"I have to tell people. All rights reserved. Selena died in a hospital due to a loss of blood and cardiac arrest, two weeks before her 24th birthday. He reportedly lied on his CV and research papers to trick patients, causing almost all those who received his inventive trachea transplants (using their own bone marrow cells for organ functionality) to lose their lives. Theres a void in his personality that he seems to want to fill by conning more and more people.. Her global quest to find out the truth about the man who left her personal and professional life in shambles is documented in He Lied About Everything on Investigation Discovery. Paolo Macchiarini He was born in Basel, Switzerland to Italian parents. Louisiana Woman Disappeared After Giving Somebody A Ride, 5 Things That Still Bother Us About The Unsolved Maura Murray Case, Two Texas Teens Left After Curfew In 1988 And Never Returned, What Happened To Zion Foster? Washington These included Harriet Wallberg, who was the vice-chancellor of the Karolinska Institute in 2010, when Macchiarini was recruited. Bangkok Thats what our experience of medical research leads us to suspect. While many in Sweden expressed disappointment at what they saw as the leniency of the sentence, given that prosecutors had asked for five years in prison, the verdict nonetheless represented the culmination of a stunning fall from grace for a once high-flying surgeon. Swedish television broadcast a three-part expos of Paolo's work called Experimenten, which argued that the artificial windpipes did more harm than good and were actually rotting away inside his patients' bodies. ABCs true-crime documentary series The Con premieres with the story of Paolo Macchiarini, who was once considered a pioneer in the field of regenerative medicine but allegedly turned out to be just a fraud. American Catherine Serou sent her mother a text that read, I hope Im not being abducted., Benita Found Her Dream Man But He Lied About Everything & Left Death In His Wake, Benita Alexander had no way of knowing that, by the end of her love story, her heart would be broken and many of Paolos patients who received the , Shakira Could Face 8 Years In Prison For Tax Fraud In Spain, What To Know About Reality Star Jen Shah's Wire Fraud Case, Tejano Music Queen Selena Was Shot To Death By The President Of Her Fan Club, 29-Year-Old Woman Arrested After Enrolling In New Jersey High School, American College Student In The Netherlands Stalked And Killed By Man She Met On Tinder, Iowa College Student Allegedly Faked Cancer Diagnosis, Scammed Hundreds, Italian Surgeon Accused Of Operating Inappropriately Gets Conditional Sentence, True Crime News Roundup: Elderly Man Missing For Months Found Dead In Trash Can Outside His Home, True Crime News Roundup: Prince Andrew Stripped Of Military Titles After Judge Allows Sex Abuse Case To Proceed, Student Studying Abroad In Russia Found Dead After Sending Her Mother Troubling Text, An Alabama Woman Disappeared After Her Boyfriend Dropped Her Off At Home, Have You Seen Semaj Goodwine? He was one of the best con men I have ever come across. No, he was just caring for his patients who were, one and all, facing certain death with no other treatment options available and no time to waste. They shared a happy relationship. An independent investigator agreed. An alarmingly wide gap has grown between what we expect from stem cells and what they deliver. Coming from different countries including Eritrea, Spain, Russian, Iceland, Britain and the United States, 20 patients were operated on by Macchiarini, who provide them with an artificial windpipe. Likewise, they didnt undertake a proper risk assessment of the procedure, nor did Macchiarinis team seek government permits for the plastic windpipes, stem cells, and chemical growth factors they used. Team Lakay However, Swedish TV reporters also decided to take a close look at Macchiarinis work. They allowed Macchiarini to continue his work as a visiting professor with a research lab. Thats what Macchiarini told his fiancee. Beyenes death two and a half years after the operation, caused by the failure of his artificial airway, was a grueling ordeal. Now his reputation lies in tatters. Pennsylvania In late 2014, four doctors in Sweden accused him of fraud, saying that he'd falsified data in six of the papers he had published. I didnt want the fairy tale to end., Alexander also hired a private investigator, a former Pennsylvania State Police detective named Frank Murphy. Metro At the time, Macchiarini was employed by the prestigious Karolinska Institute in Sweden. He traveled to Illinois to operate on a Korean toddler who was born without a trachea and who was going to be the youngest person to ever receive an artificial one. Support for Macchiarini remained strong, even as his patients began to die. For six years, she had endured a tube inserted in her windpipe, or trachea, to keep her alive, but her discomfort and distress were becoming more and more unbearable. 2023 Warner Bros. Unfortunately, though, she reportedly succumbed to her underlying disease in January of 2012. A life-saver and a game-changer. AAAS is a partner of HINARI, AGORA, OARE, CHORUS, CLOCKSS, CrossRef and COUNTER. ONE Super Series Tokyo Cardiothoracic surgeon Matthias Corbascio, one of Macchiarinis former colleagues at KI who first raised questions about the work, describes it as terrible and insane. The court basically gave him a slap on the wrist, says Corbascio, who is now at the University of Copenhagen. Photographs document Ms. Seins trachea transformation: Her old windpipe looks raw and red, her new one smooth as porcelain. An unhappy result of this is the rise of pseudo-scientific therapies. As studies have shown, the media often casts a positive light on stem cell tourism, suggesting that the treatments are effective and the risks low. Mieke Oorts alleged killer used a GPS tracking device to stalk her and would drive up and down the road where she lived to intimidate her. As it turned out, Macchiarinis patients werent all at deaths door at the time he treated them. Japan Paolo proposed to her on Christmas Day in 2013. According to Pierre Delaere, a professor of respiratory surgery at KU Leuven, Belgium, Macchiarinis experiments were bound to end badly. The Italian surgeon and his Italian wife Emanuela Pecchia have one son and one daughter. Brazilian MMA fighters But that day is always postponed. The Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm. The court said the penalty was a suspended sentence, but did not specify how long the sentence would be if imposed. Stem cell brain implants could 'slow ageing and extend life', study shows, offering to treat just about any ailment you can