In my relatively short time coming from Vermont South Ive seen a lot of Ringwood, and a lot that can be improved! I will use my experience to continue to work on behalf of businesses in Maroondah to ensure their growth, cut red tape that hinders them, and focus on our ability to attract and retain new business. Registrations now open! I moved into the area as a very young, disadvantaged child in desperate need of a new beginning. Council needs to do its part in reducing Greenhouse emissions. 20924, Croydon Main St. shopping centre - Proposed declaration of special rate and charge scheme, Condition assessment - Contract no. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?There need to be more channels through which we communicate. I have been a resident in Maroondah for over 35 years and live in Heathmont with my wife Cheryl and our two daughters. Labor would begin construction on the new Maroondah Hospital in 2025, which would open in stages from 2029 at a cost of between $850 million and $1.05 billion. In the current climate and over the next 4 years it will be hard, really hard. And through the policy team on Council. Maroondah is moving to a Sustainable development design framework, but at this stage only for developments of 3 or more dwellings on a block (down from 10).Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? But I need your support. As your current Councillor I have voted to keep rate increases at zero and will continue to do so. And, according to my understanding, state legislation sufficiently protects cultural, indigenous and native vegetation through heritage protections. Your email address will not be published. Maroondah is a truly wonderful place to live. See above! 1.Maintaining and enhancing our parks and gardens.2.Improving our sporting facilities.3.More bicycle paths and walking tracks.4.An improved waste management system, to stop reliance on land fill, and improved recycling. 20895, Proposed Local Law No. Eight councils will change to Single Member Wards for the 2020 elections. Our local Transition Town (TTM) has sent sent a questionnaire to each candidate across Maroondah's three council wards. The Hon Michael Sukkar MP Member for Deakin Shadow Minister for Homelessness Shadow Minister for Housing Shadow Minister for Social Services Liberal Party 5/602 Whitehorse Road It is because of this support, I am able to study a Bachelor of Law, service victims of medical-negligence, offer pro-bono services back into our community and participate in individual and team sports. How does Council pay for community services? But I think Council can at least make some accommodation for local residents and ratepayers in its polices and guidelines that gives priority to protections for residents against inappropriate development, detailed assessment of the cumulative impact of development on neighbourhood character and streetscapes prior to any approval, protections for canopy trees and open space in private spaces, and mandatory notification of and communication with all residents in the area of proposed new developments. To think Global you need to act locally. Council can take a lead role in creating an environment that promotes happy healthy living for our elderly. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?Australian Conservation Foundation, Emergency Management Australia, Climate council, fb sites, Captain Paul WatsonWhat most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?start with solar panels on council buildings, Im sure their energy provider is a coal muncher, What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?with more building we need to make sure our parks are protected, make sure that wildlife corridors work, we need to plant now for the futureDo you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? Where do you find your information on Climate Change?ABC News, The Guardian, Michael West Media, SBS, What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?I would like Maroondah council to declare a climate emergency. Maroondah City Council elections were conducted by the Victorian Electoral Commission on 24 October 2020. A new ward; we need new energy, new ideas and a new level of commitment, care and compassion for our community and environment. Our local businesses will need support during and after the pandemic. These and other opportunities for community consultation need to be well publicised so that as many people as possible are aware of their opportunity to be involved. Our children have asked for more places to ride their bikes. I care about the local community because I live, and I am raising my family in the ward of Wombolano. How people want to interact with their representatives and how they want to receive information. 20935, Floodlighting upgrade - contract no. I will work to save the leafy environment of our city and limit overdevelopment, keep Dorset Golf Course intact, maintain Eastfield Park and not relocate the Croydon Outdoor Pool but relocate some services back to Croydon. Already, weve achieved so much together. Thats something we need to talk about. I will push for Council to be given more power to order repairs or demolition at the owners expense. I will keep Ringwood and Dorset Golf as 18-hole courses, upgrading facilities at both, and increase Councils budget for new footpaths, after more than tripling it over the last 4 years. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?From various sources, like the Climate Council of Australia, Climate Action Network Australia, and Environment Victoria. Maroondah has recently adopted its Climate Change Risk and Adaptation Strategy and Vegetation Strategy 2020-2030, among other related strategies, which I have supported and will work to ensure they are properly implemented. We here at Connecting Maroondah, in collaboration with Transition Towns Maroondah (TTM) have noted an increase of interest in local council matters and the upcoming elections. Elected candidates Count summary First preference votes Please note: all first preference percentages have been rounded to two decimal points. It has been my pleasure and privilege to have been a Councillor and twice Mayor for the past 12 years representing you at Maroondah City Council. 20929, Dandenong Creek Trail renewal works - contract no. Australia. With your vote, Ill prioritise the repair and installation of new footpaths. Parliamentary Representatives - Maroondah City Council This is why I am proposing a comprehensive jobs and economic recovery strategy in Maroondah to build opportunities from education to employment, especially for younger people and those out of work. 20917, Floodlighting upgrade - Contract no. Home - Maroondah City Council As a former President of the Ringwood Highland Games I recognise the value of community events and the many hard-working volunteers who put in so much time and effort to make these events happen. I care about our native habitats and will ensure the Mullum creek area native program continues. Then I would like to see more open forums where people can provide input on detailed issues not just answer vague high-level questions. 20904, Local Law No. I look forward to hearing from you. We need to manage council finances carefully over the next few years. I will keep empowering locals by listening and encouraging participation in planning, project and policy community consultations. Ruskin Park residents are noticing the erosion of canopy, vegetation and open space, not only in our neighbourhood but also in adjoining areas that are in the Yarra Ranges Shire. Listening to you and representing your views honestly, is what I care about. Council being the final Responsible Authority/decision maker for all residential development in Maroondah?d. I am seeking your support for re-election to continue the COVID 19: Relief and Recovery Project, a program designed to assist businesses and the community who are suffering financial and emotional hardship. If you have any questions, please contact me, Suzy, on, 0491 602 049, on Facebook Suzanne Stojanovic forMaroondah McAlpin Ward, LinkedIn @SuzyStojanovic. The hard work must continue and your vote will enable me to keep delivering the improvements our community deserves. Please enable JavaScript in order to get the best experience when using this site. .I agree with A to E, In addition to item E, neighbors should be alerted when there is a permit application for a Heritage building. My second home for the last 4 decades either playing or volunteering has been the East Ringwood football club. As a parent myself, I am seeing that many young families are needing additional support right now, and as we emerge from COVID, there is going to be a real need to support the mental and physical health and wellbeing of our children and young people, who have been disconnected from education, play and recreation with friends and family. Derelict buildings are an eyesore and attract crime. I will ensure your voice is heard and I will work with all levels of government as your representative for Tarralla Ward. I know that COVID has made doing business very hard for many. Ill bring my business skills to council to ensure ratepayers get real value. More than ever we need representation on council that will listen to the community and ensure that the council during this difficult period, provides the essential services and support that we all expect. I have lived and worked in Maroondah for 45 years. Our green canopy coverage is now less than 30 percent. We hope this helps you with your voting choices. I was a secondary school teacher; I now work at a university. 20974, Road and drainage upgrades - contract no. Maroondah | Rainbow Local Government I believe The people of Maroondah genuinely care for each other. I will build new sporting pavilions at Jubilee Park and Proclamation Park, upgrade the Rings Basketball centre and refurbish the Karralyka Theatre and events centre. As a long-time resident in Ringwood East whose children have and are attending local public schools, I have loved volunteering in the classroom, being a member of the Kalinda Parents and Friends Association and being an enthusiastic Maroondah Magic mum. 20975, Pavilion redevelopment - contract no. Mental health will become more of an issue, more people have had their income slashed, home schooling has had a stressfuleffect on students & parents, isolation & social distancing has been hard on all of us, even my own business is closed until December, we need people who really understand the situation, who know the struggles of making every dollar count. Our elderly have been treated as disposable lately. Moreover, I pledge to balance the needs of our families and single members households, students and workers, young people and older residents. 