Websites. [76] The troops were willing to follow Sulla to Rome; his officers, however, realised Sulla's plans and deserted him (except his quaestor and kinsman, almost certainly Lucius Licinius Lucullus). Primary source is a term used in a number of disciplines to describe source material that is closest to the person, information, period, or idea being studied. [52] He may have stayed in the east until 92BC, when he returned to Rome. [2023] Welcome to The Internet History Sourcebooks Project, a collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts presented cleanly (without advertising or excessive layout) for educational use. Sulla, who opposed the Gracchian popularis reforms, was an optimate; though his coming to the side of the traditional Senate originally could be described as atavistic when dealing with the tribunate and legislative bodies, while more visionary when reforming the court system, governorships, and membership of the Senate. Internet History Sourcebooks Project: Ancient History - Fordham University For instance, Da Vinci's Mona Lisa is a primary source because it is the most famous art piece during the Renaissance period. [37], Starting in 104BC, Marius moved to reform the defeated Roman armies in southern Gaul. In 46 BC Julius Caesar appointed him governor of the province of Africa. Sulla, undeterred, stood again for the praetorship the next year, promising he would pay for good shows; duly elected as praetor in 97BC, he was assigned by lot to the urban praetorship. [6] He also disbanded his legions and, through these gestures, attempted to show the re-establishment of normal consular government. Editor: Paul Halsall. Or he could attempt to reverse it and regain his command. A list of useful online sources for reading about Rome at the time of Sulla Bill Thayer's LacusCurtius - Includes maps of the Roman world, texts of several primary sources, and William Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. N.S. Plutarch of Chaeronea in Boeotia (ca. [116] Advancing on Capua, he met the two consuls of that year Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus and Gaius Norbanus who had dangerously divided their forces. During these marriages, he engaged in an affair with Nicopolis, who also was older than him. Upon his arrival, Sulla had his quaestor Lucullus order Sura, who had vitally delayed Mithridates' advances into Greece, to retreat back into Macedonia. Primary sources are contrasted with secondary sources, works that provide analysis, commentary, or criticism on the primary source. But it was from 59, Nero's fifth year as emperor that things started to go seriously . It was not until he was in his very late forties and almost past the age . A primary source is a first-hand or contemporary account of an event or topic. Scipio's army blamed him for the breakdown in negotiations and made it clear to the consul that they would not fight Sulla, who at this point appeared the peacemaker. Lucius Cornelius Sulla "Felix" (138-78 B.C.) - ThoughtCo Five reasons why primary sources should be used for teaching Ideally, each ensemble is diverse, both in cultural background and practical experience. If Sulla hesitated it can only have been because he was not sure how his army would react. The Senate moved the senatus consultum ultimum against him and was successful in levying large amount of men and materiel from the Italians. Lucius Cornelius Sulla | Nemesis of the Roman Empire | Livy, Periochae 81-85 - Livius [129], Sulla had his stepdaughter Aemilia (daughter of princeps senatus Marcus Aemilius Scaurus) married to Pompey, although she shortly died in childbirth. Turning south, he engaged the Pontic army allegedly 90,000[101] on the plain of Orchomenus. According only to Appian, he then brought legislation to strengthen the Senate's position in the state and weaken the plebeian tribunes by eliminating the comitia tributa as a legislative body and requiring that tribunes first receive senatorial approval for legislation;[80] some scholars, however, reject Appian's account as mere retrojection of legislation passed during Sulla's dictatorship. Pompey was then dispatched to recover Sicily. Sulla rose to prominence during the war against the Numidian king Jugurtha, whom he captured as a result of Jugurtha's betrayal by the king's allies, although his superior Gaius Marius took credit for ending the war. Social War | Roman history | Britannica Church and W. J. Brodribb. . [74], During the violence, Sulla was forced to shelter in Marius' nearby house (later denied in his memoirs). Sulla then established a system where all consuls and praetors served in Rome during their year in office, and then commanded a provincial army as a governor for the year after they left office. [113] The extra time spent in Asia, moreover, equipped him with forces and money later put to good use in Italy. [45][46], While governing Cilicia, Sulla received orders from the Senate to restore Ariobarzanes to the throne of Cappadocia. Published by at 29, 2022. 