However, Spider-Man stopped the Puma long enough for him to gain doubt in his role, and he lost his power, and was unable to hurt the Beyonder--a result that disappointed both the Puma and the Beyonder. They were understandably shocked, and Cage attacked. Much like the original Secret Wars, the last man standing would receive his greatest desires. While the various heroes he had met had tried to answer the big questions, Vinnie taught him how to eat, get dressed, and even adopt a sense of humor. The Beyonder possessed Omnipotence,Omniscience, and Omnipresence and had the power to surpass The Living Tribunal and to equal One-Above-All as he killed the concept of death itself and revive it a feat not even the powers of the cosmic beings of the omniverse can do such a impossible thing let alone reverse it he was shown to self-limit himself The Beyonder knew it was all a magical illusion, however, and was able to reclaim his power again. Powerful beyond all comprehension, The Beyonders live in a universe beyond the Marvel Comics multiverse. None of them appeared to have much power, and were in fact simply illusionary "friends" the Molecule Man made for himself. As a consequence, he was naturally surprised to discover that Earth's beings were merely a part of a greater whole making up their universe; one that was itself but a member of a larger collection of universes, perhaps of infinite extent, called a multiverse! He offered the victors anything their hearts desired. The Lizard regained conscienceness and ran outside where he was attacked by alien giant sand worms. The Beyonder teleported Captain Hero to the base, and he and Iron Fist managed to stop the SHIELD attack. The Molecule Man and the assembled costumed heroes then attacked the Beyonder in his sanctum, but he defeated them all. Mr Fantastic. He teleported into Nebula's ship and, thinking he was helping the Avengers, teleported her away from the scene. Meanwhile, Marsha Rosenberg was getting Owen Reece ready for action: if the Beyonder showed up ready to destroy the universe, then she wanted him to show some spine and fight, not to try to find a way to hide. Reed Richards, Mr. She was so much happier now, and it was all because of him--but pointedly, he understood, she loved him for what he had given her emotionally, and not because he was the overlord of the world. In their first session, he took her on a tour of existence, showing her the various dimensions and cosmic entities in the multiverse, including the Phoenix; the Watchers; various combined life-forces such as Mangog, Overmind, and the Uni-Mind; the High Evolutionary; the Stranger; Eon; the Celestials; the Vishanti; the various forces of evil; Death; Master Order and Lord Chaos; the In-Betweener; the Living Tribunal; Galactus; Eternity; and the Beyonders (plural--the source of the Cosmic Cubes). The Beyonder quickly reclaimed his tremendous power and immortality, and decided that, in order to protect himself from his foes, he would use the machine to transform himself into a mortal beingbut one who still retained his full power. Inspired by the Thing's heroism, the Beyonder decided to inspire others in turn to find their true role in life. They disappeared after Molecule Man was destroyed by the Void. He explored New York City in a naive fashion, trying to replicate basic human experiences like eating and wearing clothing, but inevitably made innocent mistakes, like eating a soda bottle along with its contents. He appeared in an amalgam form, based on the many heroes that fought on Battleworld. The Beyonder, however, was not paying attention to any of this. [4][12] While still a child,[3] the older Beyonders began their grand experiment where they transformed Owen Reece into the Molecule Man;[2] this "accident" poked a hole into the Beyonder's universe. The Great Evil Beast | Character Level Wiki | Fandom He found Bruce Banner there in near-suicidal despair. The Beyonder, meanwhile, was just trying to think through his problems. Then all of a sudden, one of Boom Boom's time bombs went off; she didn't want him to forget her. The an event,which we will discover later,opened a hole into our universe,and he saw Earth. His powers' applications are nearly endless. He was also invisibly observing Captain America, who was visiting the West Coast Avengers and then battling Armadillo and Dr. Malus. [49] Despite this, he was claimed to be either omnipotent or nigh omnipotent on different occasions, and to have power millions of times greater than Multiversal scale. The other heroes, who didn't see exactly what happened, thought the Beyonder had done something to them, and Wolverine attacked, slashing his face and torso. He went into an underground bunker to think it all out. The Beyonder decided to return to Sharon Ing, but found that she had killed herself over him. He called on various magical spirits, but none of them had the power to collect all the particles of his body, so he conjured the most powerful force in the universe, which turned out to be the Beyonder. He was peacefully sitting on Alcatraz, contemplating existence, when she blasted