The oldest living Vietnam War veteran is believed to be a man named Larrivee Ronald A, who was born in Feb, 24, 1935. Without a doubt Helicopter Crews are COMBAT VETS, to fly so low & slow over the most hidden turf below.. On landing at LZ Gold March 19, 1967 we lost 6 Hueys and 7 pilots. Serious danger along those river banks. The commander of the sapper ambush signaled the weapons man to fire the first RPG, and it impacted behind the target. How Many Veterans Commit Suicide A Day? - Veteran Warrior Outreach Question One: Are we talking Vietnam Veterans or Vietnam Era Veterans. it eas a very loud high pitched, not human and the sound was fuck you. next with 1st of 12th cav. Gordon, I agree. How Many Vietnam Veterans Are Still Alive In 2022? Data Appendix Methods Report Report FAQs. I dont remember the exact number but remember it was over 500,000 in country and the number was the most ever at one time as the article was about Nixon beginning troop withdrawals that would continue until 1975. Dear Mr. Hutson Jr Guys like me know the difference. Sgt. Could this be friendly fire on a beautiful Sunday? Mean 69 maybe? Sobering Statistics Concerning Vietnam Vets As of April 2016 . My squad leaderSteve Cook wrote, Dont Cry for Us Saigon. He gives stats. That is exactly what I was going to post. About 30000 Canadians came into the us to join up. This answer is: Here are some statistics on the veterans of the Vietnam War. Its possible that the youngest living Vietnam Veteran may be 61 years old. The fear returned, as I knew he was of small stature. I am not sure how it can be calculated, how to distinguish actual combat veterans, as that reality is a risk factor for contact with an enemy force. Their is a new book about to be released by Bill Comeau that tells a similar story of the 3rd Brigade of the 4th Infantry Duel with the Dragon about the Battle of Soui Tre that I fought in. Real combat veterans will share with other combat veterans as their stories have many similarities. To not count us is disrespecting us who also answered the call. to 1984 approx. Granted, most of them were deployed for the durationa WWII vet I knew was gone 4 years without coming back to the states. We need a better more definitive for VIETNAM Vet. Tom Selleck. How old are Vietnam vets now? We all bleed red. How Many World War 2 Veterans Die Each Day? - Thelma Thinks I have always rounded up to 3,000,000 served in Vietnam..and I read someplace where of that number, only 10% were actually in combat. How Many Ww2 Veterans Die Each Day? - Thelma Thinks no disrespect here. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 9.2 million served on active duty (5 August 1964 to 7 May 1975) 2,590,000 served in the combat zone. that conversation has stayed with me. There were an estimated 58,318 U.S. soldier casualties alone. Served until April 28, 1968 !!!!!! Yes, Vietnam War veterans are still eligible for various benefits and compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs, including disability compensation, health care, and education benefits. The average annual payment was $18,100. I served in Quang Tri (70-71) and took two types of Malaria pills. Phill Coleman, who surfaced in the very early days of the Internet, and has been profiting from veterans (first Vietnam, now all) for years. The last veteran who served in the trenches was Harry Patch (British Army), who died on 25 July 2009, aged 111. The thing is the question/topic here is not how many Vietnam combat veterans are there, or how many Vietnam Era veterans are there; its how many Vietnam veterans are there. he and the other gentleman did not seem to know about each other , but they ended up speaking about the tours in country, both had served some time at dong ha. Nebraska Farm Boy, that had to go to County Agent Classes before buying any chemicals. And your comment about Agent Orange shows that you have no understanding of how the chemical poisoned everyone who set foot in Vietnam. While there troops from our unit were deployed to Vietnam as replacements yet some people dont consider us as support for troops in Vietnam. I was out of my earthly shell. It was an incredibly tumultuous time in US history and, for that reason, its unclear how many people actually served during this struggle. How many Korean War veterans are still alive? We didnt make it on shore very often but I still feel I was in VietNam. At 73 years, I plan on beating that date. This part of Pleiku Province is a combination of mountains, triple to single canopy jungle and/or open valleys. A lot of guys broke out with rashes every time that sprayed for mosquitos, using Melithon, which was every 2 weeks over all Base Camps. However, according to the Veterans Affairs Administration, there are an estimated 38,000 veterans die each day. How many Vietnam vets die each day? - Interesting and certainly thought-provoking. And a count of military that flew over Nam bombing etc. one of the ships i sailed on had a captain that was drunk for 5 months. Thanks for your responses. The average number of Vietnam War veterans who die each day is 390 deaths. Heres a fact: Jeffery Lynn Scheller, USN, born July 31, 1954 was Killed In Action on October 1, 1972. 