ascending usually gives expressive facial traits (Well shaped high forehead, the nose is often very long and straight, sparkly and small eyes, usually dark colored, puffy eyes) , thin lips, bony face, etc.). Sagittariusascending They may have short limbs, big breast. Aries: Taller than average, spindly body, elongated face and neck. The Rising sign and it's decans affect parts of your personality, mannerism, character, appearance, mentality, weaknesses, strengths, health, lifestyle, and what you should work on. ARIES RISINGThere is just something really upfront about this person. It could also be that they give very simple responses to whatever youre saying, to the point that it pares down the discussion to the basics. usually gives great, regular facial traits (well defined long and narrow nose, long face usually heart shaped, heart shaped lips, defined cupids bow, soft eyes, facial dimples, etc.). They also might receive a lot of public attention from people for their appearance. The Persona. They may be artistic or enjoy fashion, design or other Venus-ruled activities. The women are usually flat, but sometimes they may be curvy. Also, they have a way of slowing things down, which manifests to the way they actually speak. Discover more posts about rising-sign. A Gemini stellium in the eighth house will manifest as a lightener for the Scorpio energy of the eighth house, and will allow the native to communicate their ideas. They often have dreamy, lightly shaded eyes, naturally straight and lightly shaded hair with finely-chiseled, attractive facial features, and lovely profiles. They probably wont need to be introduced by their friend when meeting you. Sidereal Rising Signs - Tumblr Nostalgia in general, attraction to the past, and emotions are heightened for all fourth house stellium natives. The way that they make conversation is very distinct. Their way of speaking is very steady, without many modulations or variations, though not exactly monotone. In fact, not being funny will really, really lose them. astrology observations Prominent forehead and nose, sharply drawn and compressed mouth. Your ascendant signor "rising sign"is the zodiac sign that was ascending the eastern horizon at the time you were born. They may have a flair that shows up in their career, or perhaps they are occupied with their children. The exception is a Pisces sixth house stellium. Again, there is one exception - Sagittarius stellium in the third house will create a weird opposition here where communication might be a little tricky. They are usually slim without curves. Rounded eyes tend to give a moony or dreamy expression. Physical Appearance and Astrology. Their hair is dark and thin. It's uncommon to find a Libra that doesn't catch your eye with their natural beauty . Your rising sign, or ascendant, is the public-facing visage you present to the world. This can sometimes mean, however, insisting that other people agree with them. Before I start listing placements I want to make clear that our dominant sign and planet has a strong influence no matter what. Alterations to the normal patterns will only be partial and happen when the ruler of the correct Ascendant sign is conjunct or parallel a planet of differing element; when planets of a differing element are in the first house (such as Taurus rising with Sun in Gemini in 1st house); when there is a heavy concentration of planets in a differing element, especially if angular, but of the house that is not the native house of the sign on the Ascendant. Your IC and Your Appearance. 4. The Ascendant or Rising Sign and Decans - Astrology Basics for Begginers A Libra stellium in the second house will find security through partnership, whereas a Capricorn stellium will find security through money or career. Age 10-30 is a good range. "Your Sign As" an actual, in depth analysis based on your entire chart. So though they are workaholics, that doesnt necessarily mean they are spending all their time on their actual career and ignoring their families too. The what do you do question can cause them to really light up and become engaged. But, there is still something irresistibly warm and lovable about them. In any case, you will find that his descriptions for these really pinpoint the demeanor and mannerisms rather focus on the physical attributes which is very refreshing!!! Aries rising will most likely walk in a brisk, confident way. Magnetic and mysterious, sensual and compelling is their natural gift. The skin tends to be darker and the hair is usually dark colored and straight. These people could easily be described as workaholics. No other rising sign is at more of a risk to use sex as a weapon or become all consumed by love and passion. What Is a Rising Sign & What Does It Mean? - Reader's Digest They have a