him with the full power of the Phoenix, creating an enormous mushroom cloud in the shape of a firebird. [44] Additional powers include teleportation, flight, the ability to choose his own physical resistances and attributes. He arrives at the Beyonders location and uses his power seperator (elemental splitter) in a reversed fashion. [39], Under unrevealed circumstances, Kosmos left Kubik, went mad, turned herself into a mortal called the "Maker," and obliviously slaughtered 64,000 colonists of a Shi'ar agrarian settlement. She gathered a following of inmates who worshipped her. They view themselves as scientists and see the Marvel multiverse as an experiment, something for them to play with. They merge and shape themselves into a Cube. Chapter 243 Divine Art And Skill Template III - [5][36][37], Before becoming Kosmos, the Cosmic Cube had expelled Owen Reece from itself as it only needed his power to be complete and not the man himself. She had a choice--kill him, or save the X-Men, whom he then put in danger, making the Blackbird plummet towards the sea, with Sentinels on the chase and spread throughout the city. He tries to make Phoenix stop--but she will not. He said that with death gone, there was no longer any point to life. [10] His energy returned to his realm where it evolved into a new universe. She left a message for the X-Men and flew towards the west coast. The Beyonder is told that this is his origin, but he is missing a containment vessel and the Molecule Man absorbed part of his energy. As everyone figures out that they have been teleported several miles away, Johnny Storm asks what Doom will do next. They then said that this was not true, because he was created by his mutant gene, as if that were not natural. Thankfully, with an upcoming Marvel Comic run slated for June, The Beyonder is ready to reintroduce himself to readers. The Beyonder then appeared, and gave her what she asked for, then left. Although Fantastic Four #319 didn't arrive on newsstands until 1988, two years after Secret Wars II ended, the issue is the best place to start for new and returning fans. Rachel was occasionally able to feel his presence, but couldn't get a lock on him. It took them a while to get up, however, and they had been knocked miles away. However, The Beyonder went through several retcons, which significantly reduced his power. When Did the Molecule Man's Personality Change So Dramatically? Instead, as the Beyonder projected an image of the Inhuman royal family image into the Professors mind, it became clear that the Beyonder, was, in fact, an Inhuman. The Beyonders are a fictional enigmatic higher-dimensional race appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Then Owen Reece and Volcana showed up, and he added to Kubik's attack on the Beyonder. The Cube then took on a new body and persona, calling itself Kosmos. [14] Later, he gave himself human form to experience the Marvel Universe. Douglas was still weak, and the Dragon tried to prey on her mind and thus recombine them. View full history, The Beyonder was originally from an infinite realm beyond the Marvel Multiverse, called the Beyond-realm, and was the sum of everything outside the multiverse (our multiverse was a drop in the sea compared to the Beyond-realm). The celestial god soon grows discontent and adopts death as the only meaning in life. However, he was still able to observe, and potentially manipulate, the Guardians' universe through the costume he gave to Vance Astro. Protg retaliates using his limitless ability to copy the abilities of other beings to become a match for the Beyonder. Dracula offers his assistance in return for getting to kill more heroes. He teleported the two of them back to the heroes' site. Beyonder - Super Powers - Superhero Database The Beyonder is more powerful than Eternity, The Living Tribunal, and most any other Marvel Comics character to date. He fuses himself with the Beyonder. Beyonder - Marvel Comics - Secret Wars - Character profile He interacted with many heroes and villains and cosmic forces in an attempt to better understand the meaning and root of desire. It is also capable of absorbing the energy and life-force from a foe. For unknown to the others, the energy he had sent out of our world went back to the Beyond-realm, where it cooled like our own Big Bang. However, while they were happy with the results, they soon wished that they had asked for even more" for everyone to be cured of cancer, for Rom to be restored to humanity, for Adams' parents to be brought back to life. They were both sentient Cosmic Cubes--Cosmic Cubes that had evolved into having self-awareness and personalities. The Beyonder next walked along a train track in a melancholy mood, still obsessed with his failed relationship with Dazzler. Finally, a rift opened in space-time, from which poured a blinding light, and the passengers within the constructs heard a voice telling them, "I am from beyond! Pre-Retcon Beyonder/Classic Beyonder- As a result of being the entirety of a dimension of far more scope than our own multiverse, he was more powerful than all of the rest of