Despite having the same end goals as traditional ML, FL executions differ significantly in scale, spanning thousands to millions of participating devices. Horcrux-compliant web servers perform offline analysis of all the JavaScript code on any frame they serve to conservatively identify, for every JavaScript function, the union of the page state that the function could access across all loads of that page. For example, talks may be shorter than in prior years, or some parts of the conference may be multi-tracked. Our evaluation shows that, compared to existing participant selection mechanisms, Oort improves time-to-accuracy performance by 1.2X-14.1X and final model accuracy by 1.3%-9.8%, while efficiently enforcing developer-specified model testing criteria at the scale of millions of clients. We describe PrivateKube, an extension to the popular Kubernetes datacenter orchestrator that adds privacy as a new type of resource to be managed alongside other traditional compute resources, such as CPU, GPU, and memory. Across a wide range of pages, phones, and mobile networks covering web workloads in both developed and emerging regions, Horcrux reduces median browser computation delays by 31-44% and page load times by 18-37%. Distributed systems are notoriously hard to implement correctly due to non-determinism. Authors are required to register abstracts by 3:00 p.m. PST on December 3, 2020, and to submit full papers by 3:00 p.m. PST on December 10, 2020. Swapnil Gandhi and Anand Padmanabha Iyer, Microsoft Research. She is the recipient of several best paper awards, the Einstein Chair of the Chinese Academy of Science, the ACM/SIGART Autonomous Agents Research Award, an NSF Career Award, and the Allen Newell Medal for Excellence in Research. This change is receiving considerable attention in the architecture and security communities, for example, but in contrast, so-called OS researchers are mostly in denial. We particularly encourage contributions containing highly original ideas, new approaches, and/or groundbreaking results. Under different configurations of TPC-C and TPC-E, Polyjuice can achieve throughput numbers higher than the best of existing algorithms by 15% to 56%. Moreover, as of October 2020, a review of the 50 most cited empirical papers that list personality as a keyword indicates that all 50 papers were authored by people with insti tutional affiliations in the United States, Canada, Germany, the UK, and New Zealand, and only three papers included samples outside of these regions (see Supplementary We built an FPGA prototype of the nanoPU fast path by modifying an open-source RISC-V CPU, and evaluated its performance using cycle-accurate simulations on AWS FPGAs. Kirk Rodrigues, Yu Luo, and Ding Yuan, University of Toronto and YScope Inc. For any further information, please contact the PC chairs: Authors may use this for content that may be of interest to some readers but is peripheral to the main technical contributions of the paper. DistAI: Data-Driven Automated Invariant Learning for Distributed Protocols Jianan Yao, Runzhou Tao, Ronghui Gu, Jason Nieh . See the USENIX Conference Submissions Policy for details. OSDI'21 accepted 31 papers and 26 papers participated in the AE, a significant increase in the participate ratio: 84%, compared to OSDI'20 (70%) and SOSP'19 (61%). She is the author of the textbook Interconnections (about network layers 2 and 3) and coauthor of Network Security. Furthermore, to enable automatic runtime optimization, GNNAdvisor incorporates a lightweight analytical model for an effective design parameter search. After request completion, an I/O device must decide either to minimize latency by immediately firing an interrupt or to optimize for throughput by delaying the interrupt, anticipating that more requests will complete soon and help amortize the interrupt cost. Her robot soccer teams have been RoboCup world champions several times, and the CoBot mobile robots have autonomously navigated for more than 1,000km in university buildings. Accepted paper for Luo Mai at OSDI 22 | InfWeb Contact your program co-chairs,, or the USENIX office, We argue that a key-value interface between a file system and an SSD is superior to the legacy block interface by presenting KEVIN. Web pages today commonly include large amounts of JavaScript code in order to offer users a dynamic experience. SC is being increasingly adopted by industry for a variety of applications. Sponsored by USENIX in cooperation with ACM SIGOPS. Horcruxs JavaScript scheduler then uses this information to judiciously parallelize JavaScript execution on the client-side so that the end-state is identical to that of a serial execution, while minimizing coordination and offloading overheads. USENIX new Date().getFullYear()>document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Grants for Black Computer Science Students Application, Title Page, Copyright Page, and List of Organizers, OSDI '21 Proceedings Interior (PDF, best for mobile devices). Today, privacy controls are enforced by data curators with full access to data in the clear. Log search and log archiving, despite being critical problems, are mutually exclusive. The ZNS+ also allows each