During the Revolutionary War, . Appreciate what we're doing? [I]t was in one of those trips to Fort St. Laurence that he substituted as above stated. That he served in this year from the 1stof August until the 1stof November following, nothing of importance occured during this year. 1.Gibson enclosed a general return, dated 3 Dec., of the troops at Fort Pitt, where he was serving as colonel commandant (DLC:GW). Hill Monument completed in 1843 commemorating the first battle, or at least one of the first battles, of the American Revolutionary War? He also served during the American Revolutionary War as an officer in the Virginia state militia, raising a regiment from Gloucester County and supplementing . Then were marched through to the wilderness to Colonel Benjamin Logans Station (1 mi W of Stanford Courthouse) in Kentucky for the purpose of joining the troops commanded by General George R. Clark [George Rogers Clark] on an expedition against the Indians in the N.W. 13th Virginia Regiment 14th Virginia Regiment 15th Virginia Regiment 1st Virginia State Regiment 2nd Virginia State Regiment Miscellaneous German Regiment Grayson's Regiment Hartley's Regiment Hazen's Regiment Malcolm's Regiment Patton's Regiment Provisional Rifle Corps (Morgan's) Spencer's Regiment It was credited as part of the Pennsylvania . Private James Amberson, previously of Capt. That would have been the 1778 trip to Kentucky. He this said declarant halted at said Garison untill the troops commanded by General Hann (Edward Hand) would arive this said declarant was to join General Hann to go against the Indians on the Sciote (Scioto River) now in the State of Ohio While he this said declarant lay at Point Pleasent, aforesaid Robert Gilmore a private (Lt. James Gilmore) in the Company that this said declarant belonged to was kild by the Indians. I am anxious to have the Regiment disciplind as early as possible this spring, therefore hope the application may not be premature. 1.GW wrote Henry Laurens on 27 Feb. suggesting the reunification of the parts of the 13th Virginia Regiment at Fort Pitt and Valley Forge. Each of these expeditions ended up diverting men to stay and guard the mines, as they were constantly under threat by the local tory groups in the nearby mountains. Ans. that they told him he must goe with them to Niagara, that he made his Escape; By going to hunt for his horse. Companies recruited men from Yohogania County; Monongalia County and West Augusta District, now Ohio County. Went on to Fort McIntosh lay there a while and then moved on with the army to Fort Laurence (Fort Laurens). It was again reorganized and redesignated as the 7th Virginia Regiment on 1 January 1781 to consist of two companies. I remained thus forted and thus employed during the whole war we kept no guard at the Fort in the Winter Spring and fall we employed ourselves in hunting wild game. Theyre the best documentation we have on life and service on the Virginia frontier. Sherburne's Continental Regiment, 1778 - 1780. Saml Miller of the 8th Pensl. He also sometimes went in company with the late Colonel Samuel Estill of Kentuckey; [T]hat the place where he performed the aforesaid services as an Indian Spy was in the gaps and low places in the chain of mountains between William Laffertys plantation on New River and the head waters of Laurel Creek where they met the Spies from Burnsides Fort. This narrative doesnt expressly mention Byrnsides Fort, but its apparent from the wording that he was in the same militia unit in 1778 formed by Capt. It reported 16 casualties at Cross Keys and Port Republic, 111 at Gaines Mill, 34 at Cedar Mountain, 46 at Second Manassas, 22 at Fredericksburg, and 36 at Chancellorsville. or, as presently, several Revolutionary records buried in a collection of agreat library. These documents include muster rolls, payrolls, strength returns, and other miscellaneous personnel, pay, and supply records of American Army units, 1775-83. Enter your email address to get automatic notification of new posts to this blog. We found a Methodist book belonging to him inside Byrnsides Fort, discussed in the above post. To try and prevent this tragedy, some wives . The Diaries of George Washington. It appears that Kincaid (who was a neighbor of James Byrnside) was part of the contingent who remained in western Virginia, rather than going on to Kentucky. The regiment or Battallion commanded by major Andrew Hamilton in Greenbrier County, State of Virginia, marched from thence to Fort Chisell (Fort Chiswell in present Wythe County VA). These expeditions aimed to protect frontier colonists from the threat of American Indians and made up a large part of Western Pennsylvanias role in the Revolutionary War. Second Canadian Regiment of Infantry, 1776. Crawford was experienced in frontier warfare, well-liked by his men, and had served as an officer under Gen. Hands squaw campaign the year prior. My wifes gggggrandfather fought at the Battle of Brandywine. The unit sustained heavy losses at the Battle of Cedar Creek and surrendered at Appomattox Court House with 10 officers and 52 men. Arbuckles was built in 1774, and was a well-constructed military fort, with a stockade. [1] References Records Commission. Militia Publisher Richmond, D. Bottom, superintendent of public printing Collection library_of_congress; americana Digitizing sponsor Sloan Foundation The 13th Regiment was formed in February 1777 at Fort Pitt. Service started: Unit (s): Service ended: James O'Neall was born in 1738, the son of Hugh and Anne (Cox) O'Neall. Washington and his western officers wanted to attack Detroit. