Market data provided by Factset. But some citizens still believed the wrong man had gone to the gallows. who was "fortunate enough to escape his grasp," according to Ryals. to keep expanding and making Murderpedia a better site, but we really That night, Mikio Miyazawa, 44, Yasuko Miyazawa, 41, and their children Niina, 10, and Rei, 6, were all stabbed to death by an unknown assailant. Despite his death, investigators are working to collect evidence in the case and the sheriff is asking for anyone who knew Reneger to come forward. Don and Kevin's parents, however, could . It seemed difficult to believe that they would lay on the tracks without moving a muscle, while a huge freight train was hurtling towards them blaring its horn.
Additional counties and states will be added to this database as time and funding permit. Stephen Smith, 19, July 2015 Stephen Smith, a 19-year-old nursing student at the time, was found dead in the middle of the road on July 8, 2015,. Kevin and Dons parents are determined to continue working on and investigating the case until it is solved. They had also been shot to death. - It was the scandal that rocked the state of Arkansas in the mid-1970s - a well-known doctor's affair leading to a murder for hire. Thank you for supporting our journalism.
Don Henry & Kevin Ives - Unsolved Mysteries A grand jury reversed its original verdict of probable homicide to definite homicide and Arkansans havent forgotten the boys on the tracks. In recent years, sightings have been sporadic. Melissa Witt was abducted from a bowling alley parking lot in Fort Smith, Arkansas in 1994. After 25 years, though, it appears as if the case will forever remain unsolved. MISSING PERSON CASE --- 1. They were partially covered by a light green tarp. While traveling through this part time or even full time jobs in Arkansas have come to call home.
2 unsolved Ozarks murders back in the spotlight | KTLO Medical examiners reported that she died from blunt-force trauma to her skull. The boys' bodies were terribly mangled. The murder remains unsolved.
Cold Case: Police Look for Killer in '95 Halloween Night Murder Fort Smith murder unsolved after 42 years, family still has hope Since the 1930s, people have been debating the cause of the light. When they were about six poles away from Kevin and Don, his conductor yelled out big-o and he immediately realized that there were bodies on the tracks. Market data provided by Factset.
Unsolved Murders: True Crime Cases Uncovered - Goodreads Leave your legacy with a planned gift that can help ensure quality materials, programming, and services for our libraries. In August 2016, Linda sued the United States over Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. The weight of the heavy cargo train carried it for a full half mile. Arkansas Unsolved Murder--Luther Gerald (Jerry) Parks, Jr. jerrysgirl67. The two boys were identified as sixteen-year-old Don Henry and seventeen-year-old Kevin Ives. Police ruled their deaths accidental, with the state medical examiner declaring that they were under the influence of marijuana and had passed out on the tracks. Friends who were with them that night confirmed this amount. This contradicted official statements from the Ouachita Sheriffs department that they had yet to turn up any clues in her disappearance. The boys' bodies were terribly mangled.
Unsolved murders of Karen and Gordon Alexander : r - reddit It is also known as the "Boys on the Tracks" case. The locomotive engineer engaged the brakes while blowing the horn, but the train could not stop in time and rolled over the bodies. Goulds book draws on reliable sources to recreate the last day of Ella Barhams life, her disappearance, the discovery of her remains, and a heated courtroom trial with over 35 witnesses and a seething mob outside the courthouse. Simply go, click Create an Account to sign in, and selectCALS Foundationas your organization to support. A composite photo of a potential suspect was released in hopes of generating local leads, but it did not generate any. The sheriff office's said that Renegar drove a red 1984 B2200 Mazda Pickup with a white camper shell. In the early morning hours of August 23, 1987, the mangled bodies of Henry and Ives were discovered on a set of railroad tracks in Bryant, a suburb just south of Little Rock. Thurman Abernathy, had gotten her pregnant. This examination of the murder of Ella Barham and the trial of her alleged killer explores the meaning of community and due process during a time when politicians and judges sought to professionalize justice. All rights reserved. A mother's 30-year missions to uncover the truth about what happened to her son's in 1987 has led a federal judge to order an urgent review of several tightly guarded government . Their parents could not accept that ruling. To cover their tracks, they laid them on the railroad tracks and covered them up with a tarp.
