These may include IT technicians, laboratory staff, and costs of pooled staff efforts. The Doctoral Fellowship will allow clinical/practice applicants, medical and other registered healthcare professionals, to spend up to 20% of their time undertaking clinical/practice activities in order to maintain clinical/practice competence and skills. NIHRFellowships are individual training awards which will offer funding to cover the salary costs of the individual, their PhD tuition fees (for Doctoral applicants only), and the costs of an appropriate research project and training and development programme. Applications from the Devolved Administrations received without this declaration completed will be considered ineligible. Check funding opportunities for details of latest funding rounds. Unsuccessful applicants will only be able apply to the same fellowship on one further occasion. It is recognised that the outputs in terms of grants and publications will vary depending on your experience, profession and level of award being applied for. For more details on the funding provided, please read the guidance notes. Individuals previously granted an NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Fellowship or an NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Research Fellowship are ineligible for funding through this scheme. This Fellowship supports individuals to undertake a PhD in an area of research with the NIHRs Remit for Personal Awards. Academic clinical fellowships (ACFs) enable trainees to obtain formal exposure to research during clinical training and are . If the application was unsuccessful, please indicate why and detail how this application differs from previous submission(s) and how any feedback received has been used to inform this application. Select the appropriate research type. For Advanced Fellowships, which are between 2 and 5 years WTE, you will need to select the number of WTE years and % WTE requested and the total duration of the award will be automatically calculated in months (Annex D). Yes. A completed Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Tool (SoECAT) is now required to be uploaded and submitted as part of the application submission for all applications. Therefore, along with the research proposal, NIHR selection committees will assess the abilities, academic trajectory, existing experience, commitment to a career in health or care research, ambition and aspirations of the applicant, the standards in the research training environment, and the plans for explicit training in research methods. Payments will be made to the contracted organisation only and the contracted organisation will be responsible for passing on any money due to their partner organisation(s). Audio Author Interview (15:37) Neuropsychiatric Ramifications of Severe COVID-19 and Other Severe Acute Respiratory Infections. In this situation it should be made clear within the application how any clinical/practice time being covered by the Fellowship links to and is complementary to the research being proposed. Plus we've got some amazing social workers through our aprentiship scheme - Further guidance on writing in plain English is available online atNIHRMake it clear. Post-Doctoral Fellowships NIHR School for Primary Care Research As such, this is unique in requiring awardees to both carry out knowledge mobilisation and to research the process, thereby contributing to practice and to research knowledge about implementation. There is no registration fee forNIHRfunded trials. TheNIHRClinical Research Network (CRN) supports researchers and the life sciences industry in planning, setting up and delivering high quality research to the agreed timelines and study recruitment target, for the benefit of the NHS and social care and patients/service users/carers in England. The majority of awards will still be researcher-led, i.e., the applicant proposes the area of research rather than responding to a particular call or theme. We use an adapted version of theNIHRStandard Application Form (SAF). NIHR agrees to fund consultant salaries at a full-time rate equivalent to 10 Programmed Activities per week. Potential applicants from Wales or Northern Ireland must contact their respective Government office to discuss their intentions before completing the application form. These are costs relating to the applicants training and development programme. HEI, NHS or other). Research projects undertaken as part of aNIHRFellowship may be included on the. "The NIHR Doctoral Research Training Camp was a great experience. Find out more information onORCID. If you are proposing a programme of work as part of an application (particularly relevant for more senior awards) it maybe that certain elements of the programme would be outside the remit of NIHR if considered in isolation. fellowship interview. Please note: social care studies are eligible for Clinical Research Network (CRN) support, it does not just apply to NHS-based research, and researchers should speak to the CRN and include support costs where relevant. Project ManagementPlease outline the processes that will be put in place to ensure the research described will be well managed. Where the study is still ongoing or final results have not yet been published, please provide an estimated publication date. If you require any further information, advice or guidance please contact us: The following FAQs are designed to help applicants decide whether the research they are proposing as part of a Fellowship or other research training application falls within the remit of the NIHR. After answering all the eligibility questions, you will be able to start completing the online form. Dr Hatch reported receiving grants from NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship during the conduct of the study. This section should identify appropriate actions that would reduce or eliminate each risk or its impact. If the