106/10 The quaestor L.Sulla arrives at Marius' camp with reinforcements from Revised on November 11, 2022. Sulla's arrival in Brundisium induced defections from the Senate in Rome: Marcus Licinius Crassus, who had already fled from the Cinnan regime, raised an army in Spain, and departed for Africa to join with Metellus Pius (who also joined the Sullans), joined Sulla even before his landing in Italy. This led him to a secret deal with Marius, who had for years been coveting another military command, in which Marius would support Sulpicius' Italian legislation in exchange for a law transferring Sulla's command to Marius. Primary sources enable students to explore the documentary evidence of a nation's history - the roots of its government, value systems and role on the world stage. [48] The Parthian ambassador, Orobazus, was executed upon his return to Parthia for allowing this humiliation; the Parthians, however, ratified the treaty reached, which established the Euphrates as a clear boundary between Parthia and Rome. They are often based on primary sources. The assembly of the people subsequently ratified the decision, with no limit set on his time in office. He married again, with a woman called Aelia, of which nothing is known other than her name. Primary and Secondary Sources: How Should They Be Used? As such, he sought to strengthen the aristocracy, and thus the Senate. Sulla's career is recounted in detail in Howard Hayes Scullard, From the Gracchi to Nero: A History of Rome from 133 B.C. [17] Sallust declares him well-read, intelligent, and he was fluent in Greek. Lucius Cornelius Sulla I. Secondary sources include: Essays analyzing novels, works of art, and other original creations. He returned victorious from the east in 82 BC, marched a second time on Rome, and crushed the populares and their Italian allies at the Battle of the Colline Gate. Sarah Cooper teaches 8th grade U.S. history and is assistant head for academic life at Flintridge Preparatory School in La Canada, Calif. Sarah is the . [92] In the summer of 88, he reorganised the administration of the area before unsuccessfully besieging Rhodes. [72] Sulpicius' attempts to push through the Italian legislation again brought him into violent urban conflict, although he "offered nothing to the urban plebs so it continued to resist him". Primary sources are original . Primary Sources Sallust. They had, however, fallen on hard times. Updated on October 07, 2019. He attempted to mitigate this by passing laws to limit the actions of generals in their provinces, and although these laws remained in effect well into the imperial period, they did not prevent determined generals, such as Pompey and Julius Caesar, from using their armies for personal ambition against the Senate, a danger of which Sulla was intimately aware. [33] Winning Bocchus' friendship and making plain Rome's demands for Jugurtha's deliverance, Sulla successfully concluded negotiations and secured Bocchus' capture of Jugurtha and the king's rendition to Marius' camp. [152], Sulla was red-blond[154] and blue-eyed, and had a dead-white face covered with red marks. [23] The means by which Sulla attained the fortune which later would enable him to ascend the ladder of Roman politics are not clear; Plutarch refers to two inheritances, one from his stepmother (who loved him dearly) and the other from his mistress Nicopolis. They are now largely lost, although fragments from them exist as quotations in later writers. The Late Republic - Clarkson They are different from secondary sources, accounts that retell, analyze, or interpret events, usually at a distance of time or place." Library of Congress Teacher's Page. Dual domestications and origin of traits in grapevine evolution You can limit HOLLIS searches to your time period, but sources may be published later, such as a person's diary published posthumously. Books. La riunione periodica sulla sicurezza e la salute dei lavoratori: chi Examples of tertiary sources include encyclopedias and dictionaries, chronologies, almanacs, directories, indexes, and bibliographies. Beginning Research Activities Student activities designed to help . Capturing the city, Sulla had it destroyed. Sulla then duly besieged the city. Primary Source 10. The Library of Congress Teacher's page provides tools and guides for using primary sources in research, focusing of the unique materials in the Library's digital collections. [112] However, this and Sulla's delay in Asia are "not enough to absolve him of the charge of being more concerned with revenge on opponents in Italy than with Mithridates". He never allowed his debaucheries to interfere with his duties but he devoted all his leisure time to them. Provides tips on how to read and use primary sources in historical research. His son, Faustus Cornelius Sulla, issued denarii bearing the name of the dictator,[151] as did a grandson, Quintus Pompeius Rufus. Fimbria then committed suicide after a failed attempt on Sulla's life. In a dispute over the command of the war against Mithridates, initially awarded to Sulla by the Senate, but withdrawn as a result of Marius' intrigues, Sulla marched on Rome in an unprecedented act and defeated Marian forces in battle. The hundreds of thousands of men who enlisted . [117] Sulla attempted to open negotiations with Norbanus, who was at Capua, but Norbanus refused to treat and withdrew to Praeneste as Sulla advanced. primary name: Sulla, Lucius Cornelius other name: Cornelius L f P n Sulla Felix . Each actor's story is unique and each brings something important to the ensemble. Encyclopedias. [64], Political developments in Rome also started to bring an end to the war. This, of course, made him very popular with the poorer citizens. J. When he was