(languages: Serbian), Lists of Providers of Financial Services (, Seychelles Business Register (onshore companies only), Seychelles Financial Services Authority (not searchable), Office of the Administrator and Registrar General, Ministry of Justice Commercial Registrations Department, Tax Committee Register of Legal Entities, Business Registrations and Licensing Agency (BRELA), Institute for Business Support Enterprises, Service Registry and Company Verification (not yet searchable), Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation Directory of industrial enterprises, Turkish Standards Institution Company Search, State Enterprise Information Resource Centre (. Ecuador signed up to the Hague Convention on 2nd April 2005. AA1000AS (2003) AA1000AS (2008) Global Compact. Ecuador Company Research in Algeria Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bonaire Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Ecuador has no limits on royalties that may be remitted when it comes to license and franchise transactions. Loja Business disputes with U.S. companies can become politicized, especially in sensitive areas such as the energy sector. Estadio, Internal Revenue Service (SRI) Company check, National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC) Business Directory, National Secretariat of Policy Management Directory of Social Organizations, Official Public Procurement System Provider search. Ecuador company formation is cost-effective, with low government registration costs and a minimum capital requirement of US$800 100% foreign ownership is permitted An Ecuadorean company is subject to a corporate tax rate of 25%. The Companies Registration Office allows customers to search for companies and view previews of documents about a company free of charge. Maritime Offices: in Szczecin and in Gdynia: Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) , National Institute of Cultural Heritage -, National Chamber of Attorneys at Law (KIRP) List of Attorneys at Law (and their offices), National Council of Notaries (KRN) List of notarial offices, Polish Agency for Audit Oversight (PANA) List of Audit Firms, National Chamber of Tax Advisors (KIDP) Register of Juridical Persons Authorized to Perform Tax Advisory Activities, State Sanitary Inspection - Register of Establishments Producing or Marketing Food Subject to the Official Control of the State Sanitary Inspection (non-searchable) - includes farmers cultivating plants, wholesalers, retailers and other undertakings involved in production, processing or marketing of food intended for human consumption, other than production, processing or marketing of animal-derived food already supervised by the Veterinary Inspection), as well as all gastronomy establishments, and producers or recyclers of materials designated for contact with food intended for human consumption; Register of Cosmetic Product Producers (non-searchable); List of designated yellow fever vaccination centers, State Pharmaceutical Inspection (PIF) Register of Manufacturers and Importers of Medicinal Products, Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products (URPLWMiPB) Register of Medicinal Products and the Register of Marketing Aurhorization Holders register of all medicines with market authorization in Poland; including those authorized by the, Polish Medicines Verification Organisation Foundation (KOWAL) - national operator of the, National Chamber of Laboratory Diagnosticians (KIDL) List of Diagnostic Medical Laboratories list of healthcare entities operating a clinical laboratory, Veterinary Inspection (IW) Lists and registers of supervised establishments, including: production, processing and marketing of meat, eggs, fish, milk, and dairy, production and marketing of animal feed, list of veterinary pharmaceutical wholesalers (some of these lists also include individual farmers whose farms have not been registered as companies), Polish National Veterinary Chamber (KILW) - List of Veterinary Care Establishments, State Plant Health and Seed Inspection Service (PIORiN) various registers of undertakings performing activities related to plant health, plant protection products and equipment used to apply them, seed production, as well as integrated plant production (some of these lists also include individual farmers whose farms have not been registered as companies), National Support Centre for Agriculture (KOWR) (some of these lists also include individual farmers whose farms have not been registered as companies) Register of biocomponent