1. Victorian election: Labor promises $1b upgrade to Maroondah hospital Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This election was uncontested and the following candidate(s) are declared elected unopposed. Hello there. The results of that sees the soon to be constructed multi-deck commuter car park at Croydon Station, the redevelopment of Dorset Road between Maroondah Highway & Hull Road and a significant number of sporting & community facility upgrades. Ive got the skills, passion and work ethic to be your representative for Yarrunga Ward. Thank you to everyone who has shopped small and supported local business, because every dollar spent in our community goes back into our community and supports local employment. Your enquiries about candidates should be directed to the relevant candidate. Please Vote 1 for Veronica Stevens on your voting papers. $16.5m Maroondah Nets, $4.5m HE Parker Pavilion including female friendly facilities. Why or why not?I think they should because it sends a message to the community that they are taking the crisis seriously. It is a place for positive, long-term change but this requires community voices to be heard. Maroondah City Council's elections will go ahead as scheduled on October 24 - with all residents to cast their votes by postal vote. We come together in parks, clubs, pavilions, walking tracks, community halls, elderly citizens centers, bike paths and shopping strips. I look forward to representing you in council and providing a clear and balanced voice that reflects the views of our wonderful local community. Voting in the Wonga Ward by-election was conducted by post, with voting closing at 6pm on Friday 11 March, 2022. I will ensure that Council uses our rates for good by continuing to deliver Covid-19 recovery and relief programs for rate-payers, community groups and businesses. 6. What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Food waste and reducing landfill are probably the easiest issues to resolve so we could start there. NOTICE: The contents of candidate statements were provided by the candidates and from their responses to the Victorian Electoral Commission, for your reference here. I want our elderly to maintain their dignity and receive the optimal care that they are entitled to. o Working well o Other (Please describe).. I have worked for government and have successfully run my own business for the last 29 years. I initiated the 9-instalment option for the paying of rates and I will continue to ensure that with the current Covid-19 issues, residents are given every assistance for the paying of rates, without financial penalty. in more languages and also in plain English. At-large Councilmembers Bob Mendes and Sharon Hurt were. No matter how big of small an issue is, the best decisions are made with real feedback from real people. Protecting and enhancing the green spaces that we all enjoy is important for our wellbeing, as is providing the many services that enrich our community, from the elderly, working families, and the vulnerable. Im asking for your vote so I can deliver results for our community. I will advocate for council to maintain and improve the vital local community services, including aged and disability services. We were drawn to living in this beautiful part of the world because of the lovely greenery, easy access to public transport and great shops, and most importantly, the wonderful community. Please Vote 1 for Andrew Schafer for Yarrunga Ward. I want to work to keep it that way. With the ongoing challenge of Council planning decisions being contested and declining outcomes for revegetation and canopy in the private realm, do you have any other suggestions for improving outcomes.Improving our planning control. Each ward is represented by 1 councillor, giving a total of 9 councillors. My focus will be: To liaise with other councillors and council and see how we can support local small business back on track and create more jobs, Better elder and disability services. Local planning laws that require a detailed assessment of the cumulative impact of development on neighbourhood character and streetscapes prior to any approval?c. Local community groups and events are so important in uniting and uplifting our community. Question 7. I am retired so I can freely put my time into the responsibilities of being a Councillor. Remember to read the voting instructions to make sure you vote correctly. I have lived in the Maroondah area all my life and I am a manager of local business. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?A stronger online presence from council, easier to use consultation process instead of the clunky not suitable for phones website. Contact me at ph: 0424 372 752 Vote 1 Donna MacKinnon, Vote 2 Peter Feeney, then all other candidates in the order of your choice., You can listen to Donna MacKinnon on our podcast. Electoral structure changes for 2020 - Local Government Vote 1 for Andrew Schafer for Yarrunga Ward. 20942, Depot waste collection services - contract no. If so, what are these improvements and how would you make them happen?Yes Stronger provisions in our planning scheme, neighbors should be alerted when there is a permit application. Theyre a message of hope. 20940, Notice of intention to sell land - abutting Joffre Street and Kitchener Road, Proposed road discontinuance - abutting 435-445 Mount Dandenong Road, Notice of the preparation of Amendment C130maro, Design services - Ringwood multi-level carpark - contract no. And, its an old and ongoing issue, but residents always bring up the issue of safer roads, intersections, pedestrian crossings, and traffic signalling. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?Usually abc news or google for things, david Attenborough, my partner is usually all over that sort of news so we talk about it. Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? As your Wonga Ward Councillor I will continue to make your community a better place to live, work, and to raise your family. You can apply to vote by post, or apply to vote by proxy, when you ask someone you trust to vote on your behalf. 