still a proconsul in 82, he planned and executed the proscriptions against his enemies for revenge, especially from the Marian camp, and against rich Romans because he needed money to pay his veterans . Plutarch, writing much . The cultivated grapevine (Vitis vinifera ssp. Newspaper reports, by reporters who witnessed an event or who quote people who did. Eyeglasses from Colonial America would be a primary source about Early American History. Sulla's military coup was enabled by Marius's military reforms, that bound the army's loyalty with the general rather than to the Roman Republic, and permanently destabilized the Roman power structure. Demanding transfer to Catulus' (Marius' consular colleague) army, he received it. [78], When the march on Rome started, the Senate and people were appalled. [40] His prospects for advancement under Marius stalled, however, Sulla started to complain "most unfairly" that Marius was withholding opportunities from him. Negotiations broke down after one of Scipio's lieutenants seized a town held by Sulla in violation of a ceasefire. [21], This article is about the Roman dictator. His troops prepared the ground by starting to dig a series of three trenches, which successfully contained Pontic cavalry. Encyclopaedia Romana - Has essays on several aspects of ancient Rome. (5) Horace, Epode (c. 35 BC) In 89BC, one of the tribunes of the plebs passed the lex Plautia Papiria, which granted citizenship to all of the allies (with exception for the Samnites and Lucanians still under arms). [101], Sulla decamped his army from Attica toward central Greece. The Roman Republic and territories in 100 B.C. Campaigning on his military record, the people were unwilling to hear tales of military bravado from a mere junior officer after two triumphs. He was awarded the Grass Crown for his bravery at the Battle of Nola. The Iraq War Ten Years After - George Washington University Sulla then served as legate under his former commander and, in that stead, successfully subdued a Gallic tribe which revolted in the aftermath of a previous Roman defeat. Sulla - World History Encyclopedia [126] Sulla's specific movements are very vaguely described in Appian, but he was successful in preventing the Italians from relieving Praeneste or joining with Carbo. [65] This had been preceded by the lex Julia, passed by Lucius Julius Caesar in October 90BC, which had granted citizenship to those allies who remained loyal. Making of America. He was then assigned by lot to serve under the consul Gaius Marius. Research Guides: Canadian History: Primary Sources The United States entered World War I on April 6, 1917, when the U.S. Congress agreed to a declaration of war. His colleague was, 79 BC: Retires from political life, refusing the, 78 BC: Dies, perhaps of an intestinal ulcer, with funeral held in Rome, This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 11:05. You may copy and distribute the translations and commentaries in this resource, or parts of such translations and commentaries, in any medium . The bubonic plague was the most commonly seen form during the Black Death, with a mortality rate of 30-75% and symptoms including fever of 38 - 41 C (101-105 F), headaches, painful aching joints, nausea and vomiting, and a general feeling of malaise. The veto power of the tribunes and their legislating authority were soon reinstated, ironically during the consulships of Pompey and Crassus.[150]. [66] Buttressed by success against Rome's traditional enemies, the Samnites, and general Roman victory across Italy, Sulla stood for and was elected easily to the consulship of 88BC; his colleague would be Quintus Pompeius Rufus. Further, Sulla failed to frame a settlement whereby the army (following the Marian reforms allowing nonland-owning soldiery) remained loyal to the Senate, rather than to generals such as himself. Student Engagement: Primary source materials "help spark students . By the end of the war, the SSA had conscripted over 2.8 million American men. At the meeting, he took the seat between the Parthian ambassador, Orobazus, and Ariobarzanes, seeking to gain psychological advantage over the Partian envoy by portraying the Parthians and the Cappadocians as equals with Rome as superior. Weekly Newspaper Articles as Primary Sources. Sulla would ratify Mithridates' position in Pontus and have him declared a Roman ally. vinifera, hereafter V. vinifera) shares a close relationship with humans ().With unmatched cultivar diversity, this food source (table and raisin grapes) and winemaking ingredient (wine grapes) became an emblem of cultural identity in major Eurasian civilizations (1-3), leading to intensive research in ampelography, archaeobotany, and historical . While Sulla's laws such as those concerning qualification for admittance to the Senate, reform of the legal system and regulations of governorships remained on Rome's statutes long into the principate, much of his legislation was repealed less than a decade after his death. [40], In 102BC, the invaders returned and moved to force the Alps. The two armies then crossed the Po and attacked the Cimbri. Works of art, in general, are considered primary sources. Ancient Historians of Roman History - ThoughtCo He brought Pompeii under siege. An inscription on a sixteenth-century tombstone in Istanbul would be a primary source from the Classical Ottoman Age. Making of America - University of Michigan Marius (C. Marius) - Roman consul, seven times from 107 B.C. Mithridates was to give Asia and Paphlagonia back to Rome. Identifying and locating primary sources can be challenging. Tweet. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix (/ s l /; 138-78 BC), commonly known as Sulla, was a Roman general and statesman.He won the first large-scale civil war in Roman history and became the first man of the Republic to seize power through force.. Sulla had the distinction of holding the office of consul twice, as well as reviving the dictatorship.A gifted and innovative general, he achieved . Finally, in a demonstration of his absolute power, Sulla expanded the Pomerium, the sacred boundary of Rome, unchanged since the time of the kings. The Roman military and political leader Sulla "Felix" (138-78 B.C.E.) This also removed the need for the censor to draw up a list of senators, since more than enough former magistrates were always available to fill the Senate. Primary Sources are immediate, first-hand accounts of a topic, from people who had a direct connection with it. Historians and other scholars classify sources as primary or secondary. aking of America (MoA) is a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. Ancient accounts of Sulla's death indicate that he died from liver failure or a ruptured gastric ulcer (symptomized by a sudden hemorrhage from his mouth, followed by a fever from which he never recovered), possibly caused by chronic alcohol abuse. [59] Sulla attempted also to assist Lucius' relief of the city of Aesernia, which was under siege, but both men were unsuccessful. If Sulla had married one of the Julii Caesares, this could explain Marius' willingness to entrust such an important task to a young man with no military experience, as Marius too had married into that family. Collections Online | British Museum Sources | Legacy of Sulla Wiki | Fandom [75], Speaking to the men, Sulla complained to them of the outrageous behaviour of Marius and Sulpicius. Finding Primary Sources Primary Sources from DocsTeach Thousands of online primary source documents from the National Archives to bring the past to life as classroom teaching tools. He might have been disinherited, though it was "more likely" that his father simply had nothing to bequeath. Beyond personal enmity, Caesar Strabo may also have stood for office because it was evident that Rome's relations with the Pontic king, Mithridates VI Eupator, were deteriorating and that the consuls of 88 would be assigned an extremely lucrative and glorious command against Pontus. He used his powers to purge his opponents, and reform Roman constitutional laws, to restore the primacy of the Senate and limit the power of the tribunes of the plebs. Sulla then left for Capua before joining an army near Nola in southern Italy.[74]. After another attempt to relieve Praeneste failed, Carbo lost his nerve and attempted to retreat to Africa; his lieutenants attempted again to relieve Praeneste but after that again failed, marched on Rome to force Sulla from his well-defended positions. Lucius Cornelius Sulla | UNRV Roman History sulla primary sources His enemy, Lucius Cornelius Cinna, was elected consul for 87BC in place of his candidate;[83] his nephew was rejected as plebeian tribune while Marius' nephew was successful. Throughout the research process, you'll likely use various types of sources. Social: Facebook Page YouTube Page Instagram Page. Plutarch - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Eight Ways to Teach With Primary Sources - Education Week [76] Without troops defending Rome itself, Sulla entered the city; once there, however, his men were pelted with stones from the rooftops by common people. [30] Sulla was popular with the men, charming and benign, he built up a healthy rapport while also winning popularity with other officers, including Marius. Athens itself was spared total destruction "in recognition of [its] glorious past" but the city was sacked. They are original research, thinking, or discovery on a topic or event, and are written or created by people who actually experienced the event . Lucius Cornelius Sulla (138-78 BCE) was a ruthless military commander, who first distinguished himself in the Numidian War under the command of Gaius Marius.His relationship with Marius soured during the conflicts that would follow and lead to a rivalry which would only end with Marius' death.Sulla eventually seized control of the Republic, named himself dictator, and after eliminating his . These sources have not been modified by interpretation and offer original thought or new information. [43] Refusing to stand for an aedileship (which, due to its involvement in hosting public games, was extremely expensive), Sulla became a candidate for the praetorship in 99BC. [128], After the battle at the Colline Gate, Sulla summoned the Senate to the temple of Bellona at the Campus Martius. Sulla then settled affairs "reparations, rewards, administrative and financial arrangements for the future" in Asia, staying there until 84BC. Sulla's descendants continued to be prominent in Roman politics into the imperial period. He then sailed for Italy at the head of 1,200 ships. An example of the extent of his charming side was that his soldiers would sing a ditty about Sulla's one testicle, although without truth, to which he