reality (he was described in narration as having "millions" of time more power than all the power in our multiverse combined). In their rematch, the Molecule Man managed to defeat the Beyonder, but Kubik arrived and begged the Molecule Man to return the Beyonder's essense to Kosmos. Cage explained the problem to Beyonder, who made himself black in order to better fit in. He possesses the ability to control minds. He tried giving her fame and success in show business, and he faked a fight with the Avengers to make her feel sympathy for him, but none of it worked. Therefore, the Beyonder and Molecule Man both got their powers from the same energy; the Beyonder got the majority of it, and the Molecule Man got a smaller portion. He showed that he could change his physical form and erase the memory of others. After the Beyonder and the Molecule Man learned that their power derived from the dimension that created Cosmic Cubes, they merged themselves together into a new Cube. He teleported himself to the offices of Heroes for Hire and upon finding that Power Man and Iron Fist were not there he brought them forward through time to see him. Thanos planned to keep the Maker alive to keep the Beyonder trapped in the only "prison" that could contain him. Spider-Man unaware of Beyonder's great cosmic powers, attemps to attack the Beyonder. Hence, each sentient being on Earth was, in the Beyonder's unique point of view, inherently "incomplete" and thereby [he assumed] must strive to find some way to remedy its incompleteness. Rachel then wanted revenge against the students, but Magneto persuaded her to stop. Chapter 2 "The Gauntlet of the Red Skull" Spider-Man and the present others decide to use the remaining energy of the device initially used to recruit heros to teleport Black Cat (at the time she was assisting Blade and Morbius the Living Vampire in a battle with Mirium, Blade's mother.) Volcana (Marvel Comics) - Wikipedia But everything he had heard led him to believe that being partly mortal was the only way to make it through. in: Character. Boom Boom remarked that they didn't seem to worried about him, and he said they were, they just didn't show it. There is another dimension, where a race of incredibly powerful beings known as the Beyonders (plural) live and watch our universe. He found desire a nuisance, and wondered whether he should continue to study it or just return to the Beyond-Realm, where he would feel complete unto himself. He then looked at the surrounding heroes, and Magik in particular. Ing later on walked out and gained back her self-respect. Strengthened Abilties They gain significant improvements on both their physical body and spiritual body. The entities that were shown to have shared their power included Chaos and Order, the Gardener (and presumably the other Elders), Galactus, the Living Tribunal, Eon, the Celestials, and the In-Betweener. [16] Beyonder then attempts to get Dazzler to fall in love with him, but fails, leading to feelings of despair. Xavier also deduced the apparent secret behind the Beyonder's seemingly godlike abilities, which was that the Beyonder was not only an Inhuman but also a mutant, and the exposure of his mutant genes to Terrigen Mists had created an unprecedented power. Rafter Pound has a deep connection with the Tudor family Doom used the Cube to restore his memories but Kubik and the Shaper of Worlds stopped him before he could take its power. [1], The Beyonder encountered the Defenders in their journey into the "Mystery" beyond the Far Shore, outside the Multiverse. He built an enormous tower filled with his favorite gadgets in Sparta, Illinois. No, Wait Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 1, Power Grid/Durability/Virtually Indestructible, Power Grid/Energy Projection/Virtually Unlimited, Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Master: Several Forms of Combat. He knew he needed a friend like Tabitha. The Molecule Man, not exactly a ladies' man, was hard put to it to explain, but he said that as a result of his relationship with Marsha, he had finally understood it. A great light then shone out of a hole in space, and infamously said, "I am from Beyond! Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. He did attack the heroes, but then slipped back inside, trailing Captain America. If the mutant Inhuman origin is true, then how do we interpret the several issues dedicated to the Cosmic Cube origin of the Beyonder? Reaching out to it, the Professor was overwhelmed, and found himself being pulled within the Beyonders consciousness. However, he did not completely abandon her. He quickly pulled himself out of this dead end and changed his angle of thinking. The Beyonder then returned to his original bar to do more drinking. Gained powers of a cosmic being known as Beyonder, where he obtained psionic abilities, can change states of matter, manipulate reality, and can fix damage done to his body by willing it to repair. They traveled across the universe as observerers, and as they came to Earth they learned many new concepts,the most interesting were the concepts of good and