beautiful large breast with long limbs compared to the trunk. Those with a Taurus stellium will find an opposite reaction, in that they will hide and reject the darker parts of themselves and pretend they are simply not there, or become fearful of them. In fact, they may overdo it just a bit. PISCES: Gentleness combined with keen intuition that shows in the soft, dreamy round eyes is the defining aspect of this water rising sign. The ascendant sign also rules your first house of the self in your birth. They may be fat. ARIES RISING: 0-959 Aries / 10-1959 Leo / 20-2959 Sagittarius. AQUARIUS: One common trait of this rising sign is a high, well-defined forehead. You've to know that there's more in your natal chart that affects your appearance (e.g. Theyre frequently broad through both hips and shoulders males and females alike with strong, shapely legs. gemini Rising sign and appearance As I'm sure most of you know, our appearance is supposed to be strongly influenced by our rising sign (putting genetics aside). They can be very caring but their attention span isnt very long so their sympathies can be kinda blunt in nature. Scorpio ascending They dont have to get emotional to do this, and dont have this inner fire to pursue deep thinking like Scorpio Sun would, they just do immediately and instinctively and it can be very crazy making for us. MUTABLE - NARROW/LONGISH TAPERING FACES. It is how others first perceive you, and how you present yourself to the world. They arent all over the place trying to travel and try new things and be cray like the stereotype of Sagittarius, but they are wanting to try new things in a very sophisticated and planned out way. To find your dominant planet, go here. Aries, you may retain youthfulness throughout your life, probably due to your swift and constant walking. They really emphasize going against conventional thought, whether its your ideas or peoples on a large scale, and can get you to see something in a new way. usually gives mature, goat-like facial traits (big ears, nice serious eyes, really bony face, high cheekbones, thin and flat lips, usually crooked teeth, wrinkles or fine lines, etc.). Can be rounded, but are usually noticeably slender or longish but often with wider foreheads. Theyre not exactly. I hope this quick guide will be helpful in giving the basics! The person will be much more focused on their own creative potential and could insist on working all alone. cazzidy; Aug 22, 2014 . Also, they make an impression as being very simple, in a good way. Taurus ascending usually gives harmonious facial traits (full sensual lips, In facial outline identification, it is best to look at pictures of the person while still fairly young so you are not fooled by weight gain, sagging, fluid retention. This surprisingly impacts their self-assurance, even though they generally cover it up with bravado. They may have beautiful long legs and their hair is usually thick, straight, smooth and light, often blonde. Libra Sun Sign With Rising Sign Combinations - Sixth house stelliums are detail oriented and notice everything. People with this particular stellium tend to enjoy being their own boss, or being independent from authority figures in general. They often have beautiful, clear, sparkling eyes. leo There is something very precise, specific, and detailed about how they speak, even though nervous tension and over-analyzing can distinctly throw off their articulate nature, at times. but in some circumstances it is understandable. the lower lip is full and may stick out a little,the nose is round-shaped or turned up, They have beautiful hands with long and lean. These were just little descriptions of how a person of a certain ascendant could look like. Also watch out for theatrical facial expressions (when theyre not looking rather haughty or proud) and a dramatization of the simplest statements. Your rising sign governs your physical appearance, your mannerisms and the overall way you project yourself. In fact, there is a potential for them to seem flat-out rude on first impression. They are usually tall and slim. They may be fat. Other times, they can be thinking and thinking so hard that the conversation becomes awkward. Sometimes those with eighth house stelliums will have a lot of experience with intense change. An Aquarius stellium in the fifth house will manifest differently, with them wanting to share the stage with friends, family and basically anyone else. You're happy to give, and you know how to please others. A certain shyness is usually present but they are so giving and personable that they can seem more outgoing than they are. Smart cookies O_o. They have such a quiet authority and power and can be very dainty in their mannerisms and everything. A lot of the Scorpio risings who relate to