8,113,000 are still alive (May 2000) Post navigation This cookie is used by the website's WordPress theme. Lots of people say they served in Nam, but dont remember their unit, where they were at in country or any buddies or officers names, since I served with D 2/1 196th LIB as a Combat Medic in 1968, I carried a company Roster and had to give each EM a malaria pill each day, I learned everyones name, dont remember them all after 53 yrs but go to reunion when I can. As Ive mentioned before, I dont think posing this question was intended to be divisive among veterans, but it has turned out to be. Infantry Division. When you spend most of the time out in the Bad Lands, bad things happen. It is difficult to say how many Vietnam veterans have been affected by Agent Orange. We all served in our assigned duties, some bled, and some died. I was hoping for more accurate numbers. He is absolutely obsessed with military and different men who have served, The definitive statistics come from the VAs Million Vietnam Vets database, which will continue until we are all gone. and for the most part, we had no weapons. Which Statement Best Describes How Americans In The 1960S Felt About The Vietnam War? So the vets that actually saw combat numbers are swelled by the rear echelon members to 600,000. yet there were millions that signed up or were drafted. The amount of compensation a Vietnam War veteran can receive varies depending on their individual circumstances, such as their disability rating and the number of dependents they have. In addition 18 US AF Security Police personnel and their 5 person aircrew were killed responding to the incident (the seizure of the USS Mayaquez), some do not recognize them as combat related deaths either. Straining to regain my feet again, I staggered a few strides to my right and throe myself forward, with all I was worth, collapsing finely into the vegetation face up. The site is owned and run by a crook and charlatan named (?) We are not ashamed of our service or the fact we killed and had friends die, far more than we care to remember. According to the American War Library, as of February 28, 2019, it is estimated that approximately 610,000 Americans who served in land forces during the Vietnam War or in air missions over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are still alive to this day. 45-50 years from now (and I bet no-one will want to On this Memorial Day 2021, VA honors their service and recommits itself to . Veterans support veterans, their stories and we bristle at those who would steal their history, we are not Valor Police, but those who pretend are an insult to those of who struggle with that past. Phu Loi Nov 66 to Dec 67 HHD 11th Cbt Avn Bn. he was wearing his VIETNAM ERA VETERAN cover. Over 100,000 US Vietnam Vet Suicides To Date! - Rense The Truth About 22 Veteran Suicides A Day - Task & Purpose Almost 1500 died their last day. Its been over 50 years and its time Vietnam Vets stop arching among themselves. I,m getting older bot I remember combat pay and jump pay were both $55 dollars. While every GI serving around the world was important to securing our Cold War victory over Communism just as the Vietnam conflict was also, those who served in uniform in the SEA War Theater are the true veterans of the Vietnam War. it really did not matter, every officer had a masters license. I think The NY Times has conflated he number of Viet Nam veterans with those who served in the military during the years 1960-1975. What numbers do the VA have? Can You Join the Military With Depression? Additionally, the American War Library approximated that around 164,000 Americans who served at sea in Vietnam waters during the same time are still alive today. It took about 30 years for the government to acknowledge we were even there. What do you think? Why cant you be just a proud Veteran. I actually vollenteered to go to NAM. If you served anywhere at all, anywherre during WWI, you are a WWI vet. It allows the website owner to implement or change the website's content in real-time. More than 300,000 Veterans were wounded during the Vietnam War. BAM! In the first part of the journey the mountain would act as a radio (my lifeline) barrier between Camp Enari and the PDL fortified Ville. How Did The Campus Shootings Demonstrate The Continued Divisions Within The Country? If he was at least in the Army, this might not work. Was an Armored Cav Platoon leader Nov 67-Mar 68 Lost 4 APCS 4 men in my platoon KIA 12 wounded I think I was in a little combat . Lets ask somebody on Facebook where we can get all the correct true data and facts. 