evil. Seeking power and respect, she and Skeeter agreed to serve Doctor Doom in exchange for super powers. The Cube then developed on its own over a period of time, and eventually expelled Reece's mind back to Earth. Richards realized who he was and tried to pay attention, but there were too many distractions, including Sue Storm's desire for revenge for what the villains had done to her (they had turned her into Malice). [45] Lastly, while in his own words "technically omnipotent" this depends on the circumstances he is placed in as he doubted he would even stand a chance against the true Phoenix Force in the White Hot Room which suggests that the limits of his powers or how he measures up to other cosmic beings depends on the context of the situation (such as location or the authority of the other cosmic being in the hierarchy of existence). Who's your favorite Superhero? | Page 5 | Sciforums Nonetheless, the Beyonder retained his reality-warping powers, allowing him to control and manipulate matter, energy, and reality at a cosmic level beyond all but the strongest and most powerful of cosmic entities. But, because he was limiting himself, and because he had intentionally gotten himself drunk, Strange realized that he had a chance to ensnare him with illusion, and perhaps take his danger away from the multiverse forever. Doctor Octopus agree to these terms and begins working. He tried again to convince her to love him (when the ring didn't spark her interest, he just tossed it away). Similarly, a large number of costumed criminals, including the Absorbing Man, Doctor Doom, Doctor Octopus, the Enchantress, Kang, the Lizard, the Molecule Man, Ultron, the Wrecking Crew, as well as the planet-devourer Galactus, found themselves in another construct in the same area. The Puma visited his old sensei, Muramoto, while in Japan, and to his shock the Beyonder was there too--and he was friendly with Muramoto! Other heroes could stop muggers or tidal waves, but only he could stop the named Death. She ran away, and had another vision, this time of her grandfather, who recounted the conflict between the Cheyenne and the white settlers, and how the Cheyenne tried to face extermination with honor. Finding himself in a blank void of nothingness, Loki is confronted by Those Who Sit Above in Shadows, allegedly the creators of the Asgardians, who demanded to be given the Asgardians' essence to feed on it. In this illusion, the Beyonder tried to stop Mordo, just as Dr. Then, before their eyes, a planet, which became known as Battleworld, was created to orbit that star. Confused once again; the Beyonder left. In many ways their motives are like a mix of the Watchers and the Celestials--over the eons of existence, they have observed and manipulated the evolution of life and intelligence in our dimension. [23], At some unknown point, Kosmos becomes insane and assumes a mortal form, now calling itself the Maker. The Beyonder, in love with gadgets as always, thought it was great, but the heroes were worried that this was too Orwellian. After informing them about the Beyonders, he and the other Beyonders wanted the Defenders to go back inside the Multiverse; however, the Defenders resisted. Post Retcon Beyonder #1 (Cosmic Cube)- Beyonder was a cosmic cube, created by beings called Beyonders, without a container. After discovering that the Maker was the Beyonder, Thanos came to see her, and in a deranged state, she destroyed a large portion of the Kyln. Understanding that they were angry with him, and believing that they liked to settle conflict through action, he led them on a chase, during which time he allowed them to attack him. This extra degree of mortality appears to be what turned her insane. [4] Various superpowered adventurers from Earth, including the Hulk, Spider-Man,[19] and members of the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and X-Men, went to New York City's Central Park to investigate an enormous circular construct which had materialized in the park's Sheep Meadow. [18], To investigate the nature of desire, the Beyonder undertook an experiment. He said that this explained a great puzzle: Doom was dead and his body dispersed during Secret Wars I, so how was Doom there to steal the Beyonder's power, and why didn't he and the Beyonder recognize him? He invented, and was sometimes manipulated by other cosmic entities into believing, the events of the original Secret Wars as a way to cope with cosmic awareness. Then he left the Hulk and entered Spider-Woman, and finally left her and entered Klaw. He decided to limit himself in order to enjoy life since reality and his mind were indistinguishable; by doing this he showed some emotional progress. Beyonder showed the ability to teleport himself and others, forward time over one place without causing a chain reaction over the rest of the universe. Ben explains that they were all brought here by some being called the Beyonder. Strange finally tells Havok the final secret: this is not really the Beyonder. In time, it created planets and life. As she was being held there, she was revered but rarely seen. The