As the others were shot, Hazel Tanis, 56, a waitress at Westmount Country Club in then West Paterson, was trying to hide near the front door. Like much of America in 1966, Paterson was a city divided by color lines. Police never found the weapons. Mae Thelma, stopped coming to see him at his own insistence; the couple, who had a son and a daughter, divorced in 1984. Carter's autobiography, titled The Sixteenth Round, written while he was in prison, was published in 1974 by Viking Press. Nonsense, says Deal. Carter and Artis were interrogated for 17 hours, released, then re-arrested weeks later. Beyond that, however, Bello's actions seem odd. The state continued to appeal Sarokin's decision all the way to the United States Supreme Court until February 1988, when a Passaic County (NJ) state judge formally dismissed the 1966 indictments of Carter and Artis and finally ended the 22-year long saga. After his release, he channeled his considerable anger, towards his situation and that of Paterson's African American community, into his boxing he turned pro in 1961 and began a startling four-fight winning streak, including two knockouts. [10], After that fight, Carter's ranking in The Ring began to decline. Rubin Carter. [26], However, during the hearing on the recantations, defense attorneys also argued that Bello and Bradley had lied during the 1967 trial, telling the jurors that they had made only certain narrow, limited deals with prosecutors in exchange for their trial testimony. Image via Caruso, now a lawyer in Brick Township and one of several members of the team who raised questions about the original police investigation, said he was eventually reassigned to "cleaning up a file room." On the eve of his 1964 middleweight title fight, he bragged in the. He played semi-pro football with the Paterson Panthers and kept in shape. "It is just not legally feasible to sustain a prosecution, and not practical after almost 22 years to be trying anyone", said New Jersey Attorney General W. Cary Edwards. Several members of the prosecution teams also became judges namely Humphreys, Vincent Hull, Ronald Marmo, and Fred Devesa. Boxer Rubin Carter was twice wrongly convicted of a triple murder and imprisoned for nearly two decades. Boxer Muhammad Ali lent his support to the campaign (including publicly wishing Carter good luck on his appeal during his appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson in September 1973). 2023 In 1966, at the height of his boxing career, Carter was twice wrongfully convicted of a triple murder and imprisoned for nearly two decades. "There was something really wrong," said Richard Caruso, a former Essex County sheriff's detective who was part of a team of investigators assigned by the Passaic County Prosecutor's Office to reexamine the killings in 1975. His aggressive style and punching power (resulting in many early-round knockouts) drew attention, establishing him as a crowd favorite and earning him the nickname "Hurricane". After his release from prison, he entered the professional boxing arena and won his first fight on September 22, 1961. As he left the police station, Rawls reportedly shouted that if police didn't handle the case properly, he would take matters into his own hands. Bello told police he was walking down Lafayette Street to buy a pack of cigarettes when he heard shots and saw two black men with guns leave the bar and jump into the white getaway car with blue and gold plates and butterfly taillights. The story of his plight attracted the attention and support of many luminaries, including Dylan, who visited Carter in prison, wrote the song "Hurricane" (included on his 1976 album, Desire), and played it at every stop of his Rolling Thunder Revue tour. The death of Leroy Holloway, 48, the bartender-owner of the Waltz Inn, bore three distinct parallels to the Lafayette Grill shootings. Upon his release, Carter moved to Toronto, Ontario, Canada, into the home of the group that had worked to free him. In 2019, the case was the focus of a 13-part BBC podcast series, The Hurricane Tapes. And perhaps most significant to prosecutors Holloway's killer had a different skin color from his. [5] Shortly after his discharge, he returned home to New Jersey, was convicted of two muggings and sent to prison. Neither matched those retrieved from the victims; the .32 round was brass, rather than copper, while the shotgun shell was an older model, with a different wad and color. After four years of success, Carter lost a 1964 fight for the middleweight title. I grabbed two guns and ran out the door.". Although the defense produced witnesses who verified that Carter and Artis were at another bar at the time of the shooting, both the accused were given life sentences for each of the three murders. Caruso even made note of his concerns in a secret file later dubbed "The Caruso File" that was a subject of a bitter legal fight after Carter and Artis were convicted again for the Lafayette Grill killings in 1976. [16] He