producers, Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMiR) Register of Producers, Agricultural Holdings and Applications for Payment Entitlements, Insurance Guarantee Fund (UFG) Central Records of Tour Operators and Entrepreneurs Facilitating Linked Travel Arrangements. Under Ecuadorian law, U.S. citizens traveling for business or tourism on a tourist passport can enter Ecuador for up to 90 days per calendar year without a visa. Communicate effectively with businesses as they share the same time zones. Step 1: Please visit www.qatarcid.com and register an account. The Worldwide Company Registration Experts, on UK Register of Overseas Entities is now Live, on The Proposed New EU Directive on Shell Entities, on France Ranked First in Europe for Small Business Survival, UK Register of Overseas Entities is now Live, The Proposed New EU Directive on Shell Entities, France Ranked First in Europe for Small Business Survival, Ecuador company formation is cost-effective, with low government registration costs and a minimum capital requirement of US$800, An Ecuadorean company is subject to a corporate tax rate of 25%. What is a final reminder of a Debt collection agency? Each one serves a distinct purpose and will satisfy different objectives. Name Search for Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Limited Liability Partnership LLP Setup Form; Tools; SST. Ecuador has imposed a broad range of tariff and non-tariff restrictions on trade in goods and services over last decade. Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) are partnerships primarily between the government and colleges/universities administered by the Small Business Administration and aims at giving educational services for small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. What is the Corporate tax rate in Ecuador? IIRC Level 1. Services take up almost 60% of the local GDP. What information can I view for free at Ecuador Company Registry. Receive email notification as early as the next day after company incorporation. Energy Regulatory Office (URE) registries of various types of energy undertakings (list incomplete): holders of concessions for trade of liquid fuels, holders of concessions for trade of fuels other than liquid; electric energy distributors, operators of electric energy transmission systems; natural gas distributors, operators of natural gas transmission systems, natural gas storage facilities, natural gas liquefaction facilities, liquid natural gas regasification facilities. If you are planning to file for a trademark or to register a new company name in Ecuador it is a good idea to do preliminary worldwide screening in order to reduce the cost of an exhaustive search. You may conduct an electronic search in the file of a company, business name, partnership or an overseas company by typing its name or its registration number. Year(s) Published. To obtaine a British Virgin Islands (BVI) company search certificate. They keep the University updated on all collection activity and we would recommend Creditreform to other higher education institutions.. Jaime Roldos N81-90 Y Pasaje Due?as Quito Pichincha, Miguel Albornoz E14-28 Y De Los Motilones. Search Select a field or fields to specifically search Parent Subsidiary Division Description Search for Parent Companies Headquartered in Add a Country + Search for Companies with Subsidiaries in Add a Country + Refine your search with more options Expand or Reduce your data Filter Your Results Further - NEW Options Santo domingo If you are planning a visit longer than 90 days, you must obtain a visa in advance of your arrival. Online registration of companies and register is available in the center of state services Bir Darcha. Ecuador has weak, though improving, intellectual property enforcement. What is the VAT rate payable on sales to local customers in Ecuador? The capital city is Quito. 161.869 UPDATING COMPANY`S PARTICULARS. Ambato The notary public will send the information to the Mercantile Registry, and if all is good, it will request a tax identification number. Polish Centre for Accreditation - list of accredited organisations (includes: testing, medical and calibration laboratories; management systems, persons and product certification bodies, inspection bodies etc. This content was published on March 2, 2023 - 01:25 March 2, 2023 - 01:25. Order Company Documents Ecuador Company Search Report: 258 Expedite fee: 75 Price: 0.00 * * Card Details Cardholder Name Find list of top Display importers in Ecuador, Abc buyers data, import trade statistics report of Display of Ecuador with customs shipment details. To request a copy of the original registry documents please contact us and we will advise availibility. If everything is in order, the notary public will require shareholders, President and General Manager, to sign in person. 