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. That he entered the service of the United States, & served under the following named Officers, he was drafted for six months at the House or Station called, Burnsides Station [near present Salt Sulfur Springs in Monroe County WV], in month of February 1778, in the company commanded, by Captain John Henderson, Lieutenant John Woods. Washington liked Crawford, a fellow Virginian, and ultimately wanted to see him in control of all forces in the western region. I highly recommend it. It was originally Greenbrier County, and then Monroe County, and finally Summers County. On the return, Conewago, Buckloons and Mahusauchikoken were burned.. (James) Graham of danger, which went unheeded, resulting in tragedy: He has heard him [George Dixon] long since relate the circumstance of King Cornstalk being kiled at Point Pleasant in virginia and his expedition to Kentucky with an Express. I returned home to Greenbrier my place of residence after serving in this tour 30 days. He described their return journey in a letter: Three days were occupied in destroying standing corn and burning houses. Patterson mentions fleeing Hamiltons fort at one point to Keeneys Fort because it was better fortified. Mar 11, 2023 [Revolutionary War] Gold Pin Inscribed w/ KIA Officer's Name $225. Scott Keith shoud chuse to determine the matter your self. and further this deponant saith not. On the other hand, they were fearful of being attacked on our frontiers by the British and Indians out of Detroit. On motion of Col. T. N. Dawkioa, Col. Wm. His name was Capt. That he was afterwards drafted in the month of January 1781 into service as a soldier of the Revolution from the County of Augusta and marched in a company commanded by Captain Thomas Hicklin Lieutenant Joseph Gwin and Ensign Thomas Wright and was attached to a Regiment commanded by Colonel Sampson Mathews; [T]hat he lived at the time he was drafted in the County of Augusta and State of Virginia. He again commenced his duties as a Spy on the 15th day of April 1777 and continued in service as such until the first of November following when he was discharged having served that summer six months and a half: that he again entered the service as an Indian Spy on the 15th day of April 1778 and continued in service until the first of November following making a tour of six months and a half: and again on the first day of May 1779 he entered the service as an Indian Spy and was discharged on the first day of November following having performed a tour of six months Service that summer making in the whole term of service as an Indian Spy which he served his Country two years and one month. Servt, W. Russell Colo. Commr Genl Muhlenbergs Brigade. 1st Virginia Cavalry (5), 20th Virginia Cavalry (3) Old Tyke: Before Time: Confederate Cavalry (micro-Scale) . Field officers at Valley Forge were Colonel William Russell, Colonel George Gibson, Lt. I was living on Wolf Creek when I was called into service and remained there until about the year 1790 when I moved to where I now live. he was a regular officer if the united states Army. GW had known Kiashuta since 1753, when Kiashuta had acted as a guide on GWs mission to warn off the French troops on the Ohio. Iowans transformed the fertile prairies of the Midwest resources, involvement in the Civil War, legacy in film, into the most productive farmland in the world. After the Revolution, the fort was the home of the First American Regiment, the oldest active unit in the United States Army. Un concours pour mettre en avant des inventeurs africains-amricains Its commanders were Colonels George A. Goodman, Ambrose P. Hill, James B. Terrill, and James A. Walker; and Majors Charles T. Crittenden and John B. Sherrard. At the end of that year, their service was extended for the duration of the war. No. Summary The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Sullivan for that purpose, and hope your Excellency will Give such directions as will Enable him to Return as soon as possible.5 I am with the Utmost Respect your Excellencys most Obedient humble Servt. The mission ended up getting canceled and repurposed. The return includes three companies of the 13th Virginia Regiment and two companies of independent Virginia troops, a total of 256 men, including 15 commissioned officers, 28 noncommissioned officers, and 213 rank and file. Sullivan settled out west after the war. [I]n the year 1781 I was drafted & marched from Greenbrier County under Capt John Henderson. In 1777 