Illuminati then went through several imaginary situations reflecting what would happen if their inner desires came true. How did Dr Doom absorb the power of the Beyonders if they are - Quora Intent on discovering his true purpose, The Beyonder falls in love, exacts revenge, and chases pleasure, yet every road leads to a dead end. A train came along behind him, and he "zapped" it with his fingers shaped into a child's "gun" position. With this purpose in mind, The Beyonders create the Savage Land to analyze the evolution of mortal beings on Earth. For most of his lineage, The Beyonder acts as an omnipotent being who exists apart from space and time. This happened through a somewhat disastrous path. A man from a nearby island happened to come by and was inspired by the Beyonder's "think system," and told others. As everyone arrives to the base, Spider-Man and the heros defeat the cyber skulls and fight the villains. When the Evolutionary arrived at the Beyonders' planet museum, he himself reported that his mind snapped when he witnessed the scope of their powers and how effectively insignificant he was compared to these alien beings. They eventually find the Fantastic Three? What Sequence number is he? The retcon does better explain the link between the Molecule Man and the Beyonder. As Black Cat chases after the Red Skull she confronts him, but is captured by Dr. Octopus. Nonetheless, he possessed vastly limitless psionic abilities allowing him to control and manipulate numerous matter and energy at a cosmic level beyond all, but the strongest and most powerful of cosmic entities. Reece cryptically replied, "it's a happier ending than you know." Eventually it sent the Molecule Man's self back to Earth, and it turned into a new female humanoid being, Kosmos. Deciding to see how far this would go, he increased Kurse's power once again. But he could tell that soon he would have to make a decision. [27], The Beyonder finally parted company with Vinnie, and used his powers to take complete control of every mind and even the very atoms making up the matter on Earth. Manga. Richards and the rest of the Fantastic Four were in the midst of a battle against the Hate Monger and Psycho Man when the Beyonder appeared and started asking questions. Home; News. The Beyonder was driven into complete despair, and took to drinking. Still cocky, the Beyonder tried to defeat Protege, but Protege's powers continued to grow until it was more than the Beyonder could handle. Spider-Man shows a bit of envy as he witnesses the new found connection between Black Cat and the Captain. Why he would do this is unclear. Upon discovering the truth of the Ivory Kings, Pym returns to the Illuminati to warn them about their enemy: the Beyonders. Sequence 4: Imperative Mage New Abilities The experience apparently proved too enlightening in itself, and he ran away. They have powerful divination abilities through the use of stars and crystal balls. The Beyonder simpily turns intangiable and proceeds to explain his plans to Spider-Man. [12], The narration stated that he possessed power millions of times greater than the entire multiverse combined,[35] and that a regular universe was a drop of water in the ocean compared to the Beyond Realm. Beyonder claims that the war is over and teleports everyone to space. Doom uses his powers to force Spider-Man and the heros against a wall. Even though Strange had seen so many mysteries and beings of power, and had "stood unafraid before Eternity himself," he recoiled at the sight of the Beyonder's true nature and power. When Rachel tried to mindlink them all, he unwittingly set off a trap set by some anti-mutant students, which badly hurt the three X-Men. The character was retconned into a less powerful character, a self-aware Cosmic Cube inhabiting his own "dimension" because there was no matrix to hold his energy, with the explanation that other more powerful beings had exercised their powers on the Beyonder's behalf to ease his transition into self-awareness. [3] When the Molecule Man extracted the Beyonder from Kosmos, their battle took place in more than three spatial dimensions, and threatened to cause vast destruction across the multiverse. The Beyonder was going to erase the multiverse entirely; he erased Death; he destroyed multiple galaxies; he defeated powerful beings like Galactus and a whole group of Celestials with ease; he was able to recreate the same things he erased; with a simple hand wave he shattered a dome the Molecule Man created to endure multiversal destruction; he easily survived a blast from the Molecule Man that could have slagged "several billion" dimensions; when he had a large portion of his power in the cup that was going to kill Death, he still had more power than the combined cosmic entities of our multiverse; when Mephisto created Beyondersbane using the Beyonder's own expended power plus all of the power in our multiverse, Mephisto still wasn't sure it was enough to destroy him; his battle with the Molecule Man affected every being on every planet on every dimension.
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