595.271", "Nkkelopplysninger fra Enhetsregisteret Brnnysundregistrene", "Announcements The Brnnysund Register Centre", "CEIDG Przed wypenieniem wniosku, wniosek o zawieszenie dziaalnoci gospodarczej, wasna dziaalno, wasna firma", "Rejestr instytucji szkolnictwa wyszego", "Rejestr zwizkw midzygminnych, rejestr zwizkw powiatw oraz rejestr zwizkw powiatowo-gminnych", "Baza Jednostek Samorzdu Terytorialnego", "Rejestr kociow i innych zwizkw wyznaniowych", "Wykaz europejskich ugrupowa wsppracy terytorialnej", "Elektroniczny dostp do Sdw Rejestrowych/Centralnej Informacji/MSIG", "National and Community Plant Variety Protection", "List of breeders, breeders' representatives and licensees", "Rejestr jachtw i innych jednostek pywajcych o dugoci do 24 metrw", "Rejestr administracyjny statkw eglugi rdldowej", "Wykaz beneficjentw Wsplnej Polityki Rolnej", "Wykaz podmiotw 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"Rejestr przedsibiorcw wykonujcych dziaalno w zakresie wyrobu lub rozlewu wyrobw winiarskich", "Rejestr podmiotw wykonujcych dziaalno w zakresie wyrobu i przetwarzania alkoholu etylowego", "Rejestr producentw wyrobw tytoniowych", "Rejestr dziaalnoci w zakresie wyrobu lub rozlewu napojw spirytusowych", "Ewidencja zakadw leczniczych dla zwierzt", "Rejestr pierwszych podmiotw skupujcych mleko krowie", "Centralna Ewidencja Organizatorw Turystyki i Przedsibiorcw Uatwiajcych Nabywanie Powizanych Usug Turystycznych", "Rejestr przedsibiorcw telekomunikacyjnych", "Pozwolenia morskie i eglugi rdldowej", "Permits for ground handling at the airports", "Zezwolenie na zarzdzanie portem lotniczym", "Registry of Road Transport Undertakings", "Status, tasks and funding of public broadcasters", "List of licensed broadcasters and operators", "Portal MJ Publicao On-Line de Acto Societrio", "Ageni economici i instituii publice date de identificare, informaii fiscale, bilanuri", "Oficiul Naional al Registrului Comerului Organizations", "Business Register of the Slovak Republic on Internet searching by business name", "Seznami davnih zavezancev | FINANNA UPRAVA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE", "KDD Central Securities Clearing Corporation Searching by securities", "ATVP Agencija za trg vrednostnih papirjev", "Find company information Bolagsverket", "Ministrio da Justia e Direitos Humanos | Detalhes", "Financial Services Regulatory Commission", "AFIP Administracin Federal de Ingresos Pblicos", "Electronic Register, Government of Armenia", "Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations", "Azerbaycan Respublikasi Vergilr Nazirliyi", "Ministry of Taxes Information about taxpayers", "Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms", "Search our Database Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office", "International Business Companies Registry eData", "Corporate Regulatory Authority of Bhutan,MoENR", "JUCEA Junta Comercial do Estado do Amazonas", "Incio Junta Comercial do Estado do Cear", "JCDF Junta Comercial do Distrito Federal", "Junta Comercial do Estado de Mato Grosso | JUCEMAT", "Junta Comercial do Estado de Minas Gerais JUCEMG", "Junta Comercial do Estado do Piau JUCEPI", "Junta Comercial, Industrial e Servios do Rio Grande do Sul", "JUCESC Junta Comercial do Estado de Santa Catarina Pesquisa NIRE", "Jucesp Junta Comercial do Estado de So Paulo", "JUCESE Junta Comercial do Estado de Sergipe", "Junta Comercial do Estado do Tocantins JUCETINS", "Main Master Page [Attorney General Chambers(AGC)]", "Liste des entreprises camerounaises par branche d'activit", "Search for a Federal Corporation Online Filing Centre Corporations Canada Corporations Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada", "BC Registries and Online Services Province of British Columbia", "Companies Office | Entrepreneurship Manitoba", "Search by Business Name | Nunavummi Nangminiqaqtunik Ikajuuti", "Search the Registry | Inuit Firm Registry Database", "Register a business name or a limited partnership", "Justice and Public Safety: Corporate/Business Names Registry", "Corporate Affairs Department of Community Services- Government of Yukon", "YUKON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT | BUSINESS DIRECTORY", "Imprensa Nacional de Cabo Verde quiosque digital", "Agence