zone to be overwritten with sparse sequential write requests, which enables the LFS to use threaded logging-based block reclamation instead of segment compaction. For more details on the submission process, and for templates to use with LaTeX, Word, etc., authors should consult the detailed submission requirements. If you have any questions about conflicts, please contact the program co-chairs. Authors are also encouraged to contact the program co-chairs,, if needed to relate their OSDI submissions to relevant submissions of their own that are simultaneously under review or awaiting publication at other venues. For instance, FAST 21 and NSDI 21 have author-notification dates after the OSDI 21 abstract-registration deadline. You must not improperly identify a PC member as a conflict if none of these three circumstances applies, even if for some other reason you want to avoid them reviewing your paper. They collectively make the backup fresh, columnar, and fault-tolerant, even facing millions of concurrent transactions per second. We implement and evaluate a suite of applications, including MICA, Raft and Set Algebra for document retrieval; and we demonstrate that the nanoPU can be used as a high performance, programmable alternative for one-sided RDMA operations. Alas, existing profiling techniques incur high overhead when used to identify data locality problems and cannot be deployed in production, where programs may exhibit previously-unseen performance problems. We present the results of a 1% experiment at fleet scale as well as the longitudinal rollout in Googles warehouse scale computers. Pollux improves scheduling performance in deep learning (DL) clusters by adaptively co-optimizing inter-dependent factors both at the per-job level and at the cluster-wide level. Lifting predicates and crash framing make the specification easy to use for developers, and logically atomic crash specifications allow for modular reasoning in GoJournal, making the proof tractable despite complex concurrency and crash interleavings. will work with the steering committee to ensure that the symposium program will accommodate presentations for all accepted papers. DistAI generates data by simulating the distributed protocol at different instance sizes and recording states as samples. Prepublication versions of the accepted papers from the summer submission deadline are available below. This post is for recording some notes from a few OSDI'21 papers that I got fun. The file system performance of the proposed ZNS+ storage system was 1.33--2.91 times better than that of the normal ZNS-based storage system. Tao Luo, Mingen Pan, Pierre Tholoniat, Asaf Cidon, and Roxana Geambasu, Columbia University; Mathias Lcuyer, Microsoft Research. Papers accompanied by nondisclosure agreement forms will not be considered. We have implemented a prototype of our design based on Penglai, an open-sourced enclave system for RISC-V. Secure Computation (SC) is a family of cryptographic primitives for computing on encrypted data in single-party and multi-party settings. Fluffy found two new consensus bugs in the most popular Geth Ethereum client which were exploitable on the live Ethereum mainnet. We present the nanoPU, a new NIC-CPU co-design to accelerate an increasingly pervasive class of datacenter applications: those that utilize many small Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) with very short (s-scale) processing times. The overhead of GPT is 5% for memory-intensive workloads (e.g., Redis) and negligible for CPU-intensive workloads (e.g., RV8 and Coremarks). If your accepted paper should not be published prior to the event, please notify Qing Wang, Youyou Lu, Junru Li, and Jiwu Shu, Tsinghua University. The wire-to-wire RPC response time through the nanoPU is just 69ns, an order of magnitude quicker than the best-of-breed, low latency, commercial NICs. For general conference information, see https://www . We develop a prototype of Zeph on Apache Kafka to demonstrate that Zeph can perform large-scale privacy transformations with low overhead. Penglai also reduces the latency of secure memory initialization by three orders of magnitude and gains 3.6x speedup for real-world applications (e.g., MapReduce). However, with the increasingly speedy transactions and queries thanks to large memory and fast interconnect, commodity HTAP systems have to make a tradeoff between data freshness and performance degradation. Existing systems that hide voice call metadata either require trusted intermediaries in the network or scale to only tens of users. The blockchain community considers this hard fork the greatest challenge since the infamous 2016 DAO hack. To help more profitably utilize sanitizers, we introduce SanRazor, a practical tool aiming to effectively detect and remove redundant sanitizer checks. Furthermore, such performance can be achieved without any modification in applications, network hardware, kernel CPU schedulers and/or kernel network stack. OSDI brings together professionals from academic and industrial backgrounds in a premier forum for discussing the design, implementation, and implications of systems software.
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