that are probably Swati in Vedic astrology- Swati struggles with this because Swati is the ultimate middle Nakshatra, so it is always attuned to the hidden world andspace inbetween. A planet conjunct or closely aspecting the ascendant also has an impact on this forward face. However, there . Members of this sign are very sensitive to the weather and air pressure, so expect to find them bundled up in the winter and stripped down in hot weather. Libra: on Tumblr This makes them naturals at banter and being hilarious in a spontaneous, off-the-cuff way. In this way, they become surprisingly pushy and even forceful. aquarius These people tend to be investigative, curious and sometimes very suspicious of the world around them. similar broadness to taurus in shoulders and back . Your ascendant will often designate how you look, and if you have any particularly strong dominants or large planets very close to your sun, they will also have an influence on your physique. (Observe the effect that each rising sign has on these Taurus individuals. It seems like they are always eager to understand themselves more and be more authentic, keeping them on a journey of self-discovery. Interestingly, members of this sign often have smaller-than-expected ears. With Capricorn rising, you think that you will not get anything you want. They have artistic fingers and dreamy eyes that charm everyone. They forgive, but they also collect all of the things that have happened and emotionally hold onto them. This is will cover their break downs and subinfluences. They have clear cut and clean features. The expansive energy of Jupiter will make it difficult for the person to teach or share their knowledge; instead they will continually be seeking information, not feeling like they are ready to communicate. GEMINI (Im using a Dove because they are messengers just like Gemini) risings are super playful and easy to get along with, they make you feel comfortable and at home in conversation like youve known each other for years. Also, they can be bawdy and tell the truth almost compulsively, as if theyve had some sort of truth serum. Pisces Rising Sign: Embracing Good Qualities - SunSigns.Org You may notice how much they change or light up when talking about family or their mother. They tend toward strong color in their complexion, sometimes tending to ruddy. physical attributes in the rising signs - astrology But, they can also be wildly expressive. Its also why they really lead with their achievements and seem proudest of what theyve accomplished. How to Flirt with Your Crush Based on Their Rising Sign - Vice When at rest, theyll exhibit steady, somewhat serious expressions. Their strength of will is also obvious, to the point where it can seem as if they are forcing things on to you. Your IC, or Immum Coeli, just as much as your Ascendant (Rising Sign), shows your appearance. Zodiac Signs Face: Your Physical Features, According To Your Rising Sign These folks are free spirits who are also strangely wise and intellectual in their own way, using their wisdom and insight to help others. Lacking the jittery energy of other signs, they will generally make slower, more deliberate movements. Also known as the ascendant, the rising sign in your natal birth chart is how others see you, sort of like the mask you wear and how you present yourself to the world. They sometimes play with their hair, mostly unconsciously, casually tossing their head to sweep it back, or grabbing a lock and tugging at it. It sets up your birth chart. Candid and incapable of guile, insincerity, or phoniness, you project a confident and sometimes arrogant appearance to others. If your rising is in a water sign, you will have a Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio decan. Look for a face that is sober, strongly observant and critical, to the point where you undeniably feel judged. An Aquarius stellium in the sixth house will manifest as someone who is always there for their friends, or who works tirelessly to help humanity in general. Pisces risings are amazing at bringing ideas to life as well, if they have an idea, they can explain it to you to a degree that they can make you feel like you BOTH had that idea and both have an emotional connection to it. usually gives strong, feline-like facial traits (thick and long aquilineor flat nose, thick proeminent eyebrows, almond shaped eyes warmed colored, cat like look, wide forehead, wide face, large mouth with thin lips, etc). SAGITTARIUS: Clumsy grace is this signs most noticeable physical trait. What does a stellium in a particular house in an individuals natal chart indicate about that person? Dark, thin hair. In Virgo stelliums you will see more outward energy, and the person will be more rooted and less dreamy. Frequently they can look