patient care intervention under investigation either wholly or partially replaces usual care, the Usual Treatment Costs section must be completed. Presentations can come at TOP TIP . Please note that the Welsh Government will only support a limited number of successful applications per year. Fundableapplications which include industry co-funding between 25% and 50% of the total will receiveprioritisationin the scenario where the number offundableapplications is more than the budget allows to be funded (like with applications in strategic theme areas). Applicants should take note of the specific eligibility criteria for the relevant charity; as well as the NIHR Fellowship eligibility requirements. NIHR see the responsibility for training the next generation of research leaders as a joint enterprise with host organisations. NIHR Doctoral and Advanced Fellowships - Round 7 Guidance Notes October ..and I do mean early. Whilst the scope of what an Advanced Fellowship can be used for is broad, you are asked to indicate which of the following uses of an Advanced Fellowship best describes your application. These are the additional patient/service user/carer care costs associated with the research, which would end once the R&D activity in question has stopped, even if the service involved continues to be provided. You should describe who has been involved and why this is appropriate, what role(s) they have they played and what influence or change has happened as result of their involvement. Applicants who are active clinicians (defined as being either a registered doctor, dentist or other registered healthcare professionals eligible to apply for the Integrated Clinical Academic programme) or social workers, are able to request up to 40% of their time be dedicated to clinical service/development/practice, which will be covered by the Fellowship. The flow diagram in Annex C goes through the actions required of participants, signatory and the applicant. Applicants mustnt exceed the maximum amount of time that can be supported in WTE terms by each award as summarised below: A. Commercial/Other Partner Organisations can claim indirect costs which are the costs of resources used by the research that are shared by other activities. The Head of Department from the host organisation (in which this award will be based) must confirm that they support this application and that, if funded, the research and training will be supported and administered in the named organisation and that the applicant for whom they are responsible will undertake this work. Found in: Talent UK - 30 minutes ago. 6. Doctoral Fellowships are available to start between October 2023 and March 2024. For clinical/practice applicants (including social care practitioners) applying for a Doctoral Fellowship on a full time basis, up to 2 sessions per week (i.e. This section will detail any points within your application that are either incomplete or incorrect. If there is anything specific you wish to mention in your application, please do so in the Mitigating Factors section of the application form. This should cover both the training you may need to undertake the research being proposed but also training designed to support your development as a future health\social care research leader. When we say response mode we mean there wont be anyprioritisationfor any one specific area of research over another. This button displays the currently selected search type. Start early. . Suitability and standard of methodology and research design to answer research question being proposed. How the fellowship will be managed over the total duration of the award, taking into account, especially for longer awards; how the research and training programme will adapt to advances in the field, and also how suitable management and governance arrangements will be maintained over the whole duration of the award. These costs should be determined in conjunction with your NHS body or provider of NHS services and their commissioners. The current themes are: Applicant Guidance Notesshould be read before applying, which include more information regarding the eligibility criteria for the scheme. My experience of using the Research Design Service to Support my - NIHR Following this, applications are reviewed by the selection Committee before a decision is made as to which applications are to proceed to the next stage. As this is the main part of your application detailing your proposal which will be considered by the reviewing selection committee you should ensure that the information is accurate, succinct and clearly laid out. In addition to NIHR Academy Executive Strategic Themes, the NIHR Fellowship Programme also participates in NIHR-wide themed calls, which are prioritised by the Chief Medical Officer and advertised across all NIHR programmes. Yes. These are as follows: Advanced: up to 2,000 per year of funding. 0:00 / 0:00. Researchers and/ or their study teams and Research Sponsor/ Lead NHS Provider (e.g., R&D office/ Clinical Trial Unit) are supported by AcoRD Specialists in the Local CRN to verify the accuracy of the SoECAT. Any abbreviations should be spelled out in full. Although we had originally planned to interview school staff regarding their experiences of the InReach programme, this was not possible due to the disruptions of the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic. If applicants are successful in being awarded anNIHRFellowship while simultaneously being involved in anotherNIHRresearch training award competition, they will be asked to decide which programme they would like to continue with and will be withdrawn from the other. This means that in the situation where there are more fundable applications to a NIHRCharity Partnership Fellowship than there are fellowships available, the remainingfundable applications will be considered as standard NIHR Fellowships. The Colt Foundation is interested in funding