1,448 soldiers were killed on their last day in Vietnam. I believe we were all there doing our duty and deserve to be called a Vietnam Veteran. I was searching aria, even though these ruts are a real bitch! I was jostled and jerked by the truck over the dusty road. The Korean War was not supported by the ENTIRE nation, actually that is why it is known as the Forgotten War. 2500 to 3000 US Air Force troops stationed in Guam, Thailand, and other countries that were involved in the Vietnam War effort. Was back at LZ Bayonet the last part of my tour after being medevaced off of Professional and in the hospital at Chu Lai. He never did ,Thank god ,because I ended up marrying a beautiful woman and we have the most precious and beautiful daughter. I am a Viet Nam combat veteran. The military stopped the. I was ASA, 1960-1963, Ft Dix, Vint Hill Farm, DaNang and PhuBai. in ww2 more merchant men were killed than all the services combined until june 6, 1944. and they were civilians. 7,484 women served in Vietnam, 83.5% being nurses. I know what I did while there in 1975, protecting USAF resources and aiding in the support of many end of the war mission. NO! Return to reality. i was not a supporter of the war but i did my job. even when i went out with the airforce on resupply to fire bases. Check out this post and see if you can figure this > out. I agree with the rest of your post, and so did the Army. I turned left into the open valley dirt road that lead to the OP, crossed the blue line (river or stream on a map) and raced through the dense, triple canopy jungle to the open valley floor. They are paying on Melathion settlements (Watch TV, and it as on 2 to 3% purity, used inside US) There are no living Veterans that I know of. VA's Veteran Population Projection Model estimates that there are approximately 6.1 million living Vietnam War-era Veterans, as of 2021. Unless they kept track by service or SSN, how many Vietnam Veterans are there ? I volunteered for 3 TDY tours 18 months total. Spent a year in training and ended up a buck Sargent airborne ranger. 610,000 figure is more accurate., NYT was referring to VN Era Veterans. ago. I was in Nam in 1968 and 1969 as a combat Marine. National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics I was there in 69-71 also sprayed Im 74, inlisted 1968 spent 2 tours in Vietnam Im now 73, Comments left by my fellow Vietnam vets are very useful. Who is the oldest living Vietnam veteran? You go, brother! Bob ONeal, Lt.Col. But Officers do not get CIBs But for those Cav troopers who know I have my Spurs. Findings are made available to the public in an Annual Report. Chester/Gordon, How were WWII veterans & Korean War Veterans accounted for? I saw plenty of people providing direct combat support to the effort in. Thats sad and should stop. I always ask those who claim to be Compare yourself to the Marines at Fallujah, if they are a 10, what number are you, Thanks for your comment! I was with the 1st Inf Division from July 67 to June 68 and we received $15 overseas pay and $65 combat pay a month. Sorry for your loss of your loved one. These numbers have come about due to the extensive research of various mortality indexes and sources by the American War Library which concluded that about one-third of those who served in the Vietnam War are still alive today. I always ask if they know what a fuck you lizard was. Arrived in country March 1969, subsequently assigned to B Battery 1/14 Arty. He signaled a repeat, and the second rocket impacted on target. We havent forgotten that time of our lives, and remember full well, that most of these ERA Vets joined these other branches in a desperate attempt to avoid service in Vietnam. Should be simple enough but not, Not all ships are blue water ships. Id like to ask a question. Anyone suggesting that only a CIB award means you were a combat veteran is very uninformed The Battle of Soui Tre March 21, 1967 the men of the 2/77 Artillery were every bit infantry as well as Arty that day and many many other FSB battles. I do not doubt that it occurred, but can anyone cite a reliable source for this? the merchant marine needed every officer and sailor they could find. A total of 9,087,000 military personnel served on active duty during the Vietnam era, with over 2,709,000 Americans serving in Vietnam, about 9.7% of the generation.Vietnam Veterans by State 2022. I do not believe that the question of who is a Vietnam Veteran is that difficult Assignment to a unit stationed in country is 1 criterion, another is the number of days assigned and served in country Combat at sea of pilots from carriers and rescue crews that flew over the country and those downed I think that there are really 2 classes of Vietnam Veterans, combat and non-combat that is a more difficult designation to separate As a combat platoon Sgt engaged in several large battles and many smaller fire fights, nights being mortared with shells exploding in the trees above The VA needs to add one more medical anomaly, Chronic Butt Pucker for all combat veterans. These numbers