allowed as being "fond of a jest. Introduction - Primary Sources - LibGuides at CSU Los Angeles The Internet Modern History Sourcebook is one of series of history primary sourcebooks. Rome at the End of the Punic Wars [History, Book 6] [At this Site] Acts of the Divine Augustus (Res Gestae Divi Augusti) [At MIT] The Life of Gnaeus Julius Agricola (40-93 CE), [At UNRV History] Life of Cnaeus Julius Agricola (40-93 CE), c.98 CE trans. If the latter, he may have married into the Julii Caesares. In art, literature, and cultural studies, primary sources . [28][29], Under Marius, the Roman forces followed a very similar plan as under Metellus, capturing and garrisoning fortified positions in the African countryside. PDF The Emperor Nero: A Guide to the Ancient Sources - Introduction The law was vetoed by one of the tribunes, but when Quintus Pompeius Rufus went to Pompey Strabo's army to take command under the Senate's authority, he was promptly assassinated after his arrival and assumption of command, almost certainly on Strabo's orders. Gnaeus Carbo attempted to lift the Siege of Praeneste but failed and fled to Africa. [100], In the summer of 86BC, two major battles were fought in Boeotia. Pompey, the son of Pompey Strabo, raised a legion from his clients in Picenum and also joined Sulla; Sulla treated him with great respect and addressed him as imperator before dispatching him to raise more troops. 133/18 Scipio praises C.Marius. [53], Relations between Rome and its allies (the socii), had deteriorated over the years up to 91BC. Primary sources are available here primarily for use in high-school and university/college courses. Shortly before Sulla's first consulship, the Romans fought the bloody Social War against their . This, along with the increase in the number of courts, further added to the power that was already held by the senators. Sulla's body was brought into the city on a golden bier, escorted by his veteran soldiers, and funeral orations were delivered by several eminent senators, with the main oration possibly delivered by Lucius Marcius Philippus or Hortensius. Primary Sources - An Introductory Guide - Seton Hall University The Samnite and anti-Sullan commanders were then hunted down as "for all intents and purposes the civil war in Italy was over". [104] When the Pontic cavalry attacked to interrupt the earthworks, the Romans almost broke; Sulla personally rallied his men on foot and stabilised the area. Find & Discover | Primary Sources at Yale Faced with mobilizing a sufficient fighting force, Congress passed the Selective Service Act on May 18, 1917. Marius, an Italian by birth rather than a pure Roman, was a relative newcomer to the Roman elite, and he was considered an outsider by the Senate fathers. The circumstances of his relative poverty as a young man left him removed from his patrician brethren, enabling him to consort with revelers and experience the baser side of human nature. Primary Sources on the Web: Finding, Evaluating, Using . [59] Sulla served as one of the legates in the southern theatre assigned to consul Lucius Julius Caesar. Sulla and Pompeius Rufus opposed the bill, which Sulpicius took as a betrayal; Sulpicius, without the support of the consuls, looked elsewhere for political allies. Pueblo, CO 81001. [107], Mithridates, still in Asia, was faced with local uprisings against his rule. Helping or sheltering a proscribed person was punishable by death, while killing a proscribed person was rewarded with two talents. A gifted and innovative general, he achieved numerous successes in wars against foreign and domestic opponents. Marius and Sulla are very curious figures in the late Roman Republic. Tip: If you are unsure if a source you have found is primary, talk to your instructor, librarian, or archivist. This unusual appointment (used hitherto only in times of extreme danger to the city, such as during the Second Punic War, and then only for 6-month periods) represented an exception to Rome's policy of not giving total power to a single individual. Learning in Black and White. The historian Sallust fleshes out this character sketch of Sulla: He was well versed both in Greek and Roman literature, and had a truly remarkable mind. Of the twelve outlaws, only Sulpicius was killed after being betrayed by a slave. Plutarch states in his Life of Sulla that "Sulla now began to make blood flow, and he filled the city with deaths without number or limit," further alleging that many of the murdered victims had nothing to do with Sulla, though Sulla killed them to "please his adherents.". [55] The Cimbric war also revived Italian solidarity, aided by Roman extension of corruption laws to allow allies to lodge extortion claims. National Archives Catalog Find online primary source materials for classroom & student projects from the National Archive's online catalog (OPA). He then reinforced this decision by legislation, retroactively justifying his illegal march on the city and stripping the twelve outlaws of their Roman citizenship. His rival, Gnaeus Papirius Carbo, described Sulla as having the cunning of a fox and the courage of a lion but that it was his cunning that was by far the most dangerous. Even those whom Sulla had quarrelled with (including Publius Cornelius Cethegus, whom Sulla had outlawed in 88 BC) defected to join his side.
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