high quality research into environmental and occupationalhealth, with a particular interest in research that will improve the health and wealth of the working population. Pre-doctoral Fellowships 2023 - NIHR School for Public Health You must also ensure that you include all costs including those required to secure good research management. These are situations that have a significant impact on your ability to undertake research. You should describe the value for money of the conduct of the proposed research. This is usually limited to the equivalent of 1 member of staff for a period of 3 years. The NIHR reserves the right to question any costs deemed excessive, and will not fund: This section includes journey costs, subsistence and dissemination costs, including conference fees. Please note that for organisations claiming indirect/overhead costs, costs such as recruitment of staff, and general training (e.g., in common IT packages) are costs that should be covered by the indirect costs element of the award being sought and should not appear in this section. NIHR programmes currently fund HEIs at a maximum of 80% of full economic cost, NHS bodies, social care organisations and other providers of NHS services in England 100% and commercial/other partner organisations at 100%. Proposals from other types of institutions/organisations should leave this section blank. Please provide costs for any overseas research visits that the applicant wishes to undertake during the course of the award. Post-Doctoral Fellowships. If undertaking part-time this should be reduced accordingly up to a maximum of 20%. All other activities must be undertaken outside the percentage time declared as the basis of the Fellowship. (NIHR) Research Post-Doctoral Fellowship to M.F. Bearing in mind you are able to apply for a 2nd Advanced Fellowship after being successful with the first, the clock will be reset after you are successful. We will only fund primary research where the proposed research is informed by a review of the existing evidence. The research proposal provides a framework for research experience so has to be of high quality, but a good research proposal will not be supported if other elements are weak. If the research you are proposing includes a clinical trial, feasibility study or pilot study, or if your area of research is related to clinical trials, you are strongly encouraged to read theNIHRClinical Trials Guide for Traineesbefore starting an application. The project title should state clearly and concisely the proposed research. The level of additional staff input will obviously depend on the type and scope of the trial and the experience of the applicant. Information and resources to assist you can be found on the INVOLVE website (a detailed definition of patient/service users, carers and public involvement in research, briefing notes for researchers on how to involve patients and the public/service users, carers and an involvement cost calculator and budgeting guide). Likely impact of the research to patients/service users, carers, the public and health and/or care services. The Global Talent visa is designed for people who are recognised as leaders and potential leaders in their field. Have a proposed host who is an HEI, NHS body, or other provider of health and/or care services, Hold a relevant PhD or MD, or have submitted your thesis for examination at the time of application (you must have been awarded a PhD or MD by the time you attend the interview), Not already hold a Chair at the point of application. If relevant, details of these may be included in the . Details of the required individuals are provided on the online application form along with details of how they should added. NIHR Doctoral Fellowship Linking to and using the response to the Applicant Research Background section you should highlight the impact of outputs listed under research grants and make the case for why your experience and outputs make you suitable for the fellowship being applied for. (PPTX) Professor Anne Lingford -Hughes - DOKUMEN.TIPS The NIHR Doctoral Fellowship is a three year full-time award that supports individuals to undertake a PhD in applied health or social care research. The submission procedure and deadline for applying for jointly funded NIHR Charity Partnership Fellowships is the same as the standard NIHR Fellowship application. 1. AXA FELLOWSHIP. Conditions associated with the award. NIHR agrees to fund consultant salaries at a full-time rate equivalent to 10 Programmed Activities per week. This does not include applications to predecessors of this new programme (e.g. They include clinicians, practitioners and researchers who do not have specialist knowledge of your field as well as members of the public. The application will not be submitted to the NIHR for consideration until all the required signatory has approved the final version. This fellowship may also be taken up on a part-time basis of between 50% and 100% whole time equivalent (WTE). The terms multiple long-term conditions or multimorbidity refer to the existence of two or more long-term conditions in a single individual. Please outline the anticipated value or contribution the study will provide. Information provided here may be subject to Freedom of Information requests. and make the case for why your experience and outputs make you suitable for the fellowship being applied for. Please click the check box to confirm you agree to the Terms and Conditions of submission as detailed on the application form. Partnerships between school staff and mental health professionals have the potential to improve access to mental health support for students, but uncertainty remains regarding whether and how they . For applicants looking to move their research career into the area ofMLTC-M, the transitional element of the Advanced Fellowship which is typically used by individuals looking to transition into applied health