name, Pregnant women's stem cells could treat osteoporosis, say scientists. Stem-cell scientist Dr. Paolo Macchiarini was accused of wrongdoing during operations on three people between 2011 and 2014. Seven of the eight patients Paolo inserted tracheas into have died. By 2011, he was working in Sweden at one of the worlds most prestigious medical universities, the Karolinska Institute, whose professors annually select the winner of the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine. One was a 2-year-old girl named Hannah Warren, on whom hed operated in Peoria, IL, in 2013, according to Vanity Fair. In court testimony, he defended himself as only trying to help desperately ill patients, and said he had the full support of KI and his colleagues. I Googled trachea transplant and Dr. Genden popped up. He was eventually dismissed from Karolinska. I cant do this anymore, Sonia Sein told herself, her family and her doctor. Was he conning his patients, his colleagues and the scientific community? She pushed through his appointment despite the fact that he had some very negative references and dubious claims on his rsum. Other witnesses contradicted that, arguing that with Andemariams slow-growing cancer, minor surgeries and other treatments could have kept him alive. But of 20 patients, including children, most ultimately died, and scientists said Dr. Macchiarini misrepresented data and exaggerated his techniques effectiveness. The fact that he could keep all the details straight and compartmentalize these different lives and lies is really amazing.. Prior to this, he was regarded as a pioneer in the field of regenerative medicine using both biological and synthetic scaffolds seeded with patients own stem cells as trachea transplants. Most, including Andemariam Beyene, are now dead. They identified many problems with the way the twin organisations handled him. Delaeres damning criticisms appeared in major medical journals, including the Lancet, but werent taken seriously by Karolinskas leadership. The media began calling him "Dr. Frankenstein" and said that he committed "the world's biggest medical fraud.". A panel of judges unanimously ruled that the interventions were not in accordance with science and proven experience, according to a statement released today. However, behind closed doors, Dr. Macchiarini was hiding a secret the procedures were not working. The official report into the matter dubbed this the bandwagon effect. In their view, he was grossly misrepresenting his results and the health of his patients. Colorado Euan Ward reported from London, and Christina Anderson from Bastad, Sweden. Over the years, this possibility has generated great excitement and a huge amount of research. Only three are still alive as of September 2020. This was the start of a whirlwind romance that included five-star hotels, travel to far-flung locations, and extravagant shopping sprees. Paolo Macchiarinis most notable patient is Claudia Castillo. Benita Alexander thought that she was living a real-life fairy tale when she met her fianc, Paolo Macchiarini. Macchiarini was fired in 2016 amid allegations of fraud and scientific misconduct after many of his transplant recipients died. The surgeons defense attorney, Bjrn Hurtig, said his client was considering an appeal. This went on for three years until, just recently, Grinnemo was cleared of all wrongdoing. North Carolina Delaere feels the sentence is too light for what he considers a serious crime. Dr. Genden said Dr. Macchiarinis rise and fall profoundly affected his own path. She has since had the synthetic trachea removed. At the time, Macchiarini was working at Swedens Karolinska Institute, which awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine every year. Called Experimenten (The Experiments), it argued convincingly that Macchiarinis artificial windpipes were not the life-saving wonders wed all been led to believe. Paolo Macchiarini is a thoracic surgeon. Italian surgeon gets his sentence appealed in Sweden case Its kind of a marginal substitute, and many patients need further interventions to maintain their airways.. Instead of stripping the cells from donor windpipes, Macchiarini had plastic scaffolds made to order. One of these is the hype surrounding stem cells. According to hospital staff, she had roughly 40 near-death experiences during this time, the judgment said. Change). Look out for a message in your inbox in. I had a brave face, but I was scared, Ms. Sein said. TikToker Says Her Celebrity Surgeon Ex Conned Her Out of $50K Sorry we couldn't set a reminder for you this time. fall of a celebrity scientist Paolo Macchiarini is exposed Reality struck Alexander's fantasy romance eight weeks before she was supposed to marry Macchiarini in 2015, when she received an email from a colleague with the subject line saying, "The Pope." The Karolinska Institute was seduced by Macchiarini, said Dr. Gerdin. In their view, Macchiarini was certainly engaged in clinical research. Death Season 2, Mandy Moore Joins Dr. If the Pope was planning to marry two divorcees, surely it would be huge global news? New Jersey Instead, they found him guilty of negligence and the lesser charge of causing bodily harm. Ms. Seins trachea before, left, and her new transplanted trachea. One biomedical researcher has documented a total of 20 tracheal regeneration procedures by Macchiarini in Russia, Spain, Britain, and the United States, as well as Sweden. Macchiarinis fall was swift, but troubling questions remain about why he was allowed to continue his experiments for so long. Help News from Science publish trustworthy, high-impact stories about research and the people who shape it. As for Keziah Shorten, who suffered from trachea cancer, Paolo Macchiarini did a transplant on her on July 13, 2010, which failed the very next year. Reports of their success always seemed like hot air to him. In 2016, Claudia returned to the Hospital Clinic to have her left lung removed, and as per the last reports, she is now alive and doing relatively well. If we've learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic, it's that we cannot wait for a crisis to respond. Benita Alexander had no way of knowing that, by the end of her love story, her heart would be broken and many of Paolos patients who received the miracle transplants would be dead. She received a new trachea in January and is believed to be the first patient in the world to undergo a successful direct transplant of a donor trachea. He says prosecutors should have pressed for manslaughter charges because Macchiarini had no evidence that the tracheas he implanted would develop into normally functioning organs.
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