somewhat fragile, but surprise you with their physical strength. The decans are divided into 3 sections of 10 degrees each, into a total of 30 degrees. There are distinct moments where youll feel them resisting or cautiously approaching the subject or answer. For more info about what a stellium is see my post here. Ruling the feet, they often have small, delicate feet, or overly large ones. It's the lens you see the world through and describes how others perceive you when they first meet you. SCORPIO RISING You will notice something quietly dramatic in the demeanor. It is a sense of being weird and fully accepting it. Rising Sign/ascendant/first house placements masterpost ARIES: Often have distinct facial features, prominent eyebrows. Thus, at the moment of birth, the ascendant sign appears as we are. Small noses with a prominent tip, round chin, and fair complexion. The Leo rising sign is strong and confident. 1st house -A first house stellium will make a person focused on their own self identity and how they project that into the world. dominant planets and signs, planets in your first house). CAPRICORN risings okay hear me out, I have observed that they are quite adventurous, but in a very refined way. Psychic ability could manifest here. Correlations in rising sign appearance - rising sign appearance + attraction | Lipstick Alley Definitely relating to how Pisces will often become Aquarius in Vedic. Observations about the rising signs from the eyes of a Scorpio Rising watching you all from the corner with x-ray vision O_o jk xD. TAURUS risings are very generous and giving, and it tends to be because they dont want to get wrapped out in the complicated nature of 8th house stuff. LIBRA risings Ive noticed, can be very cynical but very motivated to move forward nonetheless especially because theyd never want to let anybody else down. They may find it harder to excel in business or on a societal level. The sign of the stellium will show where the work needs to be focused. A Libra stellium would indicate success through partnership. They possess a kind, caring face that makes people feel like they can open up to them. The third degree is between 20-30 degrees. Sagittarius ascendants are inherently cheerful, lively and energy radiates in their physical appearance. The playfulness is also very striking. rising signs The idea of the unknown is overly appealing to them, so much so that a regular routine is unthinkable and binding in their eyes. Overall, all people with second house stelliums are focused in the material realm, and many like nice possessions, a well-kept house, and being in touch with their bodies through art, sports or dance. Their goal is to serve. Despite their love of socializing and meeting new people, they do have a hard time with consistent small talk. Aquarius stelliums will have unique, devils advocate style ideas and will enjoy bucking the social norm as they communicate. The height is usually above average. your general appearance sun sign: what people see when they get to know you better. So, they may be most personable or accessible in professional settings when theyre expected to be. Are us cancers the least attractive water sign. Their skin tends to be sensitive, sometimes subject to rashes, outbreaks, or easy bruising. Mars-ruled, the ascendant sign shows itself in both appearance and physical attitude. Ascendant/Rising Signs That Are Usually The Most Beautiful? The hair is sometimes curly or wavy. AQUARIUS risings, Ive noticed are really good at knowing how to get a rise out of people and also knowing EXACTLY how people are going to react to what theyll say or do. Your decan has a huge influence on your ascendant, it show's the co-planetary ruler of your chart, as well as changes some of your features too. high cheekbones, moony look, arched thin proeminent eyebrows, small mouth with full lips and wide smile, upper lip is fuller, beautiful skin, etc.). [NOTE: Asc signs can be modified in their physiology by the Sun sign, any 1st house planets, and by any planet within 1.5* of parallel the Asc or within 3-4* of longitude -of a correct, verified chart. Aries Sun + Ascendant PHYSICAL APPEARANCE - space crab Teeth are noticeable for being either a dentists dream in the good way or a dentists dream in the bad way. They often have a powerful magnetism that draws people to them. Their hair tends to be soft and fine, sometimes naturally wavy and most often lighter-colored. focus drawn to eyes and nose; eyebrows and/or eyes can seem harsh, nose can be long and/or aquiline. cancer Not a canon birthday, but we know she mustve been born either in 1981 or between September 1 - December 31 1980. Rising Astrological Signs | LoveToKnow Appearance And The Ascendant | ElsaElsa
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