or social care research from a basic science or non-health/care research background could be utilised. NIHR will make a maximum contribution of 3,000 (including any identified travel and subsistence) towards training and develop costs for the support post. Where already registered for a PhD (or MPhil with transfer to PhD), you should not have been registered for more than 12 months at 100% WTE by the time the award starts. Department for Health and Social Services. The NIHR Doctoral Fellowship is a three year full-time award that supports individuals to undertake a PhD in an area of that falls within the NIHR remit. Call: 0113 532 8410 Email:, and detail which fellowship programme you are enquiring about in the subject area. Please state the proposed salary point and scale at the start of the fellowship. All parties (applicant, participants and signatory) will be notified of this via an automated system generated email. The NIHR Fellowship programme supports individuals with the potential and on a trajectory to become future leaders in NIHR research. Explain why this research is needed now, both in terms of time and relevance. The costs that will be met by the Fellowship awards differ slightly depending on the type of host employer that is chosen by the applicant (i.e. Whilst allowances for incremental increases should be included on the form, nationally or locally agreed pay increases should be excluded. If you have worked part time at 60%, and undertook research for half of that time, please enter 30% for that position. Therefore as part of this round we are encouraging applicants to think about how they can involve an industry partner in their application where relevant. At this point, the signatory will be prompted to log back into the system and approve the finalised application. Government procurement transparency regulations require the publication of all contracts made with theDHSCto be made available on theDHSCwebsite. For clinical academic applicants: completion of relevant pre-registration training. We would not normally expect the time commitment of any individual costed into the application other than the applicant or member of support staff to exceed 0.3 WTE. These awards provide funding to cover the costs of a 24 month Fellowship at one of the SPCR members. Any other relevant experience such as supervisory, management, teaching, public engagement and involvement, or leadership experience. Travel by the most economic means possible is encouraged. Applications to the NIHR Advanced Fellowships must be based in the UK at their Host Organisation for the duration of the fellowship, except for travel for research, training or development activities as outlined within the proposal. The development, adaptation or updating of outcome measures questionnaires or surveys can be considered as part of a larger project or programme of work. New NIHR Fellows to join leading research groups. Fellowship time may also be used to conduct pilot research which will contribute to the proposal. If you are applying for a Doctoral Fellowship under the topic ofMLTC-M, please indicate this in the Detailed Research Plan. PDF Preparing for yopur fellowship interview - Imperial College London These Advanced Fellowships in Knowledge Mobilisation will be available for a maximum of 24 months full time (part time options between 50% and 100% available). : If you are an Advanced Fellowship applicant and currently registered for a PhD/MD programme or masters leading to a PhD your supervisor will need to declare that the information supplied in your research doctorate is a current and accurate reflection of its current status. Clearly describe how the proposed arrangements will support your overall development and provide an initial assessment of the time that will be allocated to the research support process. NIHR Doctoral and Advanced Fellowships Round 8 . INVOLVE can support prospective applicants and existing awardees to incorporate effective patient/service user/carer and public involvement into their work. Using all of the headings (in the order presented) and guidance below, please use this section to clearly explain your proposed research. Candidates should be maximum PhD+ 5 years with proven scientific excellence and high potential for innovation, transformation and . The Administrative Authority or Finance Officer for the employing host must confirm that they will ensure the accuracy of the financial details of the application and that the host organisation is prepared to carry out this research at the stated costs and to administer the award if made. Quote Tweet. access, payments, training). Please include the following: Please describe the impact this fellowship will have on your career, noting a fellowship should provide you with a step change in your career trajectory. The contracting agent for the NIHR Academy Executive is the Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust (LTHT). NIHR POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP. (NIHR) Advanced Fellowship, University of Nottingham Anne McLaren Fellowship, and the . The NIHR doctoral research fellowship will provide an excellent opportunity for me to grow as a surgeon-scientist and I am looking forward to improving care for this patient group." Markos Valsamis, NIHR Research Fellow "This NIHR Doctoral Fellowship is an excellent opportunity to improve the evidence base around shoulder replacements. or social workers, are able to request up to 40% of their time be dedicated to clinical service/development/practice, which will be covered by the Fellowship. Applications to the NIHR Doctoral Fellowship must be based in the UK at their Host Organisation for the duration of the fellowship, except for travel for research, training or development activities as outlined within the proposal. The applicant intends to register for and complete a PhD.
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