Nationale des Investissements et des Exportations", "CMF Comision para el Mercado Financiero", "Registro oficial de proveedores del estado", "GovHK: Business Registration Number Enquiry", "HKSFC Public Register of Licensed Persons and Registered Institutions", "Buscar Procesos Superintendencia de Sociedades", "Sistema de Informacin y Reporte Empresarial Superintendencia de Sociedades", "Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia", "Rpublique du Congo Secrtariat gnral du Gouvernement Journal officiel ACCUEIL", "Financial Supervisory Commission Cook Islands:: Home", "Comprared Sistema de Compras Pblicas Bsqueda de proveedores", "Name Search Companies & Intellectual Properties Office", "Oficina Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial | ONAPI", "Kamer van Koophandel en Nijverheid Aruba | Chamber of Commerce and Industry Aruba", "Search company | Curaao Chamber of Commerce & Industry", "Search company | Statia and Saba Chamber of Commerce & Industry", "St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry", "SUIOS Sistema Unificado de Informacion de Organizaciones Sociales", "Documentos Mercantiles Organo Oficial del Registro de ComercioCentro Nacional de Registros", "iCommerce Registry | Authenticate a Document", " () ", "Welcome to the Ghana Public Procurement Authority", "Registro Mercantil General de Guatemala", "Welcome to the Ministry of Legal Affairs Ministry of Legal Affairs", "Ministry Of Corporate Affairs MCA Services", "Data Center Collection Ministry of Trade Republic of Indonesia", " ", " Companies Erbil Chamber of Commerce & Industry", "National Contracts Commission Jamaica", "SDC Members Information Securities Depository Center", " " " | ", "Taxpayers search | State revenue committee Ministry 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Ecuador is greatly dependent on its petroleum resources, which have accounted for more than half of the countrys export earnings and approximately two-fifths of public sector revenues in recent years. Glossary. The SA Company data is updated regularly ensuring . Setting up a business in Ecuador is simple and straightforward. Gmrk ve Ticaret Bakanl", "TSE Belgelendirilmi Firma Arama/Sorgulama", "Companies Registry Online Services Welcome", "Registered Companies, Individuals and Securities TTSEC", "Home Uganda Registration Services Bureau", " | "- ", "Public Register | Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) | difc.ae", "Client Lounge and Company registration in Dubai Airport Free Zone |DAFZA OnlineDirectory", "Partners Directory Dubai Knowledge Park", "Welcome to Fujairah Freezone:: Company Listing", "Hamriyah Free Zone, Sharjah, UAE: Gateway To Global Business", "Legislation Welcome to Anguilla Online", "Registry of Corporate Affairs | British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission", "Search Here For Entities Which Are Currently Registered With CIMA", "Companies House Gibraltar e-Registry Login", "Regulated Entities International Business Companies (IBCs) | Financial Services Commission Montserrat", "Business Entity Records | Alabama Secretary of State", "Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing", "Colorado Secretary of State Business Database Search", "Division of Corporations Florida Department of State", "BREG Online Services - powered by eHawaii.gov", "CORP/LLC CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING", "INBiz: Your one-stop source for your business", "Welcome to Fasttrack Organization Search", "Register Your Business Online | Maryland.gov", "Mass. are there in Ecuador for businesses (i.e. All credit reports are delivered by email. Ecuadorians are generally laid-back people. For foreign citizens who want to live permanently in the United States. The Ecuador Company Registry can provide a variety of documents. (languages: Dutch, French), D&B Report Guide Bulgaria information on the different types of companies, Trade Register (Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Biznet provides information and statistics on the Croatian economy, and access to the Register of Business Entities. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein. Manufacturing, Maquila and Export Service Industry (IMMEX) Samborondon Companies Register. : 650 euro 5-10 days: Company administrators (management) (last (actual) or outgoing) 50 euro from 30 min. Efficient, organised and effective I am very happy with the results that Creditreform have secured so far in my recent dealings with them.
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