when he was 40 years old, David Scott served as a captain in the 13th Regiment of Virginia Militia during the American Revolution. [T]hat he first marched from Ben Bevers (Van Bibbers) ford (probably fort) to the part of Virginia known by the name of the Wilderness and continued scouting through the Wilderness to keep of [off] the Indians during said tower [tour] of nine months. About the year 1779 or 1780 as I think I volunteered under Captain Thomas Wright of Greenbrier County in the State of Virginia in which County I still lived with a body of Militia ordered out by the authority of Virginia. Before this it is believed he. On Aug. 11, 1779, Brodhead and 605 men, from the 8th Pennsylvania and 9th Virginia Regiments, marched north toward Conewago. He is most noted for signing a treaty of alliance with the United States in September 1778. It seems likely that West and Wright were a part of the relief force mounted from Camp Union, as described by John Stuart and Matthew Arbuckle as having around 65 men from the local forts. Be it known that on the 15thday of September AD 1834 Personally appeared before the subscriber a Justice of the peace in and for said county, George Dixon, who after being duly sworn according to law deposeth and saith that that he entered the service of the United States, in the war of the Revolution at the station of Burnsides, in the Co of Greenbrier in the State of Virginia with his Brother Peter Dixon who has this day in open Court sworn and subscribed a declaration in order to obtain a pension, that I served with him in the same Company (To wit) the Company of Captain Henderson Lt John Woods commanded by Major Andrew Hamilton until we came to Fort Chissel when we was seperated and I was sent to Kentucky on an express (as will more fully be illusterated by reference to my declaration now on file in the War Office, and I believe verily He the said Peter Dixon served out the tour of six months for which he was drafted and further this deponant saith that he has heard his Brother Peter Dixon, relate that, he vollenteered at Whitleys Station in Kentucky under Col Logan and that in consequence of the Indians, having murdered a part of the company of imegrants, that were miving to Kentucky (of which Peter Dixon was one) Col Logan raised as many troops as could be raised and pursued the Indians to their Towns for the purpose of redress. After remaining there some six or eight weeks he was marched back to Woodses fort near New River in Greenbrier County (Woods Fort, 4 mi NE of Peterstown now in Monroe County WV) and was kept employed in guarding Indians and Tories. Their party suffered only slight wounds., After the Battle of Thompson Island, Brodheads troops proceeded to Conewago, where they found abandoned Seneca towns. Virginia had sent George Rogers Clark on his expedition west, and now he was poised to take Detroit. That he was a sergeant and acted as such during said three months tour, that he received his warrant as such, but not supposing that it would ever be of any service to him has long since lost or mislaid it and does not now remember to have seen it for at least forty years. Moylan's Light Dragoons, 1779. During the Summer of 1780 he was permitted to remain in quiet there being no along given in the Settlement of the approach of the Indians and no depredations were committed that year. Craft's comments since in the first sentence, he refers to the "peace, security and national, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 2018, The 100 Best American Revolution Books of All Time, A Choice Body of Men: The Continental Army on the Upper Ohio, Virginias Independent Frontier Companies, Part 2 of 2, Perspectives on the Ten Crucial Days of the Revolution, This Week on Dispatches: Gene Procknow on Ethan Allen and Revolutionary-Era Newspapers. Archives. Molly Pitcher In the American Revolutionary War during the Battle of Monmouth, the Continental Army fought the British Army. Here's a list of over 20 Black-owned restaurants and bars that you can visit to celebrate Black History Month in Pensacola. 4.White Eyes, or Koquetakeghton (c.17301778), a leader of the Turkey clan of Delaware Indians, was elected principal chief of the tribe in 1776. . The 13th Virginia Regiment, much of which was comprised of militia from the western counties, such Greenbrier, was stationed at Fort Pitt at this time. 34 vols. The said Gilmore crossed the River Kanhannay (Kanawha) for the purpose of hunting and was fiered upon and kild by the Indians. whilst the war of the Revolution was going on, my Fathers family includeing myself and many others, were forted during the summer season & in the winter we would return to our Cabbins. . Drafted as aforesaid in the month of Febuary seventeen hundred seventy Eight, And marched in the month of March of the same year To Fort Chissell (Chiswell) in Virginia In the Company Commanded by Captain John Henderson under the command of Major Hamilton [probably Andrew Hamilton] stationed at Fort Chisel aforesaid.
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