ran from them, and they got into a white car that was double-parked near the Lafayette. Rubin Carter was born on May 6, 1937, in Clifton, New Jersey, US, and grew up in Passaic and Paterson, New Jersey. The officer told Rawls not to worry. At his second trial, prosecutors alleged a new motive, revenge for the murder of the black owner of another bar by the white man who had sold it to him; the dead man was the stepfather of one of Carter's friends. The series was based on interviews which were conducted with survivors, case notes which were taken during the original investigations, and 40 hours of recorded interviews of Carter by the author Ken Klonsky, who cited them in his 2011 book The Eye of the Hurricane. The lights were on, he recalls. [13][38], Prosecutors therefore could have tried Carter (and Artis) a third time, but decided not to, and filed a motion to dismiss the original indictments. [7] At 5ft 8in (1.73m), Carter was shorter than the average middleweight, but he fought all of his professional career at 155160lb (7072.6kg). After the birth of their second son, Mae Thelma divorced him on the grounds of infidelity. Bello stepped over the bleeding bodies and took $62 from the cash register. Seated two stools away, William "Willie" Marins, 42 and also a machinist, had been battling numerous health problems, including tuberculosis, police say. On the night of June 17, 1966, two black men shot and killed three white people at the Lafayette Bar and Grill in Paterson. Two months later, complaining of threats by friends of Carter, Bello told then-Sergeant Mohl that the man with the shotgun was Carter. It has been 34 years now, and people still can't agree on what happened at Paterson's Lafayette Grill. Or were Carter, then 29 and a well-known boxer, and Artis, 19 and a former high school track star who spent his days driving a delivery truck, unjustly imprisoned for most of two decades? The bottle smashed against the wall by the door. [35][36] The court denied this motion and eventually upheld Sarokin's opinion, affirming his Brady analysis without commenting on his other rationale. Another man, John Royster, who has been described in trial records as something of a local barfly, was in the passenger seat. Each side would later use the lie detector results and immediate police reaction to them to try to prove its case. Returning to New Jersey, he was re-arrested and returned to a home for older boys. With a shaved head, Fu Manchu mustache and bulging muscles, he sent shudders and shakes through his opponents. But riots had erupted in Watts, Detroit even in Paterson. Rubin "Hurricane" Carter (May 6, 1937 - April 20, 2014) was an American-Canadian middleweight boxer, wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for murder, until released following a petition of habeas corpus after almost 20 years in prison. But at the scene, police were interviewing two other witnesses who would play integral and controversial roles in the case. Armed with his .357 Magnum service revolver and a 9mm semiautomatic pistol, Lawless stepped through the front door of the Lafayette Grill only minutes later, not knowing what he might confront. He gets along well with his brother Jack. "She thought she was having an easier night, I guess.". In 2012, he revealed that he had been suffering from terminal prostate cancer. In later trials, the defense would suggest that the shotgun shell and bullet were planted by the police. Rubin Carter is entering his second season as head coach at Florida A&M in Tallahassee. The family lives together in Shoreham, New York. Last year, Carter's team finished at 6-5. Photograph: Bettmann/Corbis, Bob Dylan's single of Hurricane, 1975. In 1974, the New Jersey public defenders office received recantations from the witnesses, Bello and Bradley. If you are, you understand when you get the urge.". Necessity B. Entrapment C. Insanity D. Under age [18] Another neighbor, Ronald Ruggiero, also heard the shots, and said that, from his window, he saw Alfred Bello running west on Lafayette Street toward 16th Street. Judge Samuel Larner imposed one concurrent and two consecutive life sentences on Carter, and three concurrent life sentences on Artis. Finally, a federal judge overturned the convictions, and Carter was released. In an op-ed article in The Daily News, published on February 21, 2014, and entitled Hurricane Carter's Dying Wish, Carter wrote about McCallum's case and his own life: If I find a heaven after this life, Ill be quite surprised. Acting Passaic County Prosecutor John P. Goceljak said several factors made a retrial impossible, including Bello's "current unreliability" as a witness and the unavailability of other witnesses. Martin Luther King Jr. two years down the road. Police discovered months late that someone but not the killers removed cash from the register. Artis, 53 and a youth counselor in Virginia, reaffirmed his innocence in an interview, adding that "my heart goes out" to the victims' families "but, simply stated: I'm not the one.". Which of the following legal defenses was used successfully by Amy Carter, daughter of former President Jimmy Carter, Jerry Rubin and other activists who were charged with trespassing for protesting apartheid on the property of the South African embassy in Washington, D.C.? But Caruso agreed to talk about its contents, and The Record obtained affidavits corroborating his findings. Born in nearby Clifton to Bertha and Lloyd Carter, Rubin grew up in. [13] The bartender, James Oliver, and a customer, Fred Nauyoks, were killed immediately. But only five weeks after graduation, Artis' mother died of kidney disease. Artis said he needed a ride home and remembers Carter telling him he had to "earn" his ride meaning that Artis would have to drive Carter home, too. Added DeSimone, "With the time element, it would have proved naught.". Carter denies this. The Lafayette Grill was on what was considered a border of sorts, a line of streets and frame homes that was slowly being integrated by black and Hispanic residents. [12] He received an honorary championship title belt from the World Boxing Council in 1993 (as did Joey Giardello at the same banquet) and was later inducted into the New Jersey Boxing Hall of Fame. "We do not have the facility to take a paraffin test at present," said DeSimone, adding that the authorities would have had to bring in an expert fairly fast before gunpowder residue had disappeared. This made the police suspect that the shootout was arranged in retaliation. In my own years on this planet, though, I lived in hell for the first 49 years, and have been in heaven for the past 28 years. To study the original case records now is to walk a path littered with perplexing questions and strands of facts that have been woven into myth. His father ran an ice-delivery service and worked in a rubber factory. [16] The court set aside the original convictions and granted Carter and Artis a new trial. [citation needed] The defense also pointed out the inconsistencies in the testimony of Patricia Valentine, and read the 1967 testimony of William Marins, who had died in 1973, noting that his descriptions of the shooters were drastically different from Artis and Carter's actual appearances. In August 1966, Carter lost a fight against Rocky Rivero in Argentina. [3] Carter escaped from the reformatory in 1954 and joined the United States Army. [citation needed], In March 2012, while attending the International Justice Conference in Burswood, Western Australia, Carter revealed that he had terminal prostate cancer. At the time, he claimed to have discovered the bodies when he entered the bar to buy cigarettes; it also transpired that he took the opportunity to empty the cash register, and ran into the police as he came out. [39] A judge granted the motion to dismiss, bringing an end to the legal proceedings. In the minutes after the shootings, Bello told police only that the gunmen were black. "The defendants' right to a fair trial was substantially prejudiced", said Justice Mark Sullivan. Campaigns were organized to garner public support for a retrial or pardon. [20] Carter and Artis voluntarily appeared before a grand jury, which found there was no case to answer. Perhaps most controversial, however, was a 1964 profile of Carter in the Saturday Evening Post just before his middleweight title fight. Carter was at the Nite Spot tavern, according to trial testimony, when Eddie Rawls arrived with the news of his stepfather's murder. He is survived by a daughter and a son from his first marriage. He exhibited a very powerful left hook, and his aggressiveness in the ring soon earned him the nickname Hurricane., Of his first 21 fights, he won 13 by knockouts. His parents are supportive of his musical interests. Carter and his lawyer say he. He had a wife and daughter and life for him was going well. In 1964, he fought for the middleweight title against the reigning champion, Joey Giardello, in Philadelphia, but lost the match. Neither had a pencil-thin mustache, but Carter had a thick goatee. Carter's and Artis' lawyers went on to other cases, including assisting on appeals with the Baby M surrogate mother case. At the hub of almost every aspect of the mystery, however, are Carter and Artis. Artis had been paroled in 1981, and since Carter might be eligible soon, after losing appeals New Jersey declined to prosecute a third time. Larner denied this second argument as well, but the New Jersey Supreme Court unanimously held that the evidence of various deals made between the prosecution and witnesses Bello and Bradley should have been disclosed to the defense before or during the 1967 trial as this could have "affected the jury's evaluation of the credibility" of the eyewitnesses. Both came in through the front door. Find Rubin Carter's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading online directory for contact information. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. Artis was also looking to have a good time. What is known is that within minutes after Paterson police arrived on the gruesome scene at the Lafayette Grill, they were told by witnesses that the killers had escaped in a white sedan with blue and gold license plates. In February he asked in the New York Daily News for the case of a Brooklyn man, David McCallum, imprisoned since 1985 for murder, to be reopened. Nauyoks was well-known in the area as a billiard player, and his relatives remember that he went by two nicknames "Paterson Bob" and "Cedar Grove Bob." Speaking to an officer, he wanted to know what was being done on his stepfather's case. Following this, he was mostly found delivering motivational speeches. The jury, which included two black men, convicted him again. Standing only 5' 8" tall and weighing 160 lbs., he nevertheless had one of the most muscular builds in the sport. Photograph: Getty Images, Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter, US boxer wrongly convicted of murder, dies at 76, Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter's life story is a warning to us about racism and revenge. Minutes later, the same officers solicited a description of the getaway car from two eyewitnesses outside the bar, Patricia "Patty" Valentine and Alfred Bello. He worked for the wrongly convicted. [48][49], In the months leading up to his death, Carter had worked for the exoneration of David McCallum, a Brooklyn man who had been incarcerated since 1985 on charges of murder. Captor, who recognized Carter, politely told the three men that there had been a shooting, and then let Artis drive away. He was wrongfully convicted of murder and spent almost 20 years in jail, before being released after a petition of habeas corpus. Born in New Jersey, US, he became a juvenile offender for stabbing a man at 11 years of age. Instead of turning the corner and chasing the cars, the cruiser took a roundabout route by the Passaic River in what police later explained was an attempt to cut off the white car near the Paterson-Elmwood Park border. We strive for accuracy and fairness.If you see something that doesn't look right,contact us! What's more, police never took fingerprints at the crime scene, never photographed tire skid marks from the getaway car even though witnesses said the car screeched away, never took fingerprints from the spent shotgun shell that was found on the bar's floor. Numerous appeals failed until, in 1985, a federal judge ruled that the revenge motive had "fatally infected" the trial, and that prosecutors had withheld information about Bello's uncertain testimony. He fought nine times in 1965, winning five but losing three of four against contenders Luis Manuel Rodrguez, Dick Tiger, and Harry Scott. Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, the former boxer imprisoned nearly 20 years for three murders before the convictions were overturned, has died at his home in Toronto. Artis had been released on parole in 1981. In 1981, Bradley told a court that he had "no memory" of what happened that night in 1966 at the Lafayette Grill. [citation needed], Artis was released on parole in 1981. It was early in the morning of June 17, 1966, a Friday. "But when he got out, he came by and thanked me.". Although lawyers for Carter continued the struggle, the New Jersey State Supreme Court rejected their appeal for a third trial in the fall of 1982, affirming the convictions by a 4-3 decision. Rubin " Hurricane " Carter (May 6, 1937 - April 20, 2014) was a middleweight boxer who was wrongfully convicted of murder [1] and later released following a petition of habeas corpus after spending almost 20 years in prison. Carter's and Artis' lawyers say the 1976 report is a forgery. Kelley and her son Michael, then 24, became part of a triumphant Carter entourage that traveled to public appearances and . In 1963, he married Mae Thelma Basket. In 1965, however, Carter opted not to march with King in Selma, Alabama, because he feared he couldn't adhere to King's strategy of non-violence. The bartender of the Lafayette Bar and Grill and a customer had died on the spot. [11], Carter's career record in boxing was 27 wins with 19 total knockouts (8 KOs and 11 TKOs), 12 losses, and one draw in 40 fights. Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, the US boxer whose wrongful conviction for murder caused an international outcry, dies aged 76. He is on the ropes, fighting his life's final bout. After his release from prison, Carter moved to Toronto, acquired a Canadian citizenship, and joined a commune that had helped in his release. To ensure, as best he could, that he did not use perjured testimony to obtain a conviction, Humphreys had Bello polygraphedonce by Leonard H. Harrelson and a second time by Richard Arther, both well-known and respected experts in the field. He also served as a member of the board of directors of the Southern Center for Human Rights in Atlanta and the Alliance for Prison Justice in Boston. Bob Dylan co-wrote (with