10 more unsolved Arkansas mysteries | Whats more, both lights share equally murky origins. Since then, three more retired officers, Al "Big Al" Schultz from NLRPD, Bob Scott from Jacksonville PD, and Del Geiber from the VA Police, joined the team. Families don't accept explanation, Marijuana coma? He believes that others were involved or have knowledge of who was involved. The History Channel even got in on the action, sending its MonsterQuest team to investigate in 2009. From chilling 'deep freeze' murder to mum torched in a churchyard, the terrifying unsolved crimes that time forgot. 2023 Central Arkansas Library System. EMERGENCY 911. Nona Young went missing sometime around June or July, 1973. FAQs Facebook Hot Cases Inmate Roster. The reported green tarp was never seen again. Those brave enough to wander into the woods risk running into the nefarious Fouke Monster. Hope, AR 71801. A $10,000 reward is offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for this crime. The police failed to find any blood from a supposed wound inflicted by Ford, but they did find a strange set of tracks out in the woods, as well as scratches on Fords door. Theres a serial killer running loose between Hot Springs and LR. They had both been shot several times in the back of the head. The second attack came about a month after Hollis and Larey were assaulted. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, The case took a strange turn in 2012, when Jonathan Brawner, a convicted felon and prison barber at the Faulkner County jail, made local headlines after claiming that he and a few accomplices had buried Glasgow four years prior. Garrett had another autopsy conducted on Kevin and Don. Harsent was six months pregnant at the time of her death. To him, it looked like they had been laid out by someone. Like a handful of other states in the South, Arkansas has two ghostly orbs of its own, one in Gurdon and another in Crossett.
Al Capone was a frequent visitor to the state in the 1920s, spending ample time in Hot Springs to bet on horse races at Oaklawn and relax in some of the many bathhouses that lined Central Avenue. It's been nearly 30 years since Pam Felkins was kidnapped from her job at an Arkansas video store, rapedand then murdered -- but authorities announced Monday they may finally know who killed her. The 2019 Hot Springs crime rate rose by 12% compared to 2018. Neither had they ever seen Kevin spaced out nor any signs that he was into drugs. His true identity will likely forever remain a mystery.
Don Henry and Kevin Ives | Unsolved Mysteries Wiki | Fandom Curtis recalls that Don came into his bedroom at around 12:15am. Edward Keith Renegar drove a red 1984 B2200 Mazda Pickup with a white camper shell, according to police. But as they drove him to the station, the young man asked a strange question for someone accused of car theft: "Will they give me the chair?" It's been over 20 years and people are still looking for answers in the murder of Arkansas teenager, Melissa Witt. According to Texas Monthly, however, local journalist James Presley's book The Phantom Killer: Unlocking the Mystery of the Texarkana Serial Murders: The Story of a Town in Terror presented a compelling case for Swinney's guilt in 2014. So far, the run had been clear sailing, as engineer Stephen Shroyer approached the small town of Bryant, Arkansas. He determined that tears in Don's t-shirt fabric indicated that he had been stabbed in the back with a large knife and that Kevin had apparently been struck in the head with a rifle butt, possibly Don's (the wound to his cheek matched the shape of the rifle butt). They had both been shot several times in the back of the head. A grand jury agreed with him, citing insufficient evidence. Explore the mysteries of 20 compelling unsolved murder cases, from the Zodiac Killer to the death of JonBent Ramsey, with this true crime book. Two unsolved Ozarks murders are back in the news this week. He also suspects that there was some sort of police cover-up involved in the case; however, he was not sure if it was inadvertent or deliberate. At 5:30 am on 7 January, 1977, a young boy, Phillip Watts, aged 11, left his house to deliver newspapers around his home in St. Laurent, Montreal. When traveling through southwest Arkansas, we advise sticking to the main roads. They denied any involvement in the case and sued Matrisciana and his film company for defamation, and the judge awarded them $USD598,750. Local, state and federal law enforcement agencies continue to work on the cases, which date from the last week of 2020 through .
North Arkansas Murder Remains Unsolved, Billboard Now Offers $25K Criminal Activities Archives - Page 2 of 15 - Encyclopedia of Arkansas What had caused Kevin and Don to lie side-by-side on the railroad tracks? An ex-girlfriend of his reportedly told an investigator that Harmon and two other men were responsible for the murders. Crime in Arkansas. Feb 25, 2019 - Explore AY Magazine's board "Arkansas Murder Mysteries", followed by 987 people on Pinterest. He referenced a YouTube and Facebook video. Neither Kevin nor Don owned such a tarp. Dig deeper into the stories you've heard before, and encounter many others you . Virgil and Katie Starks were shot in their own home in May. Our fact check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook. Inmate Roster Map Message from the Sheriff. The Doe Network has 33 Missing Persons listed from Arkansas.. 13 Males & 20 Females.