have come about due to the extensive research of various mortality indexes and sources by the American War Library which concluded that about one-third of those who served in the Vietnam War are still alive today. Having served two tours on the ground, as they say, I find it depressing. Im 71 and waiting to see if Ill be the last one standing. In addition, the US lost two F-111As, three F-4s, two A-7s, two A-6s, one EB-66, one HH-53, and one RA-5C. it is much easier to say who was not. Just because some idiot politician or people want to say you were not a war vet unless you saw combat dont feel bad most of those people found ways to evade even getting drafted. Needless to say, I set them straight about his lying BS, and moved out the next day. 997 guys died the first day they stepped in Nam. Vince. How old is the oldest living Vietnam veteran? but i was happy to serve. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. When were the last Vietnam POWs released? With an estimated 6 million Vietnam Veterans currently living in the U.S. or abroad, VA remains dedicated to serving all Veterans of the Vietnam Era., All troops were sent home in April 1973. I flew several hundred sorties in a gunship. It was hot that day; the mosquitoes were going through my mind, and the sun was again brilliant. As I started to slowly stagger upright towards the opposite side of the road, trying with all my might to gain my balance, I went down hard. Im proud to be a surviving vet and the men who served with me then and those after me. I got in about 20 firefights. Interestingly, the research concludes that Vietnam veterans seem to be dying at a similar rate to World War II veterans. The insistence to include Vietnam-ErA vets with those who served in-country results in a ridiculous skew to any meaningful stats. The VA conducts the largest national analysis of Veteran suicide rates each year. My new Iraq War novel, Three Wise Men should ne out sometime next year, I was at Camp Eagle, and worked in Production Control. I have heard many stories (more in the past 30 years) of people claiming to be a combat veteran, maybe seeking some kind of hero status or valid excuse for why they are where they are. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Still, the American War Library continues to verify their accounts and come to more concrete conclusions. We may never know who actually served and were in country during the fight. I was on merchant ships for three years in viet nam. young men and woman who were there and did get fired on, or were in danger, should be recognized . But having spent a little time thinking about it, I go with the 2m figure. Motherfucker? . These Veterans are now in or about to reach their 80's. How many Vietnam vets . Hometown: Lincoln, Nebraska. Vietnam era vets are not the same as Vietnam vets, but they are important. I remember lots of the names Evana, Eagle, Bastone, Granite, Ripcord, Maryanne. I bounced all around and slowed almost to a stop, and I downshifted and ground to first gear while checking my watch. I served in 67 69 & had stroke in 93 then heart attack in 2002 with 2d in 2004 . Thank you. The oldest living Vietnam War veteran is believed to be a man named Larrivee Ronald A , who was born in Feb, 24, 1935. That number stands around 306,000 killed by agent Orange (and other colors). How many vietnam veterans are still living. We are working on a feature article How Many Of Us Are Still Alive: that will show a complete Actuarial Model that shows the likely number of us still alive (725,000 to 750,000 out of 2.4 million) and the likely progression of our deaths. Thirty one sets of parents lost two of their sons. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors. my point is that they were shot at and in country. No one paid any attention to them and this non-controversy continues. I always felt this was the maximal danger of the trip. Lol. An AK found its target in my thigh. Me? it is the duty of the community to stay behind their warriors to heal them and at the back of them when they come back. It was also projected that, from here, 138,000 Vietnam veterans are expected to die each year. Numbers can always be manipulated. Im now 74. Every single day 22 veterans commit themselves to death. to believe, losing nearly 711,000 between '95 and '00. He was killed in action just a few months later. 