seeing and looking all refer, The speaker in this passage apparently assumes the audience is, In the first two sentences of the passage, the speaker draws a distinction, The contrast drawn between the witty man and the fool (lines 11-13), ability to retaliate and the fool's lack of wit, In the passage, ___, ___, and ___ are all people who share which of the, 10.The "_____" (line 32) is presented as an illustration of, the pain of one who succombs to temptation, restrained behavior driven by moral compunctions, the unjustified suffering of an innocent victim, admirable behavior that has gone unrecognized, the effect of an empty stomach on one's conscience. Literary terms can refer to playful techniques employed by comedians to make us laugh or witty tricks wordsmiths use to coin new words or phrases. The speakers primary purpose in the passage is to a 2. As a result of the EUs General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). (8) Given the paucity of information that is available regarding the effects, not only of E-Cigs, but also of many of the chemical constituents of e-liquids on the lungs, we propose that all commercially available E-Cig products be regulated in a similar fashion as any inhaled therapeutic agent, that is, thorough inhalation toxicology and safety-based clinical trials. The author's primary purpose is to - Passage Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster criticize the use of in-ground burial.D. Northwest Passage | Definition, Explorers, Map, & Facts The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to Choice A is incorrect because the author introduces the claim that efforts to reduce traffic actually increase traffic as a supporting point, not as the main purpose of the . since E-Cig devices have a consistent and dedicated number of users which remains rather constant. Modern science should not, however, be identified with any particular set of scientific achievements. Blackman Consulting, Admissions The author's primary purpose in the passage is to explain some critics' refusal to consider Raisin in the Sun a deliberately ironic play suggest that ironic nuances ally Raisin in the Sun with Du Bois' and Fanon's writings analyze the fundamental dramatic conflicts in Raisin in the Sun The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance. PDF Answer Explanations SAT Practice Test #10 - College Board D. Question other historians' accounts of Lindberghs flight. (3) Certainly, users want to believe that E-Cig products are safe, but, unfortunately, no definitive data currently exist to prove or disprove this hypothesis. Study Plan, Video Listen to Feedback. describe a series of unprecedented events B.) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act explained: Definition, purpose, and provisions GMAT Club's website has not been reviewed or endorsed by GMAC. The speaker's perspective in the passage is that of. c. describe tofu. , will write a short essay (three paragraphs in length) that discusses modernism, and how the specific piece of Modernism you chose fits into the characteristics of Modernism. A. Because of the vast power wielded by the Rules Which of the following contribute(s) to the effect of the last three sentences of the passage (lines 69-73)? Manystudentsstruggletounderstandwhenitisappropriatetoinferfromanargument, andwhenitisnot. He is strong on issues A, B, and C, but weaker on issues X, Y, and Z. the scientific revolution of the sixteenth century began when scientists started to use experiments, GMAT Club Inbuilt Error Log Functionality -, New Visa Forum - Ask all your Visa Related Questions -, Find a bug in the new email templates and get rewarded with. Prevailing scholarly opinion holds that (, the great achievements of the scientific revolution of the, a particular way of approaching the study of nature, The one important ingredient of modern science that was missing prior to the sixteenth century was the widespread use of experiments, and the. a) Explain some differences in the upbringing of girls and boys . The passage's main goal is to present an unusual character by the speaker. She goes on to argue that Black migrants may actually have been from urban areas rather than rural areas, and thus that their subsequent economic problems in northern cities were not caused by their rural background. As a young man making a name for himself in London, he wrote comedies. Author's Purpose | Ereading Worksheets If you do something on purpose, you do it. Lesson Summary The text structure of a passage is the internal pattern of . The interjection "alas" (line 71) emphasizes the speaker's, The reference to Greville's pronouncement (lines 71-72) serves primarily to, In the concluding sentence of the passage, the speaker's attitude toward James Brudenell is chiefly one of, In the last paragraph, a primary rhetorical strategy of the speaker is to, In context, "headsmen" (line 1) is best understood to mean, In the context of the passage, "coarse" (line 1) is best interpreted as, All of the following are evident in lines 1-13 EXCEPT, The "master" quoted in lines 14-27 refers to, The tone of lines 25-27 ("Go in peace! TOEFL Practice Section 1: Reading. 2000+ free GMAT videos | 20+ app help videos | 15+ interview prep videos. PDF RReeaaddiinngg nCCoommpprreehheenssiioonn 44 Level 11 (1) There is a long history of deceptive marketing tactics used by the tobacco industry regarding the 'safety' of cigarettes. Which having regard to his manner with men struck his ", This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Singing may also advertise an individual's location to rivals or . Africa? Choice 2. is the topic of paragraph 2. Which of the following best describes how the thesis of the passage is conveyed? Yes, because the sentence allows the writers to clarify their position on the subject, which is that E-Cigs are dangerous. 1. The primary purpose of the passage with reference to the - Byju's He will save the world. D. England had more people living in cities than any other country. C. Lend support to one of the points that the author makes in his book. C. The canary, like the goldfish, does not sing with much variety, The sentence in lines 54-62 includes all the following except. It's true in this respect, but not in that respect, to limit or modify the truth, power, or meaning of, Candidate J is the best candidate ever! Rather, modern science should be identified with a particular way of approaching the study of nature, and many important elements of this approach were already in place and articulated as early as the fourteenth century. worse than death") is best described as, It can be inferred that the "existence" mentioned in line 26 will be characterized primarily by, The function of the quoted sentences (lines 13-27) is to, The phrase "let us beware" (lines 28-29) helps establish the speaker as, It can be inferred that "the few" (line 31) refers most specifically to, The primary function of the second paragraph is to, The speaker cites La Bruyere and Moliere as evidence that writers in powerful European monarchies, By "the ruling power in the United States" (lines 37-38), the speaker means the, The use of the phrase "certain truths" (line 46) has the effect of, The argument used by the speaker demonstrates the truth inherent in the paradox that, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Supplying the Correct Tense. Yes, because the sentence contains an important insight into information the researchers have. 7 Tips for Finding Your Purpose in Life - Verywell Mind - Know More The primary purpose of the passage is to - Toppr Ask Geronimo died in 1909; he was a courageous man to the end. The primary purpose of the passage is to present. Finding the main idea of a paragraph or longer passage of text is one of the most important reading skills to master, along with concepts like making an inference, finding the author's purpose, or understanding vocabulary words in context. The primary purpose of the passage with reference to the society under discussion is to-A. Request, Scholarships & Grants for Masters Students: Your 2022 Calendar, Square One They can also include the tools of . Furthermore, these details all support the author's main point, which is that a flea infestation is very hard to get rid of. Which of the following best describes the words "wealth, rank, power and honors" as they are used in lines 28-29? The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to a. propose a change b. describe a process c. explain an idea d. criticize the taste of readers e. praise a work of literature C; explain an idea Throughout the passage, "literature" is used to mean a. works ofpoetry and prose fiction b. books that are likely to become classics (3 points), The author develops the passage primarily through (3 points), This passage is excerpted from a medical article titled, "Electronic cigarettes: Not all good news?". 1) The primary purpose of the passage is to A. highlight the reasons why English Ivy's fast growth rate is beneficial B. argue that English Ivy is an essential plant for homeowners C. educate readers about how to use English Ivy to insulate their homes D. belittle detractors of English Ivy E. defend the reputation of English Ivy
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