List of unsolved murders (1900-1979) - Wikipedia Viral posts on social media warn of a purported serial killer in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Spreading your gift out through monthly contributions is a great solution for your budget and ours. The state medical examiner said the boys had been under the influence of marijuana and he ruled the deaths accidental. Five months after the deaths, Kevin and Dons parents held a press conference. They put him behind bars for car theft. Give a donation in someones name to mark a special occasion, honor a friend or colleague or remember a beloved family member. Eventually, in 1975, the state attorney generals office requested that he be buried, and Mike was finally laid to rest later that May. Very interesting article from AY Magazine. who was "fortunate enough to escape his grasp" in 1994, the sheriff's office said. It was alleged that they were the officers seen beating the two boys in a store parking lot. A traveling salesman, he would swing by each month to sell stationery to homes and local businesses. Kevins father, Larry, could not believe that his son was knocked out on marijuana or into any kind of heavy drugs.
29 Unsolved Murders That Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine - The Lineup Authorities charged a neighbor, Odus Davidson, with the crime, as mob violence loomed.
Fact check: No evidence of serial killer in Hot Springs, Arkansas Donations made to the CALS Foundation are tax-deductible for United States federal income tax purposes. Read our Privacy Policy. Cold case is finally cracked and the killer is identified. The Creepy Truth About The Texarkana Murder Mystery, The Phantom Killer: Unlocking the Mystery of the Texarkana Serial Murders: The Story of a Town in Terror. Two unsolved murders of young women from the 1970s have now been linked to one suspect through DNA and genetic genealogy, according to Northern California prosecutors. In October 1988, shortly after the broadcast, the results were released.
Unsolved Ozarks murders include woman last seen mowing cemetery She works in the field of information technology in Tulsa, where she lives with her husband and two catsbut her passion is wandering the hills of the Arkansas Ozarks. Little Rock Your help is needed in solving this murder so if you have any information please call Detective Sergeant D. Dallas at 501-771-7152. Morgan Nick Missing. Five minutes later, Celine County officers showed up. A remake is tentatively scheduled to start production later this year. Now word comes that the man whom Park's widow, Lois Jane Parks, later married - Dr David Millstein - has also been murdered by an "DorkFish"ailant with a knife .
CrimeDoor opens the 'AR' door to unsolved murders In the documentary, two veteran sheriff's deputies, Jay Campbell and Kirk Lane, were alleged to be the killers. Don was a natural comedian and Kevin was his best audience. Author Nita Gould first heard this disturbing story as a young woman, after discovering Ellas headstone on a trip through an overgrown family graveyard. Brynn Rainey, 27, vanished in July 1977. Under the guidance of Captain Montgomery, the NLRPD cold case team has been awarded a federal grant to use for cold case investigation. The most serious crime committed in the state by the Barrow Gang was the murder of Marshal Henry D. Humphrey of Alma . The idea was born in late 2003 by Captain Charles Mask (ret.) Key witnesses were examined, leads were hunted down, evidence was poured overbut nothing concrete ever came from it. In January 2018, former wrestler Billy Jack Haynes came forward, claiming that he had witnessed Kevin and Don's murders and knew who was responsible. That all changed in 2010, when a series of relatively minor earthquakes shook the town. Some of the biggest unsolved murders in Arkansas include the 1994 murder of Melissa "Missy" Witt, the 1995 murder of Marlo Taylor, and the 1987 double murder of Don Henry and Kevin Ives, among many others. They appeared as a series of 10 circles as large as 9 meters (30 ft) in diameter. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. The grand jury urged authorities to continue investigating the deaths and the drug problem in the county. Within hours, she had organized a search party. They embalmed him and put his corpse on display outside of the local funeral home. Over the years, 7,797 of those murders were solved, leaving over 2,100 unsolved murders in Arkansas today. Former Saline County prosecuting attorney Dan Harmon investigated the case and presented evidence to the grand jury. The news release and an April 13 statement from the FBI on the investigation make no mention of any additional bodiesdiscovered in the area. Swinney died in 1994, and no evidence has come out to unequivocally prove whether or not he was the Phantom Killer. Several people were implicated in this conspiracy, which involved numerous investigations and two grand juries. Katherine Baker Case Report Number: 90-053018 Your monthly donation provides ongoing and predictable support we can count on to fund educational and cultural programming for the patrons, communities, and neighborhoods being served by CALS. Legally declared dead by Ouachita County in 1969, Crawfords death was found to be the result of foul play perpetrated by person or persons unknown.. The first swarm struck in fall 2010, with most quakes registering under 2.0 on the Richter scale, meaning not everyone in town may have felt or even noticed the shaking. Interestingly, Campbell and Lane were involved in investigating Harmon. P.O.