31 sets of brothers are on the Wall. Agent Orange is impacting that timeline and those serving around the world were not affected by this wonderous life-robbing gift. but some men, like myself , were told by their draft board, go to vietnam on your ship. The New York Times estimated that, of the 8.4 million Vietnam veterans who were still alive in 2000, 1.1 million had died. I have been working with Dr. Mary Lynn Reed, Chair of Math and Statistics at RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology). Ive often wondered how many of us are left. I wonder how many vets died of one of the cancers on the list before it made the list? One other thing I would like to know, when Jane Fonda was sitting on that anti aircraft gun in Hanoi did they let her try to use it. Alice, my sister lost hers in Oct 2020 from throat cancer due to agent Orange. I served until April 28, 1969 !!!!!!!!!!!! Also, some do not consider those who served in Thailand as Vietnam Vets. Each averaged 2500-3000 personnel on a yearly rotating bases, groaning and shrinking based on the missions being conducted. You were in Combat!!! Some likely in error (or on purpose to avoid Agent Orange Claims). I pulled up to the local tailor shop to fix some of my fatigue pants. Are these all American vets. So yes, we did indeed see combatoften. The truth is that until Vietnam veterans can agree amongst themselves what constitutes a real Vietnam vet, the debate may continue. To say that the Air Force in Thailand and Guam was too far away to be in harms way shows you have no idea what Navy and Air Force aircrews do. Served most of my time on LZ Professional. During the Vietnam War, Air Force C-123 planes sprayed millions of gallons of herbicides over the jungles of Southeast Asia to destroy enemy crops and tree cover. All opinions graciously welcomed. Makes it worse, they were all wheelchair bound. However, like it or not, the U.S. government makes the final decisions on who is officially considered a war veteran and thats really the way it HAS to be. Age: 78. Dont know about the MM but everyone got the same combat pay whether a grunt or clerk. This included Westmorland and Abrahms. Depends on where you were. Should you have a question or comment about this article, then scroll down to the comment section below to leave your response. Melathion was 96% pure. Combat Vets and Non Combat Vets. However, typically, the number of World War 2 veterans who die each day is approximately 100. 2023 CherriesWriter - Vietnam War website, Ive also created a poll to help identify my website audience before leaving, can you please click, Vietnam: The War that killed Trust (GuestPost), Gold Star Families Memorial Monument DedicationCeremony. It is estimated that there are around 610,000 surviving Vietnam War veterans as of 2023. These numbers were not included since these service members were far removed from combat experience and did not spend any amount of time in harms way.. I went on about 500 missions. Great article! Seems there are a lot of phony ones out there trying to scam the system which takes away from the true Vietnam Vets. And, if you think 75% of actual Vietnam Vets (especially after Covid, and more than 50 years of time) are still alive, youre kidding yourself. (LogOut/ If you were in Vietnam, you were exposed to Agent Orange, period. Then, I stopped at the 5th. A cookie set by YouTube to measure bandwidth that determines whether the user gets the new or old player interface. I did work with Korean Troops. I began to think that was the excuse for NOT being in combat. YSC cookie is set by Youtube and is used to track the views of embedded videos on Youtube pages. The definition of Combat Veteran is NOT if you have a CIB. All others should not be accepted to have served either on land or at sea in Vietnam. Various percentages of actual Vietnam Veterans is bothersome. nearly every classmate from the academy served on some basis during the vn war. Our Honor and Integrity are important to each of us. Are we counted as two people or have they accounted for us already. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The stroke wasnt assumed until after 2000 & heart not until 2010. I also had assisted the FAA in 3 fatal Aircraft accidents. Special Forces orderly room to picked-up theyre new frequencies. The last three I knew had lost a lot of weight, two had each lost a lung. Plane had 4 engines and rarely got shot up although we did have a pilot get a 50 in the leg. Or did you spend 24/7 365 days in the boat? A total of 9,087,000 military personnel served on active duty during the Vietnam era, with over 2,709,000 Americans serving in Vietnam, about 9.7% of the generation. Avoiding the specifics & particulars is a sign of fraud or a deeply disturbed relationship to their past. How Many Vietnam Veterans Are Still Alive? - I served in Vietnam from Jul 68 to Jul 69. They were smokers. Very helpful for this Viet Nam vet, at 73 and a little long in the tooth I I find that my understanding of the time I spent in Viet Nam comes into sharper focus as time goes by and the reality of what happened and what I did to participate makes me proud especially because I volunteered for Viet Nam at the age of 17. Born: 04/07/1937. Combat was what we did. Hometown: Vega Baja, Puerto Rico. ooops !!!! The first advisors were sent in country much earlier than 1962. Does anyone else remember ? Today is Sun 22 Aug 2021 but the actual date HAS YET TO BE DETERMINED as the US is SENDING GIs BACK!
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