Jacques Levy) and performed a song called "Hurricane" (1975), which declared that Carter was innocent. It was party night for Rubin Carter, and time to dance for John Artis. CARTER Rubin "Hurricane," of Toronto, Canada departed this life on Sunday, April 20, 2014. . The prosecution tried to reinstate the convictions but was rejected by the Supreme Court, and the case was formally closed in 1988. . The questions of police tactics would soon come to dominate almost every syllable of testimony by the other witness police encountered outside the crime scene, Alfred Bello in part because of what he was doing on Lafayette Street at 2:30 a.m. when he lived several miles away in Clifton. June 16, 1967, three white people were brutally shot dead at the Lafayette Bar and Grill in Paterson, New Jersey. The taillights on Carter's Dodge Polara had a butterfly chrome setting, but they lit up only on the edges, not across the back. He competed in the team coached by Gwen Stefani, taking her . Carter and John Artis had been arrested on the night of the crime because they fit an eyewitness description of the killers ("two Negroes in a white car"), but they had been cleared by a grand jury when the one surviving victim failed to identify them as the gunmen. 55 records for Rubin Carter. Almost immediately upon his return, police arrested Carter and forced him to serve the remaining 10 months of his sentence in a state reformatory. Shortly after the killings at 2:30 am, a car, carrying Carter, Artis, and a third man, was stopped by police outside the bar while its occupants were on their way home from a nearby nightclub. The movie was largely based on Carter's 1974 autobiography and Chaiton and Swinton's 1991 book, which was re-released in late 1999. .more Combine Editions Rubin Carter's books He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2011, and produced another biography, Eye of the Hurricane, with a foreword by Nelson Mandela. Similarly, he has a brother, Jack, who has Autism. Five days later, Rawls was asked to take the test again, but he refused. ", Adds John Artis: "The Lafayette the black contingent just didn't go there.". He was 51 and had volunteered to tend bar that night because his girlfriend a widow named Betty Panagia, who owned the Lafayette and lived in Saddle Brook had been putting in long hours as Oliver recovered from a recent hernia operation. [13], Prosecutors appealed Sarokin's ruling to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals and filed a motion with the court to return Carter to prison pending the outcome of the appeal. He was blind in one eye, the result of a botched operation by a prison doctor. Later, he became a professional boxer. [50] Two months before his death, Carter published "Hurricane Carter's Dying Wish", an opinion piece in the New York Daily News, in which he asked for an independent review of McCallum's conviction. Carter, in 1966, murdered three people. For his lightning-fast fists, Carter soon earned the nickname "Hurricane" and became one of the top contenders for the world middleweight crown. And finally, said Caruso, when he and others tried to question Valentine and other witnesses, they discovered that a Passaic County prosecution detective, Lt. Vincent DeSimone, may have been coaching them in ways that would implicate Carter. He died due to prostate cancer at the age of 76. Near one end of the bar, he remembers hearing Tanis groan in pain. . Sometime between 2 and 2:30 a.m., Carter and Artis found themselves together at the Nite Spot. Carter was in the rear, lying on the seat. But most nights, he headed for a club where he could show off his dancing skills. "If I had done anything illegal or immoral or unethical, I would have been given two things an indictment and a pink slip.". Carter's white jacket had no evidence of blood that might have spurted from the shooting victims. Hirsch contends that the expected behavior of killers would be to speed out of Paterson as quickly as possible hence, the theory that police missed the real getaway car when they took a roundabout route to chase. [51] On October 15, 2014, McCallum was exonerated. But at that moment, as he stood on the bloody floor of the Lafayette Grill, he did not know how the two shootings would eventually be linked in the minds of prosecutors. During the mid-1970s, his case became a cause celbr for a number of civil rights leaders, politicians and entertainers. Despite the fact that his father was a deacon in the Baptist church, Rubin was in and out of trouble for much . Jim Lawless had spent much of the previous six hours collecting evidence and interviewing witnesses at the Waltz Inn. The report said that "Rawls had done the shooting and/or had knowledge of it. The lead slug plowed into his brain stem, killing him instantly, autopsy records say. However, Harrelson also reported orally that Bello had been inside the bar shortly before and at the time of the shooting, a conclusion that contradicted Bello's 1967 trial