Arkansas murderers list | Murderpedia Anonymous tips to the telecenter suggested that Kevin and Don were murdered by drug traffickers, and that they may have stumbled into the middle of a "drug drop." Read on to find out the 10 creepiest. Thats where Mike sat for the next six decades. In his first year as Douglas County Sheriff Roldan Turner had two separate murders to solve Ronnie Johnson and Kelle Ann Workman. Crime Tip Hotline. The claim that there is an active serial killer in Hot Springs, Arkansas, is FALSE, based on our research. Garrett also believes that the tarp existed. He believes the assailant(s) incapacitated one of them, and then, felt like they had to do something to the other one.
Category:Arkansas | Unsolved Mysteries Wiki | Fandom Get App. Arkansas911news said the bodies were dismembered and chopped up.
Phantom Killer: The Unsolved Mystery of the Texarkana Murders All four of the people on the train who were able to observe the scene prior to the accident stated that the bodies were partially covered by the green tarp. In an effort to halt the violence and capture the suspect, police put the city under lockdown each day at dusk, patrolling the streets in heavily armed patrols. Nita Gould is an avid student of Ozarks history and a preservation enthusiast. Last updated February 23, 2023. . Ryals said over the years, DNA tests were performed on "numerous persons of interests" with negative results. subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. We have many To see a complete list of Butler Center Books, visit On March 11, 2002 at approximately 5:42 P.M. a 71 year-old woman identified as Mrs. Jane Murdaught was found brutally beaten in her residence located at 835 Fairview Road in White County. Curtis was not worried about them going into the woods because he did not think they would get in trouble. Name: Date: Victims: Location : B: Charles Jason BALDWIN: May 5, 1993: 3 ? The exception to this is when DNA evidence can be processed. Judge orders North Little Rock mental health facility to pay $2.5M in teen rape case.
The Mysterious Case of the Arkansas Train Deaths Killing of Don Henry and Kevin Ives - Wikipedia He later served time in prison on federal drug and racketeering charges. CrimeDoor opens the 'AR' door to unsolved murders. vetoes transgender youth treatment ban, View Gallery: Meet the candidates running for US senate from Arkansas, The claim: There is an active serial killer in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
No answers 29 years after murder of Arkansas teen Dana Stidham - NBC News They thought maybe that was evidence of a possible ransom or extortion, but the money in his bank accounts hasnt been touched. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. You cansubscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. A federal judge later dismissed many of the agencies listed, but ordered three of them to turn over the pertinent documents to him. What the media quickly dubbed the Texarkana Moonlight Murders, carried out by a shadowy figure the local paper called the "Phantom Killer," sent the small southern city into a panic. Details: In the pre-dawn hours of August 23, 1987, a seventy-five car, 6,000 ton Union Pacific cargo train made its regular night run to the UP freight yard in North Little Rock, Arkansas. She successfully nominated several Boone County, Arkansas, properties to the National Register of Historic Places, including her own Barham ancestral home. According to Stephen, they questioned the existence of the tarp. includes all missing persons from Arkansas and will be updated regularly. There is a homicide investigation in Hot Springs involving a 32-year-old woman found dead on National Park Service land, but investigators said it is an isolated incident. Over a month after she went missing, her body was found in the Ozark National Forest. 72201. Police quickly orchestrated an intense investigation. Reports from news sites Arkansas Democrat Gazette and THV11do not say anything about a serial killer. They were best friends and popular seniors at Bryant High School. The story haunted Gould for years, especially after she inherited a small tin box filled with Ellas personal belongings. AR 72336. He believes that Kevin and Don stumbled on either drug traffickers or a drug lab that manufactured methamphetamine and that they were killed as a result. The two victims were identified as 16-year-old Don Henry and 17-year-old Kevin Ives, best friends and popular seniors at Bryant High School. Murderpedia has thousands of hours of work behind it. What Lies Beyond. He placed the train into an emergency stop position and laid down on the horn. who was the head of the Investigations Division at the time. Earthquake swarms arent entirely unusual in Arkansas. They talked for about fifteen minutes before he left. The Faulkner County Sheriff's Office revealed DNA evidence has identified Edward Keith Renegar as the primary suspect