Bluffton Elementary School. Phone: 419-358-3331. To maintain an educational environment that is safe and conducive to the educational process, students in all grades shall abstain from wearing or possessing specified items during the school day. Uniform shirts (Polo style) may be a solid color of dark green (hunter), yellow (maize or buttercup), or white.
Athletic - Bluffton Exempted Village - Finalsite The Board of Education for Beaufort County Schools enacted a uniform policy that began in 2009-2010 in all elementary and middle schools and was implemented in all high schools in 2010-2011. Bottoms - Bottoms can be pants, skirts, capris, jumpers, shorts (no shorter than 3 inches above the knee). classes shoes with rubber soles that allow for safe movement, running, playing, etc.
Uniforms - Bluffton Elementary School and Early Childhood Center From elementary to middle school and high school, you are sure to find uniforms that fit your kids like a glove. Shorts, skirts, and skorts shall be modest in and of sufficient length. Plain, one-piece dresses are not part of the uniform. Encouraging young minds! A Palmetto's Finest Award Winner and Proud Title I School, Academy for Career Excellence Beaufort/Jasper, Bluffton Elementary School and Early Childhood Center, Hilton Head Island Early Childhood Center, Hilton Head Island School for the Creative Arts, Michael C. Riley Elementary School and Early Childhood Center. Head coverings shall not be worn, carried, hung on belts or around the neck or kept in classrooms during regular school hours. Students may wear plain, unhooded sweaters or sweatshirts over school uniforms. Whale Branch Early College High School logos are permitted only. Solid black, solid gray, solid kelly green, and solid white sweaters or sweatshirts (with or without hoods) may be worn over the school uniform. The school uniform shirt colors for the new Pritchardville Elementary School are navy, Kelly green, white and light yellow (not gold). Only the top button can be unbuttoned. Uniforms and Spirit Gear; Health and Wellness of Student . Bottoms may have an elastic waistline or belt-loops. Where: Pritchardville Elementary School, 9447 Evan Way. We have asked that they not return them, but to not purchase more of them in that color; to purchase, rather, red, gold, or white instead in the future.) The Beaufort County School District is committed to nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all students, parents/legal guardians, staff, visitors, applicants for admission and employment, personnel, and community members who participate or seek to participate in its educational programs or activities.
St. Gregory the Great Catholic School - SGGCS Families - Bluffton Middle School The Wildcats: Encouraging Creativity, Confidence, and Individuality. Colors are: Kelly Green White Pale Yellow Navy Blue Bottoms - Bottoms can be pants, skirts, capris, jumpers, shorts (no shorter than 3 inches above the knee). Welcome! Regular school bottoms. This coming school year only, red polo shirts can be worn to support families transitioning from another school. Students shall be informed they have violated the student dress code. Accordingly, the BCSD does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, sex, pregnancy, childbirth, or any related medical conditions, color, physical or mental disability, age (40 or older), ancestry, genetic information, national origin, or any other applicable status protected by Title VI, Title VII, Title IX or any other local, state, or federal law. Bluffton High School is committed to assuring that all students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to live as productive and informed citizens in an ever-changing society. (2) Students must wear plain shirts with a collar. Jeans are not permitted. Accordingly, the BCSD does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race . The Beaufort County School District is committed to nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all students, parents/legal guardians, staff, visitors, applicants for admission and employment, personnel, and community members who participate or seek to participate in its educational programs or activities. Accordingly, the BCSD does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race . Navy or Khaki.
Uniforms - Broad River Elementary School (Some families have purchased pale yellow shirts. Mock turtlenecks and turtlenecks are acceptable. Approved: February 17, 2009 Best Elementary School. Proud to be an Excellent Rated school! Your web browser does not support the