testimony wherein he had said that he had been on the street at the time of the shooting. Carter's boxing career had suddenly reached a plateau. Carter notes, however, that after the news of the murder of Rawls' stepfather, many blacks talked of a possible riot or some sort of trouble "a shaking," as Carter described it in his grand jury testimony. He was a little too young.". The killer did not steal any money. Two years earlier June 17, 1964 he had graduated from Paterson's Central High School, with an offer of a track scholarship to Adams State College in Colorado. Again, here is where the tales by the prosecution and defense split into distinctive sets of facts. According to him, the man he attacked was a pedophile who was trying to molest his friend. Newark's devastating riots were still a year away, the assassination of the Rev. The file was never made public because Judge Sarokin stepped in and set Carter and Artis free. His boxing abilities were recognized in 1963, and he featured among the top ten middleweight contenders on a list compiled by the boxing magazine The Ring.. Rubin Carter was born on May 6th, 1937 in Clifton, New Jersey. He stumbled to the floor, and, he later said, played dead. 159 Rubin Carter Boxer Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Images Images Creative Editorial Video Creative Editorial FILTERS CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO 159 Rubin Carter Boxer Premium High Res Photos Browse 159 rubin carter boxer stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. He claimed the man was a pedophile who had been attempting to molest one of his friends. "It was headquarters," recalls Jim Lawless, now 72, retired, and living in Fort Pierce, Florida, after rising to the rank of deputy chief in the Paterson Police Department. What both sides agree on is that nothing even remotely resembling a riot took place. Carter was discharged from the Army on May 29, 1956 He then heard the screech of tires and saw a white car shoot past, heading west, with two black males in the front seat. [4] He was discharged in 1956 as unfit for service, after four courts-martial. When police learned of this theft, they would pressure Bello to tell more about what he knew of the gunmen while also promising him leniency. When Carter was released for the second and final time, he pointedly made the . Alfred Bello and Arthur Bradley have also slipped from view. [20], Forensics later established the victims were shot by a .32-caliber pistol and a 12-gauge shotgun, although the weapons themselves were never found. In prison Carter was far from a model inmate, but in 1971 he acted to defuse a prison riot and may have saved the life of a prison guard. Search instead in Creative? Remembering Just Fontaine and His World Cup Record, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads, Name: Rubin Carter, Birth Year: 1937, Birth date: May 6, 1937, Birth State: New Jersey, Birth City: Clifton, Birth Country: United States. Rubin Carter, also known as the "Hurricane," was a Canadian middleweight boxer. In late 1974, Bello and Bradley both separately recanted their testimony, revealing that they had lied in order to receive sympathetic treatment from the police. In 1963, Carter went to Washington, D.C., to demonstrate for civil rights and to hear Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech. An all-white jury found both men guilty, but recommended against the death penalty; Carter was sentenced to life in prison. [14], Ten minutes after the murders, around 2:40 AM, a police cruiser stopped Carter and Artis in a rental car, returning from a night out at the Nite Spot, a nearby bar; Carter was in the back, with Artis driving, and a third man, John Royster, in the passenger seat. Moved to a school for problem students, Rubin was 11 when he stabbed and robbed a man he later said tried to abuse him. Behind the counter, by a cash register and a sign that announced Budweiser "on tap," the bartender counted the day's receipts. But unlike the Lafayette killings, the Waltz Inn case was relatively easy to wrap up. Later, he would be implicated but never charged in trying to help arrange for witnesses to offer false alibis for Carter and Artis. Rubin "Hurricane" Carter (May 6, 1937 - April 20, 2014) was an American-Canadian middleweight boxer, wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for murder, until released following a petition of habeas corpus after almost 20 years in prison.. "The Sixteenth Round: From Number 1 Contender to Number 45472", p.142, Chicago Review Press 46 Copy quote. In 1966, Carter, and his co-accused, John Artis, were arrested for a triple homicide which was committed at the Lafayette Bar and Grill in Paterson, New Jersey, United States. Carter had attracted a group from a Toronto commune, who worked tirelessly on his behalf. they sentenced me to a life of living death. Holloway was killed with a blast from a 12-gauge shotgun.
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