in the 1990 slaying. Submit Via Email. Arkansas: The West Memphis murders of Stephen Branch, Christopher Byers, and James Moore. Amber Hunt, Emily G. Thompson. or redistributed. The man ordered Hollis to take his pants off, then beat him badly enough to put him into a coma for several days. The state medical examiner, Dr. Fahmy Malak, said they had been under the influence of marijuana and ruled the deaths accidental. If you would like to make a donation by check, print this donation form, fill it out and mail it with your check to: Central Arkansas Library System The Arkansas Geological Survey was called out to investigate, and while the group noted that there is some evidence that fracking can cause minor earthquakes, they found no link between the drilling and these particular swarms. On October 23, 2018, Garrett passed away at the age of seventy-two. Maybe they had seen a drug drop that was connected to alleged cocaine smuggling via the Mena Airport. Arkansas On Sunday, August 23, 1987, at around 4:00 a.m., the bodies of teens Kevin Ives and Don Henry were spotted by the crew of a Union Pacific locomotive near Crooked Creek trestle in. Suspects: The man wearing military fatigues witnessed by police and others remains a possible suspect, but police have never been able to locate or positively identify him. Having had no formal legal classes, she aced the exam and eventually became an expert in abstract and title law. Swamp gas, pressurized quartz crystal, and headlight reflections have been possible explanations. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Henrys shirt was in tatters, with lacerations all over his body indicative of stabbing.
While the appeal wound its way through the courts, the case was passed along to newly appointed prosecutor Dan Harmon.
Unsolved Cases - Howard County Sheriff AR Adding to the creepiness of the case, some self-proclaimed web-sleuths have tenuously linked the Phantom with San Franciscos notorious Zodiac Killer. Such is the case of two young men who went missing in 1987 in the U.S. state of Arkansas and would next be seen dead under perplexing circumstances. Thank you very much in advance. Just as mysteriously as the killings started, however, they subsided. It was featured in a two-part episode of "The Trail Went Cold" podcast. Linda wondered, if they were that stoned, how were they able to lie down in identical positions?
Project Cold Case Database All rights reserved. Administrative Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm. In July 1988, a grand jury reversed Dr. Malaks original finding of accidental death and officially ruled their deaths "probable homicides." For almost 20 years Ernestine Andregg's family has not only suffered her loss, but also not knowing . In September of 2004, the North Little Rock Police Department started a pilot program designed to reduce the number of open investigations by using retired law enforcement officers to supplement the existing group of investigators. Thats the last time anyone ever saw him. Arkansas Cold Cases. Nearly three decades after the investigation hit a dead end, Texarkanas Charles B. Maddox said that inanarticle that was removed because of a computer glitch,Arkansas 911 News reported that it was not able to verify that five women were murdered or that a serial killer was found. Adding to the intrigue, all of his files on Crawford disappeared after a short trip away from the office. Congestion was also found in their lungs which indicated that they had been hurt before being hit by the train. Ursula Herrmann (10), disappeared on 15 September 1981 and she was found dead in mysterious circumstances. The 2019 crime rate in Hot Springs, AR is 620 ( crime index), which is 2.3 times higher than the U.S. average. "So we continued on from there to do actual genealogy work. 100 Rock Street . Free Child ID kits are availabe to Arkansas families to keep a record of physical, medical and dental information. Again, the victims were a couple of sweethearts out for a night of intimacy on a local lovers' lane, but this time the Phantom Killer didn't leave anyone alive. In the early morning hours of August 23, 1987, the mangled bodies of Henry and Ives were discovered on a set of railroad tracks in Bryant, a suburb just south of Little Rock. The two left around midnight to go back to Dons house. When 18-year-old Ella Barham was raped, murdered, and dismembered in broad daylight, the crime sent waves of shock through surrounding counties, the Ozarks, and even the national press. When police officer Danny Allen stopped to question him, the man opened fire.
Missing Persons - Arkansas Attorney General "It is with 99.99% accuracy that it is Edward Keith Renegars DNA that was collected as evidence from Pam Felkins during the initial investigation," Ryals told reporters. Speculation began to rise, with many residents wondering if the boys had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time.