20897, Notice of the Preparation of an Amendment - Amendment C116, Notice of Tender - Flood Mitigation Works - Contract No. beside the land swap there is another $23m in this years budget for what? Vote 1 Peter Salloum and vote 2 Les Willmott, then other candidates in your order of choice. See Information on election advertising signs in Maroondah: Election advertising requirements(pdf,49KB). Over the past two years, I have been your independent voice on council championing safer local roads and footpaths; inclusive community services and facilities, particularly for migrant groups and those with varying abilities and special needs; improving and protecting our parks and reserves, and defending against inappropriate development; investments in youth and seniors programs and services; ongoing support for families, parents and careers; and support to lift local trade and commerce.Vote 1 Cr Tasa Damante. Following are the nine Councillors declared for each of the new nine wards. Tarralla Ward covers some parts of Croydon, Croydon South and Bayswater North, the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation. Maroondah City Council - Jobs List - All Vacancies Over the years I have served on numerous government committees and on the committees of the Ringwood and Croydon Chambers of Commerce, Maroondah HomeBiz, National Council of National Seniors Australia, the board of Life Activities Clubs Victoria and the Maroondah Photographic Society. 20967, Design and construct multi-deck carpark - EOI - contract no. Mandatory notification of and communication with all residents in the area of proposed new developments (not just immediate neighbours)? View the Maroondah City Council 2020 results. About the Committee: The Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee (MECAC) considers applications requesting compliance audits of candidates or third party advertiser election campaign finances, any resulting auditors' reports, and the Clerk's Report identifying apparent contribution contraventions under section 88 of the Municipal Elections Act. My first priority is to freeze 2021 rate increases and offer 12-month deferral of rate payments for proven hardship. Our selection process is designed to find the best person for the role. Consultation is something that Council already does (mostly) very well, however, many people just arent interested or dont have the time to engage. Ward boundaries - Maroondah City Council The City of Maroondah should aim to become carbon neutral as soon as possible. This is why I supported Maroondahs Climate Change Risk and Adaptation Strategy, Vegetation Strategy 2020- 2030, and Children and Families Strategy during my time on Council. It sends a signal to state and federal governments. I want to hear your voices and what matters to you, please contact me on E:, M: 0452 603 135 or FB: @SaarahforMaroondah, Where do you find your information on Climate Change? Council adopts 2022/23 Budget with $51.69m investment in capital works projects. Ill open up council land to create more parklands, with trails, for community and recreational use. the new council offices at Eastland, no one was consulted on this, is it really good for Maroondah? A hard-working health care worker for the last 16 years. 20951, Preparation of Council Plan 2017-2021 (2020/21 Update) and Budget 2020/21, Proposed road discontinuance - Pitt Street Ringwood, Karralyka Centre early works - contract no. 20922, Adoption of Council Plan 2017-2021 (2019/20 Update) and Budget 2019/20, Notice of intention to discontinue road and sell land, Amenities refurbishment - contact no. I have volunteered for local organisations associated with the council , participated in fundraising activities for the RMH, Movember, Cancer Council Victoria, Eastern Health and RSPCA. What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?I support initiatives like greening greyfields, community gardens, green street projects, food organics and garden organics waste services, and gardens for wildlife. I am a strong advocate for our tree canopy and open spaces, and I will fight to maintain our leafy green neighbourhoods and continue to fight against inappropriate development. I want that changed! Please note: all first preference percentages have been rounded to two decimal points. Why or why not?The overall information points towards this, the data is compelling and I will always rely on the expertise of environmental scientists. You may use the contact details provided to encourage them to do so. You will be able to unsubscribe at any time. In addition to what we are already doingId love for our whole municipality to become a carbon sink and be emissions negative play our role in draw-down, FOGO and extensive food-waste reduction education campaigns, be able to fine developers a very substantial amount of money for illegal removal of trees, complete the Tarralla Creek re-naturalisation project and expand this to our other urban waterways. I have worked in the Commonwealth public service and in the mining industry. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?A range of sources: newspaper, shared articles from environment groups on Facebook such as Eastern Action for the Environment, email updates from ACF, shared information on Twitter.What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?Some public electric car charging stations would help drive the change to those. Id also like to see in-person consultation this could be at various times by various means. I will ensure council provides essential services such as more footpaths, improved sporting facilities, quality public spaces, and support for community groups. Council adopts Maroondah Housing Strategy: 2022 Refresh Council endorses the Melbourne East Regional Sport and Recreation Strategy Local events See all events 14 Feb In/Visible: Persephone Thacker 14 Feb OMISSION: Ciaran Frame and Amber Cronin 24 Feb LGBTI+ Peer Social Support Group (aged 50+) Day time in person and evenings on Zoom or similar perhaps. Dear Resident, As you cast your vote, I am your most experienced candidate, experience counts, OAM (Order of Australia Medal), Justice of the Peace, Paul Harris fellow. Type a minimum of three characters then press UP or DOWN on the keyboard to navigate the autocompleted search results. Therefore, council is looking to develop Eastfield park into a professional sporting area rather than a park for the people to enjoy. The outcomes of the recent Maroondah Neighbourhood Character Study Review can help inform VCAT decisions into the future, but I suspect through continued advocacy to state government, Council can make the case for improvements to residential zoning. A new housing development on this site would create many problems for the area that would raise many questions. Mob: 0419 513 370noralamont67@gmail.com Authorisation: W. Gately, AM, Electoral Commissioner, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria. I think it is a gesture which is meaningless at the Local Government level.What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?More transparency in Council planning. PO Box 156 My family has a police background with my father a member of the Victorian Police Force for 28 years. I will advocate for a more open and transparent Council and for Council governance reform. As a member of the Eastern Transport Coalition, I would nominate public transport connectivity and serviceability, which includes improvements to service routes, timetabling, disability access, commuter parking, and passenger safety. Please contact me 0409003048 or or look at my fb page https://www. D. D. R. Following the 2020 presidential election, 62.2% of Utahns lived in one of the state's 26 Solid Republican counties, which voted for the Republican presidential candidate in every election from 2012 to 2020, and 37.5% lived in one of two Trending Democratic counties: Salt Lake and Summit. 20990, Notice of Intention to Amend Road Management Plan, Waste disposal services - contract no. (1) The Climate Reality Project, Environment Victoria, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute. Many residents in the Ruskin Park Neighbourhood believe the current rate and nature of residential development in this area, has been detrimental to the character of the neighbourhood in respect to the canopy and the objectives of the SLO4 overlay. It has been my honour to represent the residents and ratepayers of Arrabri Ward as a Councillor for the past four years and to have been Deputy Mayor in 2019. I will continue my advocacy for community groups, sporting clubs and work to ensure we continue the redevelopments of our community facilities and provide access for all regardless of ability. Question 5. So, weve collated their campaign statements and responses from a TTM survey. Thank you to all those whove painted rainbows, created Spoonville characters and put teddy bears in the windows of your home. Ratepayers are doing it tough and finding it difficult to make ends meet, yet Maroondahs 9 councillors voted 6 to 3 to increase the rate by the maximum allowed by the state government. I am an entrepreneur, business woman, with a legal and health background. where does our green waste & recycling really end up? thank you. Im standing for Maroondah Council because I want a council that is more family friendly and focused on community needs. Im a mother of two young children and a Manager of an Early Childhood Learning Centre. What will you do as a Councillor to address these issues?1.Rate increases kept to a minimum.2.Loss of canopy trees and our green environment and Heritage buildings because of inappropriate development.3.Selling of council owned assets and public open space because of councils increasing high debt. What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?I could write an essay on this question; not sure where to begin. The declaration of the poll was conducted by the Victorian Election Commission and took place at 10am on Thursday 5 November, 2020. This gives a context for the councils climate action plan. Maroondah City Council election results | Mirage News finish build & fitout? As we move through the pandemic and the economic fallout its more important than ever to have steady leadership and experience to navigate through the next four years. Question 2. Its been an honour to represent you since 2016 and to be the Deputy Mayor this year. Council rates need to be kept as low as possible while keeping our budget sound, and I support the State Government Rate Cap. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?Media, Enviromental groupsWhat most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?Maroondah to become Carbon Neutral, Protecting our canopy trees and clean environment,What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Protecting our canopy trees and our green environment.Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? How do you believe these zones are working in Maroondah? 20978, Notice of the preparation of an amendment - Amendment C142maro, Manage and operate MFE Cafe - EOI - Contract no.20853, Pavilion redevelopment - contract no. Our resilient and vibrant community is dealing with challenging times and local government matters to support in the recovery. 20898, Notice of Tender - Flood Mitigation Works - Contract No.
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